Lilith - Sex Goddess or Lethal parasite - The warning is out

Lilith has a parasitic side. These entities aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. I don’t say that as a bad thing, I simply state it as a fact. She’s the Queen of Vampirism for a reason. It seems to me that we on this forum have associated anything that could have a parasitic nature as “bad” or “evil”. Is a leech evil because it sucks the blood from it’s host? No, it’s just doing what it does naturally.

I remember Mark Stavish saying in an interview a few years ago that one of the scarier realizations about our relationship to the divine is that we’re ‘food for the gods’. I can’t help but look at all ranges of nature, either in the terrestrial or outside its typical confines, and think of Darwinian game theory yielding differential success - that would likely apply just as much to gods and goddesses, and like anything else there’s a convection current of energy. I could imagine that working with a deity turns into a request to be educated while you’re nibbled on, a bit like going into the armed services and getting an education or asking for a specific route rather than saying ‘put me anywhere’.


I’ve actually had visions of Lilith eating my body before and felt some pain to go along with it. I really didn’t want to share this information since oftentimes when anyone says anything that might appear as negative regarding these deities people within the LHP often tend to dismiss it. Although, I guess I was literally asking for it considering that night I had decided to do some vampiric blood magick with her.

I’d also recommend checking out “Liber Lilith”. It’s an old gnostic text on the dark Goddess so it’s a bit biased against her and claims her to be the feminine aspect of the demiurge which the Gnostics claim is Samael with his feminine aspect being Lilith.

However, it also does contain some useful information regarding spiritual sex (which I found to actually be very very accurate proving some of it’s validity to myself) and it also has some very interesting spells and prayers. I said one of the prayers in the book last night and actually ended up having a dream pertaining to her but unfortunately I don’t remember any details of the dream except that she was in it.

With that said, it’s safe to say I have a complicated relationship with the Dark Goddess, she can be harsh but also loving. It really depends on the situation.


I haven’t personally tried any of those rituals.

This is actually really interesting! Would you say it was a metaphorical act of transforming you for something? Death and rebirth is definitely something I personally correlate Lady Lilith to. :slight_smile:


I’ve actually had visions of Lilith eating my body before and felt some pain to go along with it. I really didn’t want to share this information since oftentimes when anyone says anything that might appear as negative regarding these deities people within the LHP often tend to dismiss it. Although, I guess I was literally asking for it considering that night I had decided to do some vampiric blood magick with her.

What bothers me about this sort of thing, at least reflecting it back against myself, is how readily I’d assume that my own genes would confabulate, lie, and tell whatever stories they can to have me up and running to make babies, succeed in the material world, and do my part for germ line immortality. In large part the radical dishonesty in our culture comes from people who provisionally believe they hold one set of values while their subconscious mind does most of the dirty work, handles the pragmatic back-stabbing sorts of issues, to which many people confabulate stories to describe because they don’t understand their own actions.

I’ve had too many visions go in situationally convenient ways which is why I find them questionable if they follow an assumption of one sort or another, gratify a narrative or theory too well, or throw in too much self-contradiction. I tend to trust them more if something happens out of the blue that breaks with expectations or makes little sense at the time but more later. I’m probably throwing out some valid ‘light taps on the shoulder’ if they don’t make their way to be louder or more abrupt than the system noise, I bring that up because it’s just another way where figuring these things out and sorting what from what tends to be really complicated. Heck, I’d be inclined to believe if was all psychological if I hadn’t had some very hyphenated, stand-out, and strong experiences, and particularly with goddesses or anything far up a hierarchy it seems like they can get a message out if needed.

I’m still somewhat skeptical of my own grasp on Lilith, I have the sense that she did some things to prep me for TOAF, that she does want me to work through the first book one ritual per month (very explicit on that) but past that other things can be very murky - for example my standard wake-ups in the early morning hours where I feel like something is playing with me, no clue what that is, how many different somethings that could be, whether it sits better in Jungian anima, Freudian Id, whether they both describe different aspects of the same thing, I just know that most of it is very Mercurial and inconsistent, and it sits well with a Darwinian evolution of conscious agents where almost everything is a grift, ie. a perpetual lying machine.

All of that is where I’m thinking that to make a proper and deep relationship with deities takes devotion, without that sorting signal from noise or having a clear enough theory of that deity to separate communications from the garble seems like a Sisyphean task.


Personally, I’ve never felt drawn to Lilith, the mythology around her makes no sense to me.

Is Lilith shorthand for Lilitu, parasitic female spirits from ancient Sumer that preyed on men and children, draining them of their life force?

Possibly, although then the Biblical story about Adam’s first wife makes no sense whatsoever in that context. So either, she is some sort of Jewish character from the Bible or a parasite that even the Sumerians feared thousands of years ago. Either way, red flags galore, so I would stay away from the whole shebang and many stories here would seem to confirm my wariness.



If Michael doesn’t work you can try Sabnock or Sargatanas. They are both great against strong adversaries in my experience.
Maybe even Zahgurim, but don’t call him, only activate his sigil and visualize what you want to happen for him, like the parasite being sliced up.

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It’s hard to really say, Lilin, Lilitu are all forms of the “lil” possibly meaning spirit, but also air, breath and so on
or in akkadian meaning night/darkness, and the more direct spirit of the night.

It goes back to ancient times, Enlil and Ninlil, lord and lady of air/spirit, possibly names and titles at the same time.
And the phrases: Lilith, handmaiden of goddess Inanna or even Lilin/Lilitu handmaidens of Lilith

it all depends on the source, and considering the 3 major religions have borrowed wildly from religion much older than them, some terms are passed on and in some cases distorted…


Ah yes, you’re right. Lél in Hungarian also has the same meaning and forms the root of Lél-ek (soul), Lél-eg-zet (breath), Lég (air), Lét (existence) and so forth. It would seem that this word root is Sumerian in origin.

I used The Cursing rite of Babalon on a very persistent astral parasite - an Archon - that was like a squid tightly wrapped around my neck that kept my inner dialogue going constantly so I lost a lot of sleep. I have killed it a thousand times, but this one is apparently “genetically” engineered especially for me so it keeps resurrecting all the time. When I removed it once, I saw a whole line of them queing above ready to take its place, so I went into the Sun and they followed and got fried. Then I saw where they came from - a layer around the Earth - and pulled the rest of them into the Sun too. Then I saw their parents, blobs, in the layer above them and pulled them into the Sun too. Then I saw the blobs parents too in yet a layer above and pulled them into the Sun too. The level above that, I did not dare to touch though, as I thought I had already pushed it enough.

Anyway, The Cursing rite of Babalon removed it for a long time and it just returned again, so it is time for another rite.

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Gonna endorse your recommendation on Sabnock. He’s an amazing demon to work with

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He was the first one (except God) to be able to stop the attacks, but he only stuck it out for a week though. Maybe I was to informal with him - only called him when there was an emergency, except for the first couple of times when I called him full ritual.
After him Sargatanas does it for me.

Actually did the GoetiaGirls thing with Sabnocki too to pay him back for his help. Can they take offense?

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here if I’m being honest. As for the vision itself, it was pretty terrifying. Within the span of that week I had some very strange things happening. I remember one night within that week, I had an extremely vivid dream of a dark force pulling the covers off of me while I slept. When I woke up I was in a state of sleep paralysis and saw my covers being moved from my body.

There’s no reason anyone should believe what I’m saying since it sounds pretty unbelievable even within the occult community but I can only speak from personal experience and this is one of the few places I can share this type of information.

With that said, when I woke up, I was scared for a moment, and than angry. I felt that this dark force was taunting me because for a few moments I couldn’t move. This simply made me more angry and with all of my strength I managed to move my lips and I called her a bitch out of anger which I regret now. I don’t regret it out of fear of punishment however, I regret it because she is one of my patron deities and as often as I have felt the hatred within her heart I’ve also felt love from her like I’ve never felt from anyone before.

She’s a wild and uncontrollable force, if you show weakness you’ll literally be food for her. If you show strength she’ll be a friend and lover like no other.

As for my relationship with her lately, she’s blessed me with dreams of being in her embrace. I’ve been working with her since August which isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things but I already feel as if she has become a part of my essence. Even if I were to take down my altars stop praying to her and attempt to completely cut ties I don’t think it would be possible at this point. I feel her energy on a nightly basis and I feel her with me throughout the day and even if I could cut ties, I don’t think I’d want to since I admit that I do feel very close to her despite some frightening occurrences in the past.


Banish, cleanse, and set up wards. As well as protection when you summon again.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here if I’m being honest. As for the vision itself, it was pretty terrifying. Within the span of that week I had some very strange things happening. I remember one night within that week, I had an extremely vivid dream of a dark force pulling the covers off of me while I slept. When I woke up I was in a state of sleep paralysis and saw my covers being moved from my body.

My meaning was mainly that these things tend to be every bit as incoherent as they are real, and they rarely do much to clarify themselves - rather it’s more like obscurity, obfuscation, and self-contradiction are part of the way they stay ‘hidden’. A lot of it reminds me so much of the ways in which Jacques Vallee talked about the conscious agents of the UFO phenomena, where the communication was pragmatic - ie. for certain effects - rather than factual in content. What wouldn’t surprise me is that, for as much of a Darwinian basket case species as we are there’s no point in telling us truths that we’d proceed to use in arms races and push things even further out of hand.

The trick is figuring out, if you’re one of those ‘weird kids’ Gordon White would have on Rune Soup because you’re living in this world but some part of you feels like it’s constantly waiting for a football pass from Mars, Sirius, or some other place - orienting to life in a way that’s not existentially mangled is tricky, and what help goes along from being a receiver of that sort seems to be touch and go.

Personally, I’ve never felt drawn to Lilith, the mythology around her makes no sense to me.

I think she’s one of those that you have to extract youself mostly by way of context clues, and after a while it starts to settle into a coherent picture but it’s still a complicated structure.

The more I dug into her the more I got the sense that she has an apex place in the energy cycle, a bit like holding up the south pole energetically speaking and sending structures back up as freed energy (dakini-like function). In some ways it seems like our attempt to draw our own Kali but not having sufficient grounding ideas to do so. She seems very symbolic of nature red in tooth and nail, also symbolic of the darker side of Shakti. In some senses she might be seen as a bit of an Atlas figure in that she’s held the dark side of events into a coherent enough form not to destroy humanity and the planet. She also has some aspects of a sacrificed or scorned and redeemed figure. Some people here talk about her having seemingly bottomless wisdom or sensing that in their encounters, I’d agree - it’s a bit like if Thoth was a goth girl.

I ended up reaching out to her at an incredibly dark time in my life, where I was deeply concerned with where things might be going (was carrying a heavy load of trauma, disenfranchisement, saw a boatload more coming) and I needed to work with someone or something that had some realistic handle on those things rather than new age platitudes or pats on the back. I got through it, also got signals that I should be getting familiarity with Lucifer, and that’s well before I picked up Asenath’s Qliphotic Meditations with the alchemical Tri-Lam (Lilith, Lucifer, Leviathan).

I still have trouble taking gods and goddesses too literally, like anything out there that we interact with it seems like we have no clue what it is (the Martinists seem to do a good job of showing that with the sphere of faces around their Table of Practice), just that it’s what we have to go on and work with and who knows, by the time we get under this sort of thing better through mathematical physics it might be something too far outside the survival specifics of our plane to properly get our minds around.


Makes sense considering a lot of paranormal phenomena can be chalked up to “coincidence” (even if I don’t personally believe in coincidence). As for the rest of what you said it reminds me of the inherent absurdity of reality.


Ashen Chassan actually posted something on Facebook last week. It was a long, poem-like, thing about the terrors of actually encountering a deity and realizing that there’s nowhere to run from it, that the feeling of terror of having truly encountered something like that shakes you to the core because the feeling of material safety and durability is gone (maybe even a bit of the ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ impulse wakes up).

In that he also mentioned something I’d never heard expressed directly anywhere else - that there are far more forces at work actively trying to conceal or prevent such contact then there are attempting to make that contact. Yet another place where you can’t help but wonder just what it is we’re in.


Yes, it would seem, that gods are primarily forces of nature, but they do have their own cosmic level intelligence and can appear to us as individuals for our own benefit. The Bhagavad-Gita and Vishnu appearing in different forms to Arjuna, including a universal one, is a fine illustration of this principle.


Indeed. This is what Petrucelly writes about in Soulretrieval. Instructions on beating them there too. The Archons… am fighting one now as I wrote above. That book should actually be on the mandatory reading list for every mystic.
He also describes how hard it was to contact Lilith because of resistance trying to block the contact in Black witch and how he had to clear them with a cursing rite with the help of Babalon.

I myself when being on my absolute peak channeling absolutely huge amounts of energy was suddenly cut off from it. Someone put in a block. Have not been able to rid myself of it for well over ten years.