Lucifer and the Hidden Demons book

It’s really interesting to me. It’s like “layers of the subconscious.” The more layers I went “down” the stronger the experience.

10/10 would pathwork again.

Theodore Rose kinda suggests this as well in his commentaries on the “level of imagination” you have to have to do pathworking successfully. It was along the lines of: “As long as the intention is there and you comprehend the images you will have some level of success.” (I am paraphrasing based on my own understanding of the text, though.)


Also what I found it that is does not have to be “visual”. Maybe for you it is easier for your to feel the image. For me it is like that.

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I received this book just last week, I find that upon, just summoning Lucifer, I can immediately feel a presence behind me, kind of like a light breeze and it was reassuring that the pathworkings as a method of summoning (which confused me at first, see my post about this book and the patronising responses) actually works and is effective.

Where results are concerned, it’s too early to speak, maybe I can update this comment in a couple months or so.

Hopefully 3 years later, the book has done a lot for you :slight_smile:


Yes, many. The best one was that my cat who was at death’s door was healed by the demon Dulid, when everyone said nothing more could be done and I should put her to sleep. I didn’t as the ritual healed her and she ended up living another year. I’m sure I posted about this in another thread on here. It was 2 years ago.


Done my first path working today with Maggid, just wondering your process as I ended up writing everything out, IE the images for Lucifer then Asmodi then Maggid.

Do you do the same for your pathworking ? Or is it ok to flick between pages (kindle) or does this ruin the path working ? Or do you memorise the images before starting ?

Thanks in advance

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I flick between the pages.


It’s an imagination method, you visualize certain scenes in your head and ask your petition, the first escenario it’s always with Lucifer, then move to another or another in your head depending what you are asking for, every Demon has a specific scenario, you do all the process in your head in magick all state.


That’s what I do. I don’t write out Lucifer’s pathworking unless I am summoning only Lucifer, but I write out the others in my journal before performing the ritual. I like to perform the summonings by candlelight since it is more atmospheric and the darkness helps me keep my focus inward. Having to flick through a book (electronic or physical) and hold it and stuff would also prevent me from being fully immersed in the presence of the demons.

Beneath the pathworkings I write my request. This I usually keep as the exact (or close to it) wording as the power of the demon is described in the book. So when summoning Maggid, my request would be that Maggid allow others to bestow gifts upon me. If summoning Parelit, I would request that Parelit compel [name] to decide swiftly and in my favor. I do not specify the decision in my actual request, but I do elaborate on my reasons for summoning the demon beneath my request and/or on the back of the page. The reason for this is that it allows the demon space to act while making my desire clear.

It seems that you may have also missed an important detail from the instructions. This is natural, which is why I have read the book many times, and would encourage you to re-read the text on occasion to catch things you may have missed and allow for an evolved understanding to arise. When you thank the demons at the end of the ritual, you are not thanking them for the results. That would be pushy and presumptuous. You thank them simply for being present and for hearing your request. That is all.


I really love this book, even though I disagree with the author on some of the fundamentals. I hope he releases another book soon.

He kept it all pretty safe and new user friendly. He only included about 5% of the demons of the Abramelin… most likely excluding the more spicy flavors.


Me too.
I go to his amazon page frequently in hope of a new book.

How do you formulate the requests in LHD ritual? Something like the present tense request from DOM - “Somebody does something” or “I want somebody to do something”?

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In LHD request what you desire with clarity , you can say I want somebody to do something.
But you need to more clear in your request.
The demon will answer you and your request because it wants to influence in this relality by expressing its powers.

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Posting this here as not quite sure where else to - so mods can move elsewhere if necessary.
It was a question about doing magick for others - specifically from this book. I’m guessing you can? Some books state clearly the rituals can only be used on yourself, but this one doesn’t, so I’m guessing you can call the demons and ask them to bring the result for the other person? I’m not talking of the influence rituals to get someone to do something for you, but other ones like breaking a curse?

I’m asking as I wondered if I could do some of the rituals to benefit someone else - who isn’t sn occultist but going through a hard time right now?

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Yes I believe so. I did a couple for a friend who was being persistently overlooked at work. Things turned around very quickly in that regard.

Note that I also threw some other types of work at aspects of the situation so I can’t be sure how much of the outcome is due to what

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I use a different method to contact the demons in this book and the demons seem kind and are very helpful.

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That’s a great result! Thanks for sharing. I’ll try some work for this person. I’m sure it helped. If you got the result you wanted, it’s bound to have been the magick as well as other things you did - the magick probably helped that be more effective.

I’d be interested to know the method you used? You didn’t use the pathworking method?

Fire scrying with intent to make contact.

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The other work I referred to was other types of magick.
The LHD pathworkings I did for her were Golog to enhance her reputation and Bagalon to make others feel in awe of her.

I did the same pairing for myself in early december. I had forgotten that until I looked back at my log just now. I went on leave for over three weeks so wasnt at work so didnt think about it. I’ve been back for a week and wondered why people were suddenly seeming to hold me in notably higher esteem. I had completely forgotten doing the work.
Downside, everyone wants me involved their projects, so i’ve suddenly got a whole lot busier :slight_smile: But thats okay, because that sort of thing takes me away from the day to day humdrum

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Ah I see. That’s great! I always keep a journal too , with the exact date of each working I do, so I can keep a track of results etc. Out of interest- what was the other magick you used?

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