Some of Raziel's teachings ;)

There, I went through everything and broke it down for you.


Technically you don’t have to wait til after death to become an angel, archangel Zadkiel and Gabriel with the dominion angels oversee such soul transmutation for their group, same with Aphrodite and her Erotes if one aims for that, or Ma’at and her Ma’atis. Soul transmutation doesn’t have to wait until after death if said beings agree to do so, only thing is you’d have to learn projection because even then you still go through things beyond this physical existence. In the etheric you would be training and such as well.


Exactly! You can do a lot while in mortal form.



What is better? To be born knowledgeable or to overcome your stupid nature through great effort?


Exactly! This! This here!


Thank you for sharing!

Also I think I accidentally flagged a post here which was unintentional. I’m not sure if it went through or not because I’m on my phone but yeah that was purely accidental if it did.

I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this. The fact is, I have found being on this forum that though this is a forum for magicians who want to “become a living god”, in practice, few actually believe it’s possible while human and still alive.

If you truly believe that you can become a god while alive, that means you will enter the realm of conflict in which gods are a part of having to do with humanity and its affairs. It is inevitable there will be some deities who aren’t as altruistic as others, and some who simply want nothing useful for Earth or her inhabitants.

For those who do have such beliefs and actively work toward such aspirations, I see no reason to not believe that certain deities used to their position will be threatened by such magicians.


I doubt Gods will see you as a threat because you want to become a titled God or an astral/mental God. Many Gods will always be born Gods and predate you no matter what title version of it you slap on yourself. Sure more gods by race are being born but that doesn’t change really anything, the Gods may have personal conflicts with one another but I doubt it’s because theyre all Deities.

I normally wouldn’t speak for deities but I think people let their imagation run too wild, they have no reason to be threatened by someone on this forum let alone any other human being, why would they? many Gods exist born Gods and someone who is a titled God is still going to be different, and Gods have their own realms and worlds.


Yes, we have discussed this before. You feel we can’t become true gods. I get it. You are not alone. I just believe differently. I’m not talking about a “titled god” or an “astral/mental god”. It’s okay if you disagree. There are many here that share your beliefs.

You are free to believe my imagination has run amok.

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Everything for a reason i see now that i havent been spesific in what i said and everyone stuck around a post ignoring everything i wrote so i explain . A person can be a threat to another human or spirit in many things in existance, victory, rank,plan, relationship and so on its my mistake because i have thought before of taking a spirits place in its domain or binding and devouring an inteligence just so i can grow again i have thought raziel my patron spirit told me thats dangerous first for myself if i think agresivily towards a diety or going higher than it we should pick carefully our thougts and i did not. If i think that i can go above spirit A then at some point the thought will reach A and probably wont like the thought it may not respond but still will take into acount that i have goals that involve it plus spirits have influence on the physical if someone threatens something they own or recieve of course they react. There many spirits that have ascended to a high level but few reached a point of being in absolute position most where put to a position by another. Opinions will differ and thats fine however i apriciate if someone searches the truth on his own by asking a spirit instead of the 2 gentleman above that started critisizing when i made the topic. @anon48079295 my friend i have a question for you. If you leave your body now and go to any spirit look at it in the form you percieve and simply tell it I WANT TO BE BETTER THAN YOU what do you think will happen ? You end up clashing with it and who knows the result exept if it truly likes you and talks it out. I learned that i should not focus on ascend but prepare what i must to ascend i heavily disagree with the saying ( we are gods trying to become mortals) from my view its the exact oposite.


Unless it’s the astral/plane of imagination you wont be going to them in any form you perceive, you’ll be going to your own manifested imagination of them.

To even go to an entity requires you to know where they are or for them to pull you to where they are to establish a focal point, and to go “I want to be better than you” would literally make no sense because youre a different person, you can only be better than your former self, not better than someone who is following a completely different path then you.

Then again I do not believe we are mortals trying to become gods or the opposite, we are our own individual souls (whatever each individual soul is) trying to live this life and get out of it whatever reason we came into it to begin with.



It was an example i read somewhere you astral travel a lot thats why i said it. What does lol mean ? :3

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I etheric travel a lot, my view of the astral is more that it’s a mental plane, a plane where the imagination/collective unconsciousness manifests. I know.

Lol is just a expression of laughter online

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I love how you disagreed with what I said only to say the exact same thing except in must write essay form.

What I said false to was him saying Raziel warned him about ‘Many dietys see me as a threat’. But I guess you didn’t really read what I said.

Also, this thread is super old so nice necrobump.

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Not sure why you are responding to me this way.

You said “False, just outright false.” I said I believe it could be true. How exactly did I say the “exact same thing” as you? :thinking:

I’m not sure if you read my “essay form” before your knee jerk reaction. Or even Evagelos’ original point given your reaction. He wasn’t simply saying that Raziel told him gods fear him. He was saying that some gods fear magicians because they aim to surpass their power. He himself then went on to describe that few actual magicians have this ambition, so this only applies to magicians that have such ambitions.

Now if you go back and read my “essay”, you will notice Velenos and I disagree on what humans can become. He believes we can’t become “real” gods. Only “mental/astral”. I again disagree.

I made points I won’t make again since they are literally in this same thread. We may disagree, but at least he attacked one of my actual points…

You on the other hand are attacking me for no reason other than I wrote an “essay” and dared to “necrobump”? :man_shrugging:


@anon48079295 perhaps another who has seen that he isn’t amongst his pantheon anymore?

[quote=“Anziel_Merkaba, post:16, topic:101286”]

Agree with this I have had many dietys/beings offer me power in return for servitude and if I refuse it usually ends in fight not always

[quote=“Evagelos, post:1, topic:101286”]
The role of the magician is the role of a creator and contant self improvement its a blessing . You will hold great knowledge and power however there is a price you lose a part of your human side
How do we lose a part of our human side?