Lucifer and the Hidden Demons book

I started this operation with Purson to bring good fortune to my campaign to help her (used DOM method). I modified a servitor that I had previously made to get her a promotion (unsuccessfully) to have those at work recognise and esteem her expertise and work.
I modified the Vehuel ritual from Magickal Jobseeker slightly (its aimed at causing the subject to be admired and their talents to be known) and used it for her three times a week for two weeks.

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Posting here to let you know that LHD is giving results, and the demons here deliver fast!! I am in awe.


That’s great! Can you share which rituals you did that worked?

I did one with Beelzebub which suddenly I became attractive to these hot girls in the office saying that they are crushing on me, and with Diopes that made me pay off my rent and mortgage.


I did the Beelzebub one from the book some time ago just as an experiment. Due to a packed up thyroid I had gained a lot of weight. After the ritual people kept saying I had lost weight. Perceptions that were total opposite of fact.
I might do it again sometime soon actually


Good result! Is that the one to cause an increase in personal beauty? I did that one once and people kept thinking I was younger than I am. Like a lot younger!


Yeah thats the one. A lot of people seem to have good results with that one

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Has anyone tried to do pathworking with Belial? How was it?

So I’m coming back here to say LHD is one of my favorite books alongside Angels of Omnipotence and Magickal Attack in terms of how fast it works. I would like to publicly praise Arakison as well for making the blood pressure of my mother return to normal only just after I think 2 days of summoning him. My mother who had 180/90 bp now returned to normal which is 120/80. All hail ARAKISON!!!


What does everyone think on working with this book and has anyone had luck with it❓

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Nice book, worked for me.

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As we already have dozens of discussions open about this book, I have moved your question into the latest one to bump it and keep the conversation going all in one place. :slight_smile: :+1:

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It’s worked for me also I also enjoying working with Lucifer.i think having a connection with Lucifer helps

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It worked for me as well and also am under the impression my previously established connection did help.
Has anyone else ever tried this method for other means than the ones described in the book or even other demons/ gods?

For those who have worked with this book, when you reach the end of each pathworking, do you hear what the entity is saying or you just assume that it’s there???

Probably neither. Pathworking is not evocation, it’s closer to shamanic journeying. You get a solid telepathic connection that is usually subtle - you will “hear” if your clairvoyance skills are developed. But pathworking is not about getting into a deep TGS trance state so you won’t get immersion that way, and you will probably stay conscious of your physical body and surroundings.

To get info, ask a question, and then it’s like you think of the answer, it just comes to you. It often sounds like your own inner monologue talking to you. Except, it’s not always what you’d expect you’d say, inspiration, flashes of insight, images and new memories you didn’t have seconds before suddenly appear in your mind.

Some of them take a second to receive, but when you start writing them down in your grimoire (definitely do this or like with dreams you will forget it all) it can take many pages to explain. This part is boring as hell for me, but worth it given the memory issue - it will seem so clear and obvious at the time, but the next day it’s gone and almost like someone else wrote in your journal. Write everything down, all the time.


ust to be clear, I don’t really care whether the entities can talk to me or not; I only care about the results they bring.

I bought this book a year ago and have used it many times with not so much success Sometimes I see results quickly, but other times I don’t see any results at all