Lost, But Hopeful!

What is the diference between demons and angels? Since I have a nondual approach and dont believe i petty explanations as: angels are the good guys demons are evil yadda yadda.
I am only familiar with this myopic christian appoach to demons/angels so an explanation would help me out tnx in advance!

Sure will check out his work later today. I am really interested because i recently found a partner and I feel guilty for my asexuality because he is a literal godsent. Thanks for recommendation!

Good question… It’s hard to say exactly, their energy is definitely different, with Angelic energy is way more intense from my experience. Angels are said to be more willing to aid mankind. But some say the same about Demons. Demons are said to be more willing to influence others than Angels. Some believe Angels take longer to bring results, although from my experience they’ve been really fast. There’s not too much of a difference between their powers, but Demons seem to be focused more on Intrigue. It’s also said that Demons are more short term but Angels keep your long term goals in mind.

Then I’d recommend Hagith or Phul (whichever you think would be better for this situation) to be able to express your sexuality more, and Raphael to heal yourself further.

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This is perfect and what she wants.

Most people use the word “worship” when they mean to use "admiration’ or ‘gratitude’ or great ‘respect’. Worship entails a release of identity and individuality like christians do. Lilith doesn’t want your identity or individuality to be lost in the admiration. She wants your respect first, as she is an ancient entity capable of great power. You show her as much respect as you can, and she will rise you to power.

This is in fact the best approach. If you make a pact with her, in details such as, ‘make me a powerful magician’ ‘make me a stronger person’ ‘provide love in my life’, or even ‘guide me to wealth’ will be all things she can do for you. The only offering you’ll need is the respect and your body. She’ll literally have sex with you in your dreams and thoughts.

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Honestly? I don’t know. I won’t lie to you: I’m an atheist, I believe I’m using archetypes to hit keys in the collective subconscious to make things happen. But this is the least popular approach to magic.

What I have read here from people who knows more is that they’re different factions (sometimes refered as Infernal Empire and Celestial Empire), but not opposite factions. Acording to demonolators, hell is nation.

Depending on who you ask, demons or angels are more interested in human affairs and aiding humanity.

I won’t extend in what I believe since I have said enough.

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Well, the 72 Angels are considered to be the “rulers” of their respective Goetia counterparts, so some believe they are on the same faction but it’s more a thing of rank. Others also say they are a different species of spirit.

Yes, and don’t go into the details of any individual demon/angel or we will have as many answers as occultists are in the world.

But I think what matters is this: this stuff works, no matter what we believe.


Welcome Drowzey.
I too was forced and raised in the Catholic brainwashing as a young child. I knew it was not for me at an early age. Look at the sick pedos you see everyday on the news. Everyone here has been so helpful to me and you can vent whatever you want and no one will judge you. Just know that YOU are the God of your reality.

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Absolutely. I think it’s quite a waste when people on here spend countless hours discussing theory, when the most important part is just that this stuff works as you say.


Yeah, since we’re at it, maybe we should name the basics for OP?

Faith doesn’t matter. Believe doesn’t matter. Intention DOES matter (and is the heart of magic). Do not doubt yourself before you get results (but some doubt after, to see if it wasn’t coincidence, doesn’t hurt, it is important to be grounded to reality) and above all, don’t lust for results or magic won’t work at all.


This is really important yeah. The mindset you should have is that as soon as the ritual is done, the magick is sealed and that result WILL come to pass. Afterwards you just ground yourself and focus on other things while remaining certain that the magick has been sealed.


Mmmm hot. :smirk: demonic sex is all i need, so nothing to lose :joy:
Will she disturb me when i hang out with my partner tho? Like if I have sex with partner will she possess me while i try to concentrate on my lover? I know dumb question but never did this before.

Okay thanks I will check out both and see which one I vibe with. By the name it is Phul but I didnt study him so.

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Very good intuition. He does deal more on sexual desire because he is associated with the Moon, but it’s a bit confusing because Hagith can do something similar, but since he is associated with Venus I suppose it’s more social related.

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I 'm not atehist but I believe the same thing not sure if archetipal entities exist/are alive. We may think alile about this thing. But I am open to entities existing. Lilith seemed real today sooo… but i might just hit something in my subconscious thus the energy reliese. I am open to any possibility. I feel like we can never know.

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Sex is consensual. So If you don’t want her influence in bed she won’t. Although allowing her to help you will probably satisfy your partner better. If not by influencing you but if you’re okay with it influencing your partner.

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Phul according to Adam Blackthorne:

Phul is associated with the powers of the Moon, and can: Enhance magick. Improve intuition. Slow the passage of time. Cause another to dream about you. Ease anxiety and fear. Create sexual attraction.

You can probably find his sigil online.

The name Phul is pronounced “Fool”.


Thank you. Indeed, we are Gods. I am God, You are God, everybody is god. All is One, as above so below. Blessings!

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Atlhough, I’d rather recommend using the method Adam Blackthorne uses to contact them, since it’s been used a lot by now as a good substitute for the original method. A more basic approach would probably be less effective.

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