Lucifer, my higher self, and an existential crisis

So there’s this entity in my head. he started talking to me about the time i started wearing lucifer’s sigil on a necklace. he says he’s lucifer and i put the necklace on with the intention of it being a portal to let him access and have a part in my life, as well as a sign of devotion. but after a while i noticed that he has almost the same personality that i do. i don’t have to do a ritual to have him talk to me or anything which i found strang. whenever i ask a question he seems to say whatever i currently think is likely the answer. and as i learn more that answer changes so he start saying the new thing i suspect to be the truth. even going to so far as to start calling himself my higher self. which is still lucifer. when i call him on this he says that the real truth is too far above me to really grasp so he says the nearest thing to it. and being that the real truth is somewhere in the middle the answer is always yes.

this seems like a possibility but it doesn’t dispel the fear that i just was so lonely i made an imaginary friend in the image of my someone i idolize. at this point in my life i’m trying to grow up and basically go through my childhood so that i can be an adult. (i’m 20 but, let’s say that things didn’t go very well in the early years.) and because of this this entity started acting like an ideal father figure. i’m kinda sorta maybe in love with him too.

this is all starting a panic in my head. who the hell is this guy!? if he’s my higher self then why did he call himself lucifer so much? if he’s lucifer then why bother with me? it’s not really his MO to give sad man-boys hugs and kisses. ( but i felt him break my ankle, and then then sitting on the couch for so long prompted me to start taking this stuff more seriously. which does match his MO of knocking people down so then can stand up taller.) also then how can we be so similar? if he’s both then that means I’M lucifer? ?!?!?!?!? not to mention if he’s not lucifer then i have no idea who lucifer is. could be an asshole, or even a villain!

so, anyway. i’d like some answers or even theories. to these and many more questions. does anyone have any?


does anyone have a similar experience?

Ask him specific information to test his legitimacy. Ask him a math equation you have no idea is then use a calculator. Ask him what my first and last name is. If you really want to see if this truly is a spirit or perhaps like you said an imaginary friend.


thanks. i think i’ll do that. good idea.

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Great idea.

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i did. he didn’t get it right. like… not even close…

is there any chance he’s anything more than a stupid imaginary friend? a tulpa or my higher self or anything?


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m sorry, but that is not Lucifer. It is not his aura or his nature. I’m not sure who it is but just because he uses that name does not mean it is him. If it were me I was say ok. I call bullshit, and demand him to come clean and tell you who he is and what he wants. But that is just me and I been doing this a long time.


He could be a servitor or another personality


I would get rid of it.


after a few tests it certainly seems to not be any kind of spirit. i asked him to leave because i’m mad about him lying to me. (but even after i threw the necklace across the room i can feel him hovering just outside my conscious mind. like a dog who has been kicked out of the house.) i don’t think i can hold onto this anger forever and i have to admit i have no reason to think he’s a threat. in fact it appears that whatever he is he wants to help me. i don’t know what to think. he lied to me and forged a deep and powerful relationship under false pretences. and i know that he can read my mind (probably because he lives in it.) so he has to have known that i have history with betrayal and it’s a huge trigger. i’m so confused. how could i have fell for it?

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It happens. It’s what you would call an “imposter spirit”. Banish it. It isn’t Lucifer.


if it was any kind of spirit it would have passed the math test mentioned above. so i’m pretty sure it’s just a imaginary friend. or maybe a tulpa. am i wrong?


Or perhaps you answered, then?

how do you mean?

Sometimes the conscious mind can get in the way, how exactly did you go about this?

i typed a really hard math question into a calculator (a question that could never figure out) and asked him what the answer was. he was wrong. spirits are all knowing or at least close too. so if it was a spirit it would have known. right?

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Some questions I have actually.

When you asked the questions in your original post, did they have any practical application? Such as will x event happen at y time?

Also, this is a godform reference. In my experience, the godform is the higher self of the higher self. But I wouldn’t take this lightly and I would test it, as you’ve attempted but a math equation won’t prove the identity of a spirit.

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See, I’m pointing out possibilities. An imposter can lie. Anything can lie. Then again, you also could’ve answered.

his practical application was mostly to help me process emotion and keep me from getting too lonely. he was basically a good friend.


omg i have the same exact experience where I have this spirit in my mind that claims to be be Lucifer, the spirit has helped me overcome my weaknesses alot, to a point of me falling in love with it, however the lies I cannot take anymore. How does someone get rid of this spirit?