Lucius Journal 32: Archangel Gabriel's Warning

How interesting that son of Yahweh is supporting you on your Don Quixote journey against Yahweh. :thinking:

Edit:Lmao I just saw your last part of the post, put all your points to charisma man :laughing: My bad :kiss:


I was just thinking about when you would provide an update, then I saw your journal

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Astral ‘Yahweh’ can be negotiated with as far as I know

I also wouldn’t worry, I don’t think anyone considers you an inter-dimensional war leader, that would be too large of a step, while I do agree with ‘Gabriel’ in the sense the spiritual does deal with wars, politics, etc. I don’t think the Canaanite/Judeo Yahweh is out here going to war with some random LHP people over a religion that was man made, Astral Yahweh is very likely to however. Your journals are simply your experiences and that’s all.


Heil Satan 333

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

I’m just curious: do you yourself have/had personal experiences with this being (Yahweh)?

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In my true self life yes, but in this life on my expeditions to the Judeo pantheon they mentioned how he hasn’t been around but I have mostly been met with the seraphim council, which is partially why I believe Yahweh is most likely reincarnated.


I dont think it would be a bad idea to avoid conflict if you can. Starting a war has many consequences people that you care about will be affected and may resent you for it. The only thing i see this as is one pig fuck you to eachother. Like watching olympian gods fight eachother one god is angry that her husband keeps sleeping with other women, idk. If you make a deal i would think about his tract record for holding up his end of the burgan how likely is he to screw you over.

How interesting is it that you get a visit from Gabriel because last week. Instead of calling on Asmodeus to create my lust familiar something told me to hold it off till this weekend. Instead, I ended up on calling Archangel Raphael. I still don’t know what drove me to do that but it is what it is. I’ll be honest with you brother, I’m a bit of a pacifist and despise violence and if there’s a way for you to do so. I would at least give it a try but I would take it with a grain of salt. There’s a famous saying by Odin, “A wise King never seeks out war, but must always be ready for it.”


I always write them down directly after the experience, when my memory is still fresh. I then share it to the forum the next day.

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I try to get it word for word. Its usually not 100%, Close to 95%. My memory is pretty good, especially directly after encounters.

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i dont post much on here right now, but Lucius, my advice to you is take a break from all the magickal workings, this is just my personal advice, but you do you

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Thank you. I have been considering doing so soon. How synchronistic that you send me this message. :slightly_smiling_face:


damn, Gabriel looks beautiful here :slight_smile:

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Holy shit I saw this through divination and I couldn’t really understand it fully. The reading was that he was with a Panetheon of Gods but that ended.

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@anon48079295 at the time I saw it I thought it was because he seperated himself as in Christian lore. I’ll have to look at the reading again but if I recall correctly there was sorrow involved, which was strange to me. So that actually makes a lot of sense.

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It’s how I’ve viewed/experienced it, but often people find that these beings cannot reincarnate as if they are barred from the choice yet many of us are reincarnated here for our own reasons some even against our own will.

So they apply their own self hate of being human to these beings as a reason why they wouldn’t and from there assume a reincarnated individual cannot be called on but I have been evoked by a number of people myself so working with a reincarnated entity is not impossible.

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Very interesting. How does that work exactly? As in, how is that possible?

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For me I give my personal sigil and they evoke it as they would evoke any other entity, doing so evokes the person’s energy body and they are able to learn from it as they would if they were to evoke Lucifer, Gabriel, etc. Our souls/true selves still hold knowledge of experiences prior to this life and experience gained in this life.

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I see. I think I spoke with you some time ago and shared with you (or maybe it was in response to someone else but you responded to me) that from my experience with divination I saw that the realm in which spirits reside is not physical like this realm. I think I can understand more of that now if the spirit/soul which is separate from the body resides in a place which is above the pure physical realm. That case, sorry for the… jumping to a conclusion? But that is very interesting.

You have me curious, what is it like to evoke yourself in that way? (If you have experience with that)

well from what I’ve experienced the energy body resides with you until you project or are evoked in which they temporarily separate (or permanently if you choose to not re-absorb your projection) but yes it was me responding to your comment about that

You’ll be evoking your energy body and you can communicate with it because it will be controlled by your subconscious or “super consciousness” just as currently when I project I do not re-absorb my projection so it goes on while I am here but when I decide to connect back to my projection it makes it easier for me to do so instead of always having to re-project.