Lucius Journal 32: Archangel Gabriel's Warning

well from what I’ve experienced the energy body resides with you until you project or are evoked in which they temporarily separate (or permanently if you choose to not re-absorb your projection) but yes it was me responding to your comment about that

You’ll be evoking your energy body and you can communicate with it because it will be controlled by your subconscious or “super consciousness” just as currently when I project I do not re-absorb my projection so it goes on while I am here but when I decide to connect back to my projection it makes it easier for me to do so instead of always having to re-project.


Oh no I mean like the energy body is in what you’d call the physical plane, but it’s not directly our physical plane on which matter exists on, just a bit higher. Where we call metaphysical energy and spirits to there is essentially nothing in that space on our plane, nothing on the atomic level or particles (unless it is a strong evocation then the spirit may temporarily cause something quite physical to happen).
I did a reading on whether spirits have a physical body, and the answer was that they are connected to one, which also gets born and dies like us (it is temporary), so all my readings so far also match with your experiences.

Very interesting :thinking: so much to explore regarding the metaphysical world.


Who is his son?

The Archangels

But @LuciusOfficial said in Journal 32, Gabriel doesn’t work with Yahweh?

ehhh…its his experience, nevertheless, Archangels have their own free will, they work under Yahweh yes, but some can choose not to if Yahweh lets them

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Yahweh had 40 something unnamed children on Caannite myth if my memory serves right. They are probably some of these angels. Especially Archangels, just like in this context.


Archangels are children of Yahweh and still have their free will. You’re a child of your parents but do you work for them? Also given the Judeo heaven is Yahweh’s domain and they reside there to help in ruling it.


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Archangels did not come from Yahweh lol

And honestly this does not sound like Gabriel to me, who the hell says “live a normal life” and drop your spiritual path lol, like :joy:

That was just hilarious, ive had my fair share of quarrels with Yahweh but I’d honestly just drop it, if you knew the type of karma he’s facing right now you’d see it as punishment enough he’s basically cursing himself into his own damnation

I’d just break the ties, and move on to more constructive endeavors

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