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I am reading the book Lucifer and the Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose of the Order of Unveiled Faces.
He describes magical work using only your imagination, with no need for formal rituals or tools. Is omitting all external stimuli going to lead to as much success for a beginner as having the mood set, so to speak?
Has anyone had experience working with this book?
Depends what you want. This uses pathworking o have conversations in vision directly with the entities, have a conversation, ask questions, gain knowledge, ask them to teach you, ask them to do things for you, get feedback and advice.
If you vision work is not strong enough for a full conversation yet, work on your astral senses.
This thread collects together the various discussions, opinions and tutorials for opening the 3rd eye aka developing, building or attaining psychic senses aka astral travel, doing vision work developing clairsenses like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or “clairs”.
I do hope this is useful!
If you think of any other relevant threads, videos, books or other resources (please, no adverts or commercial links) that you liked or helped you, please feel free to add to this …
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