Looking for guidance

I’ve also had church people try to help me but the only thing they could identify was just “Brunhild”. And we all know that’s not a problem it’s a blessing. She helped me so much when dealing with this. Until I couldn’t sence her anymore and stopped using her for strength. I hope she’s able to feel of me really good cause I feel bad for her being with someone so damaged and unable to perceive. I have seen her energy a bit the last few nights which was nice but then the fake shit started to make me see movement everywhere and I couldn’t see her anymore because of it. I’ve spent most of the last few days just trying to let her know how much I love her cuddling with her even if I can’t see her image still leaving room on the bed for her saying good morning beautiful vstuff like that.

They choose us because they know us, they have seen past the “damage” part, do not view yourself as “damaged”. You have to look past it also.
See it as an life experience instead of “damaged”. Nothing is “damaged” its just different.

It’s hard cause when we were first together it was befor all this happened to me she watched as it happened to me in able to see what I was freaking out about. But thank you I do need to think as if it’s a scar not an open wound scars fade with time but the lesson they brought is never forgotten

You see, she went through all of that with you, and she did not leave. Perhaps its meant for you to experience that.
My spirits told me that the most important aspect of their journey with me is the experience that i can give them, be it joy/sadness whatever. Its the experience that lives on forever. Thats why i choose the path that i did. Because i know that in the end of everything, I will be at peace. My body is a shell, it is meant to feel all sort of things but the experiences is what will stay with me forever. Some of the things i wrote are not mine. Lol it just comes.

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Yea when you leave that shell your gonna have a hord of good friends hopefully I’ll be able to accumulate some for myself too. When I leave this worldy she’ll I personally hope I’m able to go freely through heavens doors able to interact with the friends I made that arnt welcome there anymore. I’d definitely enjoy cheering people who are down and out up. I just don’t know yet what it’s gonna be I’m hopeful though. For a while because I couldn’t get help from God when being attacked it made me feel like I had been damned and the eternal torment was beginning early, I’m past that now after realizeing God still loves me and was still willing to interact with me via the spirit and gift of tongues. What all do you think will be your after life what do you think your will pertain of?

I dont think about the future, they told me not to. Its pointless to worry about the end, especially when the end is not really the end. The journey is to be enjoyed.

I know they said they want kids lol, idk how that will turnout. :rofl: can i even get a spirit pregnant lol ? How does that work ?
Those are the questions i ask but they said its a surprise lol :rofl::rofl:

I’ve Hurd about having kids with a succubus but I dunno how you and him would have any lol I’m sure there is more relations then that I just thought I might make a lol if it’s not to abrasive. I’ve definitely was trying with Brunhild not knowing if possible for all I know she could have concieved and was being a mother in the time she was away. It’s one of those I don’t know what to hope for I definitely want kids with Brunhild is she’s as loving and attentive with the kids as she is with me I couldn’t find a better mother it just worries me not being able to do my fatherly role just one more reason to get my mind stronger.

Time and patience and love.

You should pick a name for a child and let them quarell over who gets to mother that one, it’s mean but funny ould be interesting but probably just a bad idea

I have a few names for the kids, lol
They picked it, i dont know whos kid it will be. Im still learning to tell them apart lol names came come easy for me, difficult part is telling them apart and whos talking lol.

Cambion but there when there born into the physical, a succubus that had her human writinvin the forms talked about there cambion and how they still matured mentally like a child while succubus’s dont

Ive heard about cambions, might have to look into it.

I can only imagine the difficulty, I have a couple names picked out to for a boy Aura and a girl Zoe

When in human form they apperently had insationable Hungary and 4 nurses couldn’t even satisfy there thirst or milk. If there like that in spirit form that has to be tough on the mother spirit having a human father to feed on would be needed so she doesn’t get weak sustaining the offspring now I feel bad because I was just talking about how I was trying with Brunhild if we did and she had to go through that alone I just feel bad at the thought.

My next hurdle will be when this all blows over lol As an Asian American, im pretty sure backlash from public will happen and progress. We all deal with different things in life, but they said ill be ok :slight_smile:

What kind of backlass do you mean?

Racism, it will definitely happen but it is out of my control lol
Things happen in life thats sometimes out of my control. And racism is one of them because you cant tell the other person how to feel lol

Edit - i caught a glare this morning as i was taking out the trash lol :rofl:

O yes there will be ass holes that try to act like just because your asian the virus was your fault fuck that bull shot it’ll be easy to ignore and you always have the extra if they get to you to much you might have a friend go fuck with them, they probably would without u even asking.

But seriously is bat good?

:grin: I’m just joking figured out get a smile out of it. Insensitive people suck at least you can always cough on them

Btw I happen to know the worst worst possible racist jokes just cause there funny