Lost, But Hopeful!

Thanks I am familoar with the concepts I think I read an article. Thanks for informing me.

Yup. I would go with that too, but I only posted that so OP can learn a little more about the Olimpians and see if it hits any interest point in her.


Hmm Iā€™m curious, have you worked with the Olympic Spirits during the appropriate day and hour using that method and noticed a difference? I wanted to try it with Hagith but Itā€™s been hard to find a perfect time where I wonā€™t be disturbed.


Tried once, at whatever hour I wanted (yes, I know), and didnā€™t got jack shit.

But that was before I started having success. Iā€™ve been getting results in the last month (modest results), but before that kind of everything failed. I just got some emotional responses from Bime (total sweetheart, best friend hug type), but that was about it.

I should try with Blackthorne method and the Olimpians (and probably Superman) again. By the way, did you read Archerā€™s The Magic of Angels and Demons? Very powerful grimoire. Is kind of Brandā€™s approach to the same concept (shem angels + goetic demons) but with a way more easy ritual that any idiot like me can do. I used it once (reading the ritual from a cheat note I made) for another person and it seems it worked really well.

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Would be good to work with them again I say. I got minor results the last time I worked with them, but the experience was great so I want to work with them more.

Oh yes an absolutely brilliant grimoire, I tried it recently and the results have been amazing, despite me messing up the names and feeling extremely nervous throughout the ritual (didnā€™t have enough time to prepare).
I think you mean Gordon Winterfield? But yeah I really like how Archer expanded more on that concept, I was too lazy to learn the whole ritual in Demons of Magick :joy: Iā€™ll probably try it in the future but Henry Archerā€™s one is crazy effective.


Moon is my chart ruler.


I like being ifluenced. Actually nvm she can sex me while i sex my partner, basically doesnt matter if you say it might even help me satisfy him.

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Hmm maybe you will connect with Phul quite well then. Since Monday is coming up, I suggest maybe trying to work with him on Monday when the sun begins to rise, it MIGHT increase the effectiveness of the ritual. Although state of mind is still the most important.

Can i use phul mantra chant?

Yeah, I messed up the names, jaja!

One thing I noticed is once I actually took the time to read outloud the shemā€™s angels namesā€¦ they all sound exactly as they should be pronounced in my native Spanish (with few exceptions), which is weird, since they donā€™t even have Latin roots or anything that relates the sound. That should make it easier.

Wich pair did you use?


You should. But it is a good idea for you to read Blackthorneā€™s ā€œThe Masterworks of Chaos Magicā€, there is a detailed (and easy) ritual there to contact the Olimpians with sigils and descriptions.


Okay will do.

Thatā€™s actually really helpful then, no need to worry much on the pronunciation :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah it is weird since usually Spanish and Hebrew are quite different :thinking:

Achahia and Amon, I should mention Advargael, Chruviel and Ashishiel as well to honor them properly. Wanted to work with Amon as I felt he wanted to work with me for quite some time since whenever Iā€™d look at his sigil Iā€™d get a really distinct feeling or sensationā€¦
Who did you work with?

I didnā€™t know you were female. This is even better when you work with Lilith, she views women as vessels for her power.

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Lavel and Botis. Really good job for someone who needed help ASAP. It was quite moving, to be honest. Also, since I still think Iā€™m a noob it has been a coold boost to my confidence in the path. I am planning on using this grimoire much more, but I donā€™t want to go overboard, one ritual a day. That could be too much.

That being said, I re read the book last night. I have this friend who has a pretty damn massive depression. I couldnā€™t find anything to help her.

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Yeah im a young girl. :upside_down_face: or woman whatever.

I know what you mean :joy: same here, atlhough Iā€™ve had some very good success in the past but damn this book has given amazing results with such a simple ritualā€¦

Hmm you might want to look through 72 Angels of Magick for something regarding that. You can still use the Henry Archer ritual for that. Also a good book to get in the long run as well @Drowzey, it has a lot of powers to work with.

I couldnā€™t find anyone who can help with that. For other grimoires, I remember Letana from Kingdom of Fire and I believe the fourth name of Marduk from the Necronomicon? But I reaaaally want to try something from Archer in that regard.

And sorry, @Drowzey, we kind of hijacked your introductory thread.


Hmm only one I can think of is Raphaelā€¦ might be a good time to try Evocation?

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Havenā€™t tried. Too advanced for me, I think. Itā€™s kind ofā€¦ if I wonā€™t see anything, I wonā€™t have any trust I did right and therefore it wonā€™t work. But I know I have to do it, sooner than later.

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