Can someone list all the things needed for evocation.
i hope this helps
Your own determination is about all you technically need. I use a sigil, incense and candle. Nothing else. Even those aren’t really required.
You don’t need to buy anything. You can simply use your cellphone as a mirror or smoke from a steaming shower.
Have a sigil drawn out on paper or just bring one up on your phone.
It’s all in you.
Sure, here’s a list of absolute necessities for evocation:
- Yourself
Seriously, you don’t even really need a sigil; they just help for focusing. I’ve succeeded at evocation with simple incantations and no physical implements whatsoever.
Evocation does not have to be complicated at all if you want get some tea lights or electronic candles, make things yourself as much as possible itll have a lot more love, and magick truly a labor of love and you got to work with what got
nothing just your body and mind are needed sigils candles crystals magic circles wands etc are just theatrical like how the CoS does satanic rituals with naked women Bible burnings and wearing Halloween costumes dressed up like the devil or witches… it’s all mind enhancing and atmosphere…
How can one tweak the guide if you want to call an angel?
You could do the same thing Dark did and use our search feature.
This isn’t Alexia or Siri.
Yep. All our supplies are just outward manifestation of our passion towards the beings and what we do. I get fancy things because I’m a bit extra. Lol.
As a broke ass college student, I use literally nothing except the sigil I’ve drawn out.
But this has already been answered before so…search next time
I could by a lot of fancy stuff but
1.i dont like going to talk to people lazy
So i like to consider myself a crafty person and just try to make all my stuff
Jumper cables
2 left shoes
French horn
Boston Celtics road jersey
Autographed picture of Hulk Hogan
Half a can of Pepsi
All you really need as someone else pointed out is yourself. You may need a sigil and a divination device though.
You need at least a couple of 2HB pencils and a dozen rubber nipples; but the main things you need are time and practice. If you haven’t got time to learn how to effectively banish just jump straight in and start evoking. It’s the fast way and I’ve seen its self-destruct results manifest in myriad ways over and over and over again.
Back in the day stress was placed on actually obtaining, consecrating and using your (four) Magickal tools and keeping a pen and book Magickal Journal. I’ve been there, I’ve done that and I know why. That said, there’s no point getting bogged down in anything time consuming so just go for evocation as your first act of Ritual Magick. Who knows, if you’re lucky nothing much will happen and at least you’ll know that Magick is just crap?
But here’s a very effective, very dangerous Magickal ritual. Next time you see something bad, horrid, vulgar and/or saddening – laugh! At first it’ll be a conscious thing in that you’ll have to remind and force yourself. Kids being slaughtered in battle, the starving masses, the homeless – you piss yourself. And the results are quick because it’s real Magick.
Please be so good as to kindly keep at least me informed – because I know what happens. And if your Magick isn’t fun, you’re not doing it right!
A sigil(optional and depends on entity), a candle and maybe even incense as offering but that is about that.
- Single chalkpiece and a thread to draw the perfect circle.
- one sigil of the spirit if not making the triangle.
two sigils of the spirit if making the triangle.
Thats it!
- Four cans of tuna fish, one for each direction.
- A big black magic marker.
- A bottle of first-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil. I prefer Partana myself.
- Any flavor of Arbor Mist that you’re confident won’t make you hurl.
Make sure you’re buying all this stuff together at the store. When the cashier looks you in the eye, you say, “Yes, I AM going to have sex with it.”
Let them wonder what that means. After all, this is official occult business.
Like others said, you really don’t need anything. If you need instruments or tools, found objects you cleanse and charge work if you have an affinity for them.
I like your sarcasm
Hear! Hear! Well said.
There are at least two explanations why there are so few powerful, competent Magicians. The first is that Magick is really easy to perform and that you’re the first to rush straight in and get on doing it. The second is that others have rushed into Magick but didn’t last long because they got nowhere and gave up or spiritually, mentally and physically they simply didn’t last long. Obviously this is a conundrum for you and you alone and strictly it’s none of my business, so it’s not for me to say.