Lucius Journal 21: Yahweh Consults My Succubus

Thanks, Aliestar. I will consult Lilith about this issue first. i’m trying to avoid further conflict :zipper_mouth_face: I hope this doesn’t get ugly…


Seek consultation from your other allies as well. Belial, Lucifer, Azazel, etc. Better to have more then one although I know Lilith will give you the strongest given her history with that bastard.


Umm… Cool? Lol


Will do!


Yeah your playing the long game with someone who sounds like a petty narcissist. The best thing you could do is to keep moving forward and flick him off your arm when he becomes a problem.


Avoid further conflict? If there is one thing that I learned from Belial is that men need conflict and adversity; men are build for war.


Sure, you cannot kill your enemy as he is a god, but you are a god too.

I also have a certain history with YHVH (Mind that I was a Templar in a past life) but I chose to not pay attention to him.

I will, occasionaly, try to get people to not worship him, but I do not go out of my way to hurt him since that may be inefficient as you will be giving him more energy at the same time if you do so.

I only take the opportunity it it presents itself.

The best thing you can do is to FIRST protect yourself.

Once you are protected, you may choose to attack him back or not.

I’m sure Lilith can help you or any other Infernal Entity (Vine comes to mind) can help you.

You could also create a servitor if you feel drawn towards it.

There was this ritual published not long ago.

I’m sure it will help you.

If you need help with anything, maybe a group ritual that comes to your mind, don’t hesitate to contact me brother.

I will gladly take the opportunity to hurt YHVH when I can.

Best regards,


Thanks so much for the helpful tips, c.s. I will take these into account :+1:t5:



I had the misfortune of meeting Yahweh once, and it was awful. He came without me calling him and physically manifested two large hands that physically pushed down on my shoulders so hard my knees were strained trying to push against his power. He even turned off my internal voice for the duration of this experience, and rambled about how much he’d love to see me tortured forever, unless I bow down and worship him. I don’t know how I did it, but I somehow mustered the strength to stay standing, and turn my internal voice back on, and told him I wouldn’t bow to him. He kept coming back time after time for a week, and I offered him some sage to leave me alone, but then he didn’t honor it, and I learned that blasphemy works, and it works well. He left me alone for a long time after that, but he still tries to mimic my guides from time to time, but he’s not good at it, and whenever this happens, I blaspheme him and he goes away. I created the ritual that @C.S inked here, and when I preformed it, I was never bothered again since. He won’t be able to fuck with you once that Rite is preformed, as I took careful consideration to make the Rite both mundanely blasphemous and esoterically blasphemous, every aspect of the Rite has a reason, both in word choice and in the choice of numbers of repetition. Even the knocking on wood has a purpose, as doing so three times is blasphemous to Yahweh. I hope that you use the Rite, as it will benefit you in ways you don’t even know! Best of luck!



Cheers, Robert. I will use the rite as part of my defenses. Good to hear that you broke free from his control!


This reminds me of another ritual found in the “Compendium of Abaddon”.

Enoch Petrucelly wrote “The Curse of the Slave Gods”, where you free yourself from the chains of the “Slave Gods” (YHVH, Allah…) and curse them at the same time by taking the energy that they took from you.

@LuciusOfficial You should look into it


That’s badass!

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Your not the only one who’s been getting signs from that old asshole. He’s not pleased I wont be his concubine. I’m a daughter of Belial not some pet he can play with. The old man is going to get burned.
I can’t help but feel, that Yahweh is going to end up getting his ass kicked, if he keeps messing with the children of demonic royalty.
I know I plan on getting even with him, once I’m off this mud ball. I’m sure father and some of my siblings will be more then happy to help.


Your a daughter of belial? That’s so cool, how did you find out?

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Belial himself told me, and many others had shared personal gnosis about it. They weren’t told that I was possibly a daughter of his, they just scanned, divination or Belial told them himself. Plus my memories showed me I’m his daughter. After the first scan I got some confirmation, it’s always better to have confirmation then to just assume based on what one person says. Its something I learned the hard way lol


I agree with @RyuDarkness. I have been working with Belial on weeding all christian influences out of my life. I could feel “god” trying to fuck with me. Belial gave me a ritual to break all my ties with that whole mess. Maybe you can find a similar solution.


@C.S If a person were to combine my rite of blasphemy, and this word of power, the results would be even stronger!

@LuciusOfficial I think this would be even better for you and anyone with a Yahweh problem: preform the rite of blasphemy as written, except at the very end, before saying “It is done”, say “Haiulellaha”.


Thanks for posting. I am familiar with the child like tantrums of Yahweh. Protect yourself, Prepare yourself. Empower yourself.

If you are who you say you are, there is nothing he can do.

You are your own God and always have been.



Hi, Robert. Just letting you know that I will be performing your ritual tonight within my astral temple. I will document how it goes the next day. Thanks everyone for your guidance and support!


Will you be doing it with summer?