Love Ritual to get any girl you desire - to conjure the moon

Added to the Unofficial Tutorials: Love and Sex Collection.

My version was on a man, with the intent that he contact me and be real in his communication. This was one of those where I did not feel any great outpouring of energy on my part, but the connections and lines of contact being set up in a stellar way. Melchiael and Barechas did all the work, behind the scenes.

The performance was slightly non standard. I used a lighter rather than a candle, simply out under the last day of the waning moon on my back porch. I did not draw the usual circle as the instructions did not call for this.
It had the feeling of a spell where I really didn’t do more than activate the spell, following the instructions and only slightly modifying the Conjuration from “she” to “he”. It helped that I was not trying to go against the flow, simply putting some extra oomph into an existing situation that was good if a tad lukewarm.

At the end I had the paper, burn around the edges with the spell all set up, but not activated. I put it one side and had a think about it. Communication blockage continued.
A week later I looked at the paper, and using Kinesiology / Muscle Testing (like using a pendulum but faster) to ascertain that the princes has not yet got the ask, and the working was not activated. To do this you have to put it on your alter, or in your left shoe. I put it in my left sock as I wasn’t wearing shoes. I put it in my shoe when I went running, and I kept it in my sock otherwise, I did take it off for sleeping that night and put it back the next day. But now it was disintegrating from being run on :joy:

My man texted me that night, we texted until 5am and he completely came out of his shell and I got the true information I was interested in.

Offering of Thanks:
Two glasses of Carmeniere wine made by my own hand from the last bottle left, in precious handmade artisan pottery, placed on my alter with a candle. I will clean this away when the candle is burned down. I called Melchiael and Barechas and thanked them and formally gave them the offering with gratitude in my heart.