Lucifer doesnt respond

You need to practice. Spirit communication doesn’t come easily for most people, unless you are one of the few who are blessed with developed senses at birth. The majority of people, though, have to work at it for months, even years, before they start getting anything worthwhile.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do any magick though. There are plenty of books available that don’t require the same amount of development that full evocation does. Have you tried any of the Gallery of Magick books? They are fairly straight forward and you can use them while you work on developing your abilities for evocation. I’d recommend you pick up a copy of Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield and get started with some petitions.

@Calcined also gave you a good title, Lucifer and the Hidden Demons, which uses the technique known as pathworking to make spiritual contact utilizing the imagination.


Take a look at guided meditations focusing on either finding spirit guides or your ancestors. Personally, I learned to work with my own ancestors before any other spirit in terms of learning how to communicate, which makes sense as they would already have an invested interest with you. Not to mention developing a relationship with them can provide protection from less kind spirits you may come across later.

I cannot help as far Lucifer goes as I have never attempted to work with him as of yet. I have heard good things with the Book that has been mentioned as well, worth looking into


As far I know, everybody got spirit guides, I dont think you got none. You probably unaware of them.

@Lady_Eva got a great exercise its called ¨core shamanisme¨
By doing that you are developing your psychic senses and strengthening your bond with your spirit animal (which is part of you soul)

Is this the type of thing that takes years to develop?

Its hard to say as everybody is different, I heard stories that it took 2 to 4 years for practitioners to develop their psychic senses.

I would assume that the core shamanisctic approach would not take that long, but again it depends on the energetic make up of your being

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In the mean time, you could check this thread out and maybe petition Lucifer or King Paimon with the request in their aid in the development of your psychic senses

As you could check out this thread as means to build a solid magickal foundation.

It can but not always. It is something that takes time, practice and a little patience with yourself, like any other skill.

Read that King Paimon is hard to get in touch with due to being a King and all. And isn’t King Paimon not for beginners? (im terrified of making him angry; heard he has TERRIBLE to piss off) And isnt he close to Lucifer, wouldn’t he listen to him?

What @Calcined is talking about is working in the astral, which is what core shamanism does using the World Tree as an Axis Mundi. It can help your devleopment plus bring you into spiritual contact.

The technique of pathworking works in a similar way. However, just like everything, it takes practice and patience.


Don’t get hung up on titles, their “rank” does not dictate difficulty when it comes to approaching them. Paimon can and has come to those who are beginners as much as he can to those who are experienced.


Why you keep assuming Emperor Lucifer does not want to work with you, did he said that to you? How would you feel if somebody keeps assuming things about you? not a great way to start a relationship right?

And yes King Paimon is a excellent spirit for beginners as he is patient and likes to teach.

If you do your research about said spirit, and approach the demons with the respect they deserve, I see no reason why you would piss them off.


IDK all of the things I have read (reddit, BALG) makes me absolutely PARANOID that these demons will either completely ignore me or tear me apart for not knowing how to approach them. Between that and the need for banishing, warding, and psychic parasites I am completely lost. Since I dont have alot of experience in magick I think maybe I am barking up the wrong tree and was foolish to think he would come to me I thought I would be able to find a teacher to guide me but the things I have read lead me to think I will rejected or worse.( maybe he is ignoring me to protect me??? IDK)

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I think the problem here is that you made your mind already up, and are not listening to the responses you got from the members.

Again probably the only reason why Lucifer did not showed up is because you could not perceive him. Meaning it could be entirly possible that Lucifer was standing right before you, But because you do not have psychic senses yet, you could not perceive him.

Just like @Dralukmun and @Onion and I already told you, maybe its best to first form a solid connection with your ancestors/spirit guides or spirit animal. Before preceding with demons (as you are clearly emotionally not ready to, because of preconceived notion about them.)

your ancestors/spirit guides or spirit animal, can teach you those skills and techniques as well this forum, just use the search function.


Don’t forget that most people went through all that learning, if spirits were to ignore us because we don’t know how to communicate with them, how could we improve ?

I am also a beginner, altough I’ve been contacted by a few spirits before, I’ve had my share of doubts like you. I’ve wondered a few times for example, if that path was really for me, or if it wouldn’t be better for me to just drop it all.
At the very start, I thought I would never improve. And oh boy things changed since then.

Learn all the basics first, take your time. Are you in a rush ? You don’t know how to meditate ? Then learn, try a few guided meditations on youtube, read about it. It looks complicated and annoying at start, and you will think it leads to nothing, but things start changing after some time. When I first started to meditate, I wouldn’t get anything, and it was hard for me to even sit in silence.
I also was pretty spooked at start by all the people warning about parasites, the need to ward, banish and stuff like that. You don’t need to do some fancy ass stuff if you aren’t confortable with it at first, and simple things can sometimes work better from what I’ve heard.

You are fine, so stop panicking. Most people went through this, just like you.


Just to echo what others have said. I think its probably down to your meditation and clearing your mind enougj to allow it to come through. Communicating and connecting with them isn’t as simple as hearing them like you would do with like another person. Resd as much as you can about meditation clearing your mind and understanding what look for. Good luck with your journey


I’d like to add this to the discussion. She might have Abit more luck with simply petitioning the entity she’d like to get in touch with. It’s simple and fairly straightforward.

Now I had no way to communicate in depth with spirits up until a few months ago. I decided to ask Prince Orobas a fabled dignities and divination spirit to assist me developing my clairs.

The results have been fantastic.

Might work for you too.


All journeys begin with a single step. Start small by going over some of the tutorials and basic skills to help build yourself up. This will not only help you develope your senses on your own, but learn how to protect yourself well enough to be more confident. Demons are chaotic beings and can help as much as harm but they can be powerful allies if you find a few you jive with. The relationship and “difficulty of working with” varies between the spirit and the individual. So you may come to work well with spirits that others cannot and vice versa. But it will be hard to tell without learning how to calm your thoughts and sense them, which can take time.


Wilson, do you have any way to contact you? Email? Social media? I tried to send a message here but I am not having sucess

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Well all I can say is take everything you read with a grain of salt and that at least you can be sure of this one thing: if those people were able to post stuff online then it’s absolutely certain that the demons didn’t tear them apart, and if they didn’t tear them apart there no reason to fear they’ll do it to you.

Just be respectful and try to lose the fear because to put it bluntly if I was a demon I’d play on your fear just to get my jollies watching you squirm for the fun of it. At least I think I would.

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Thank You I will try this! Also will look into contacting Prince Orobas!

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