Lucifer and the Hidden Demons book

Don’t know if other requests I made got through. Barely remember them but whenever I use just Lucifer’s pathworking, I get results but I don’t only ask for things the author said he has power over.

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That’s great. I want to try a similar experiment more with Lucifer, and asking him to help on a couple of issues that are very stubborn and magic hasn’t helped much with so far. Out of interest, can you say what kind if things you asked him for help with that goes beyond what’s listed in the book?
The other thing I’ve found with Lucifer is that he has always helped with sick animals when I’ve asked. Numerous times. I get the impression he is a great lover and protector of animals. Anyone else experienced this?


I think you should read the section of the book titled “Working with Lucifer.” The author states that Lucifer possesses the powers of each of the demons in the legion. One of those powers is to bring healing to animals. The author also states that when working with Lucifer directly, rather than one of the other demons, you can expect greater speed and disruption with the results (which is not always what you want).

As for your stubborn situation, you may find the power of Myrmo to be helpful, or perhaps Dalep. If you continue to approach the situation in the same way, you will more than likely continue to get the same results. In this instance, that means that you will remain stuck. If you first seek wisdom, and consider how you might tackle the situation from a different angle, then you will allow an alternative solution to arise.


It isn’t a magic wand. You’ve gotta put in the work on your end too.


Thanks. I must have forgotten that bit.I know there’s a separate demon to help with that - Dulid. He’s great - helped my cat out a lot. I’ll try working withMyrmo and Dalep. Yea, it’s a complicated situation with many different obstacles. The other person involved is very stubborn, but also plagued with fears and pressures from his family about what he should do and how he should behave.

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Though the author said you need a quiet place to do the pathworking, I never had problems using it in public. Mainly to make things happen faster, I use it whenever I’m somewhere and there’s a long line or to bring things to me when I need it(like people to get me places without effort)or win at something I couldn’t before against the odds, but it doesn’t work all the time because sometimes my mind is different than the other times since I’m trying to win it just to see if Lucifer will help me instead of wanting to for myself and it wasn’t for gambling, I haven’t tried that.


What was the result??

The book does work!


A very interesting book. I’ve used this book for a year now. I find it to be hit or miss or something. The imagery and meditations can be perplexing.

I think it’s cool though!


Hey Gang bought the book and devoured it, performed my first ritual last night, I will keep all posted with results!


… Wrong thread

Great book, it’s a system that works unbelievably well for me, I even enjoy the pathworking process :slight_smile:


I just bought this book now. Cannot wait to work with it. Read great reviews on Amazon.

have you had results?

seen any results yet?

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Hey, I believe so, I’ve only used 2 rituals I think, however the situation I am working on I have no way of knowing for sure but I did have a tarot reading from a reader I trust very much and he confirmed several things, and something is on the way aswell.

But give it a try I have talked with numerous people since I posted who have had results, its deceptively simple way to work but I believe simple and respectful is probably the best way forward.


What I’d like to know is, how were the archetypal images involved in each pathworking formulated? Is there a general consensus among occultists other than the author that the images resonate with these entities, and are they documented in other grimoires? Where can I find out more about these associations?

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My understanding is they are provided by the spirits themselves. Each spirit is evoked, and then asked for images that can be used to connect to them.


This is my understanding as well. And as far as I am aware the images get stronger over time depending on how many people use the system and how often you use the images yourself. But my belief is, also here it is more about the intent. You can connect with a spirit in an instant by just calling the name and open yourself up.

Just my humble opinion :slight_smile:


Without sigil or pathworking or enn? Just calling the name and nothing more?

Have you had practical and tangible results doing that?