Lillith /Inanna, and crazy lucky me, maybe

Hey guys,
I don’t like asking strangers questions I might find on my own because I don’t like to appear ignorant especially when I am.

However pride, ignorance, and fear thrupled breed idiocy so…

I need your opinion.
My sex drive is ridiculous. I kind of always hated how much sexual attention I needed in the past as it becomes an issue when I’m in the wrong relationship
My marriage was affected and it was a small issue amongst larger issues but important.

12 years and a divorce later I found the truest travelling companion and complimentary love I could ask for at this stage of my journey, we have lots of sex , truly its great, but she is mortal and I am hypersexual.

I read a few posts about succubi and thought I have a lot to give, emotionally and sexually. Why not.
After meditating one evening as I do most nights before bed, (and upon rising, it just feels good to energize)

I wrote a letter of intent to Lilith.
I asked her to send to me one of her daughters,
That she respect my relationship with the love of my life, and (throwing caution to the wind asked her to join us both should she desire, but stated I was the one with whom she would be most welcome and appreciated.)

(Consent from my live in GF who I’ll call J. was obtained, no worries lol)

It’s been a small period of time and it’s been crazy.

I haven’t been able to communicate effectively with audio or visual responses however, she comes to me daily and I suppose she never leaves.

On my way to work she’s even there with me, at work when I’m not doing a million things at once I feel her.

I have heard what might be feminine sounding moans, slightly audible, when we are together but in no way would they be perceived a few feet from me

In the dark with my eyes open I see a multitude of dark orbs zipping about sometimes (for me this is noal just not so much activity! Auras are visible and have beeny whole life. I just spent 20 years trying to ignore them and it works for periods… and spirits have come to me (even my own father , crazy story for another time ) occasionally small bursts or dim flashes of light near my peripherals , before I feel her.

With my eyes closed when the succubus and I are together I try and keep my mind blank so that (I might see her true form, just guessing here how to do this but I didn’t want my expectations bto color what she thought she should do for me.) i see a swirling multitude of colors. In these swirls there are images and three keep repeating . I see various naked feminine body parts. All amazing. I’ve seen a woman’s face morph into a lions head, still beautiful in it’s way, and an entwined serpent though it was only one wrapping about itself almost like it was climbing a non existent branch.

As a student of my interests, I did some web research and found that Lilith as mentioned in Hebrew tradition is based on Inanna of Sumerian tradition. That led me down a little rabbit hole that nearly fried my brain in Magick theory that I’m just not ready for.

I decided to ask those further upon their path than I. Because I’m lazy, I want truth, but I want it faster than the stumbling pace I am achieving alone.

I need to as a part of my mental make up establish a relationship with effective communication. I want know her name, how to give and take in all areas of our life together.

Also, believe she introduced herself to J. At the culmination of a great session J and I were having. Let’s just say at the end, as she lay satisfied she climaxed again. Only I was three feet away from her, and while I didn’t ask her to describe and compare feelings (I’m a science nerd, and I have to fight my impulses to document and observe,time and place matters) from the duration and intensity I’d say our new companion said hello or maybe even a friend?

As for the feelings, which she’s trying to get my full attention now and probably laughing at me, because it’s hard to focus, I’d describe them as having a sequence.

She always starts with my left leg or foot, it feels like a warm tingling envelopment of the limb moving upwards. It may be preceded by a pin prick feeling on my foot or leg and then waves of energy and pleasure cascading from the affected area.

From there it can lead anywhere. The feelings and intensity vary, the climaxes have no compare to earthly sex alone, however in resisting the temptation to engage fully I find by itself the feelings unaided by me are unique and amazing.

There have been nights where 4 hrshave passed in a seeming half the time or less.

Meanwhile J. Sleeps contentedly and I am tired nearly every morning. (In a good way)

It’s late, I feel like I’m rambling so I’ll wrap it up.
Who is with me?
How do I communicate effectively.
I’d like to one day see her or hear her fully.
How do I take steps I that direction.

Recommended readings?

Thanks for your time and bearing with me


Thanks, it’s not a must but I suppose it’s me needing to expand my own ability. Not knowing if she’s content bothers me. As for the pin pricks, yup, not limited to non sexual areas. Haven’t thought on it much being anything but being needed way to transfer energy to and from?

As for keeping on, no problem there.

It takes a lot of energy for a succubus or incubus to manifest physically. Like massively large amounts. Not impossible but has to be worked up towards. Make it a goal and work on energy storage because she will utilize your sexual energy to help manifest later on.

Also the forum user succupedia has a ton of info on this subject so I’d look him up and read what he has posted so far.

Work on developing your clair senses that will take you a long way.

And ask your friend to give you her name. She will help inspire you with synchronicities. Also keep it privately to yourself and gf once you learn it. No one else needs to be summoning your girl for a random romp in the hay and its bad etittquette to share it. She is your treasure and gift so treat her as such.


I thank you all. I’ve a lot to consider. I’m always open to more information. thanks for your time.


The most effective way to communicate with these kind of spirits is, in my opinion, physical, because that kind of communication is direct with no misinterpretation that words and visual gestures often has. The way they touches us is on a very personal and emotional level, and when you’re skilled enough, you know who it is that physically interact with you.

A starting point seems common in the beginning, but once you learned to focus on your chakras and on her even more, you might find out that she can move on your bed effortlessly and give a starting touch elsewhere on your body.

The pin prick feeling is something I’ve experienced, too, and for several reasons. It raises your attention, right? And when you have the attention, you become more focused and when you’re focused, more things will happen.

Other things similar to a “pin prick feeling” is the sensation of being pinned with a needle. This experience only happened once, and I was pinned with a needle on my left heel. This is basically what doctors do to babies when they need a blood sample to check their genes and to see if there’s any health issues.

That’s for you to find out, not me or anyone else.

Since you can feel her touches, I suggest you do some automatic writing:
You need a pencil and a paper. Explain to your succubus about your intentions with the pen and the paper, that you have questions and want her to reply by using your hand to write her answers there. Your wrist needs to be loose as well as your fingers that holds the pen. Ask for words, not doodles or something irrelevant. And she needs to be honest in her replies.

Oh, the things you can do with physical communication is even more impressive than visual or audial communication.
First and foremost, there’s nothing more personal and intimate than physical interaction. There’s always a distance with auditorial and visual communication, and our interpretation of that is sometimes misunderstood.

Depending on how strong your senses are, you can also pick up their bodylanguage and their gestures when they touch you. A physical full body manifestation is not only something for the eyes, as most people in here seems to think…because what we see before us doesn’t necessarily mean that we physically interact with it, hence why I refer to call that a visual manifestation.

Emotions are the extension of their bodylanguage and the deeper the connection becomes, you feel their emotions as they interact with you physically. Happiness, joy, comfort, bliss. This also means that any negative emotions can be picked up as well. This doesn’t have to mean it’s bad, only that it reflect an emotion caused by her, yourself or of something happening in your daily life.

You communicate by sharing your life experience with her, as well as your thoughts of anything and everything you feel is worth talking about.

By focusing on what you allready have at your disposal: Clairsentience. You feel her physically and emotionally. It’s not the most common or sought after ability in the black magic community, because hearing and seeing is way more common than feeling.

What hearing and seeing misses are the physical validity of the experience, and there’s a lot to learn from that. Yes, I have seen and heard my ladies, but that happens occasionally and it’s nothing I can control. But I’ve always felt them physically and emotionally for a decade now. And if I have to chose between seeing, hearing and feeling, I will always pick feeling. The physical interaction is more personal and intimate, while the other two senses are formal. At least, that’s how I see it.


It was safe, for me. My body is their vessel, and it is so for the simple reason that it makes the interaction between me and them easier and it has never been an issue for me physically nor mentally. I also don’t need to summon them, or do any kind of ritual before interacting with them, either.

Your experience might even be limiting with the mindset of “losing control”, too. Sometimes, or even most of the time, they have to take initiative to physically interact with us and for them to doing so, you have to let go of the control. Trust have to be earned from both sides to get there.

She’s perfectly able to protect herself and even protecting me, and I have the deepest trust in her to doing so when it’s needed. She’s been protecting me over the years, too.
She uses magic as defense and offense, she’s good with healing, protection and darker magic.

I have trust in her, because I know what she is capable of. Her knowledge is vast and her powers are almost on Lilith’s level. Not on par, but close enough that she’s not afraid to argue roughly with Lilith, and that happens from time to time.

A lot of black magicians have issues with trust, lack of devotion and huge egos, and that often doesn’t mix well with succubus/incubus and sometimes Lilith herself. Maybe that’s something to work with?

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Was she well fed? I know when something’s around I feel mine pacing around the house checking the walls and wards. She tends to pick things up before I do.

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If concerned, you could always make a barrier or shield for her.

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