Magic for beginners

If you don’t know anything about magick whatsoever (which is absolutely fine! We were all there once) then we can help you best if you focus on the goal/s you hope to achieve from learning magick - scattershot questions about how to do magick or acquire power tend to be the type of things it would honestly take a book to answer - and may not get you closer to your goal! :slight_smile:

So, it helps members here to help you, if you try to keep things a bit focused and specific, by telling us the goal or types of goals you’d see yourself wanting to use this power for, in the short-, medium-, and long-term.

Magick is about results, and staying focused on those might save you time and feeling overwhelmed, especially when it comes to the different methods used to contact spirits or build personal power.

There’s a lot of great information available on this site, and you might find these links useful to begin with:

✦ the Member Resources thread, which has a ton of links to newsletter tutorials on things like opening sigils, attaining Theta-Gamma Synch (TGS), and also practical advice on using the forum, posting images and YouTube videos, etc.;

✦ over 4 years’ worth of good topics in the archives, which can be found using the Search function - but don’t be afraid to start new topics, we don’t have any of those silly rules that insist you read 10,000 posts to check what someone else asked 7 years ago, before making a post yourself! :wink:

✦ in case you’re unfamiliar with the recently-upgraded software we’re now using, this link is a “sandbox” where you can test forum functions: - the software has great functions, like drag-and-drop images from your desktop, displaying links with a fancy text box and image, and all kinds of other features;

✦ if you’re more familiar with traditional forum layouts and feel a bit lost, click Category view, which will make the sections display in a more familiar order while you get used to our fantastic new software;

✦ this forum has an optional dark skin, the theme is called Midnight and you can learn how to set it to display for you here.

But first, please take a minute to post an introduction in this thread

It can include:

✦ Your name, or why you chose you magickal/forum name
✦ Photos if you’re comfortable - NOT mandatory!
✦ Kinds of magick you like
✦ Current goals
✦ Current struggles

It’s one of the forum’s rules, but you probably didn’t see it. :wink: