Lilith and Her wolf aspect

The thing is energy signature doesn’t have anything to do with race, it has to do with individual energy, even two humans have very individualized energy signatures that has nothing to do with race of entity or individual lol.

Again, you are free to view Lilith in whatever way you choose to, in my experience she is a demon, that is her race, in research she is a demon that is what I come to find after my experience with her as well so I let my beliefs form around what I experience and what I research. If they conflict I re-evaluate that’s simply me.

I will say what I said to davyboi to you, if she’s a goddess in your view that’s fine.


Humans do have a unique energy signature though

Velenos, she was the first born, look in all the literature, adams first wife.the first to defy god’s will. Yes I do look at her as a goddess, my goddess! She isn’t a demon to me, i never ask or need anything…yet I still get it. She is fair but tough…it’s all I’ve known… One thing I will tell you, I see no paths, just truth! Animal born, animal bred! X

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I just stated that, but it has nothing to do with “it doesnt feel demon” because an energy signature does not have a racial feel to it.

adam’s first wife, means you call her a human lol. adam was a human his wives were humans. You’re blending mythologies just to say she was a goddess xD but even as adam’s first wife she was never called a Goddess, but even then it also further proves my point that she was not the first entity.

Adam was the first human of his group but he was not the first entity either.

I’ll also add that you just stated you walk the “middle path” so you do see a path, so the whole “I see no paths I see truth” is kind of a backpeddle into a lie.

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She has a particular energy associated with her. So do other spirits. That energy can be interpreted through symbolism. It’s like how the op saw a wolf walking next to Lilith. Lilith and wolves are both associated with the moon. By understanding that symbolism you can dig up more information about lilith and what she’s associated with.

Also this doesn’t mean she’s the same thing as every other lunar spirit or goddess. It just means she’s associated with the moon and lunar energy. The law of identity seems to go out the window with some people and that’s beyond me…


A demon is an entity, that requires a sacrifice, or some type of payment. For goods gained…velenos, I do agree people do ask her for such things, and she will take the payment. That’s there problem, their stupidity…the lady I know would disown me, if I ever bowed down! Lowed myself…x

A demon doesn’t require a sacrifice or payment, I think you have a twisted idea of demons or your idea of demons were brought up on religious or misguided concepts. If anything in history many Gods required sacrifice, you must not have touched Aztec mythology one bit or Egyptian Mythology.

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Please read again, I never said that! A demon does require payment.x

You did lol

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Lol…I apologise I did! I meant Lilith doesn’t to me personally…x

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I actually don’t get that far into syncretism (I think that’s the term). I’m not saying Lilith is this or that, I actually think the idea of defining her is pretty foolish, as I said above. Everything is connected for me though, I can see the webs of energy that tie them together. I prefer the “Hindu” belief of “one god many faces”, or the " shattered crystal" if I’m honest.

And I’m not sure what you mean by “law of identity”, but yes I practice chaos magick and things are indeed pretty fluid in that world.

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It depends on the tradition or magical system the person is working with. For example demonolatry is a blood letting tradition and the spirits within that particular belief system require blood as an offering.

Some people don’t believe stuff like that is necessary and I respect that.

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That’s true which is why I also think going by the need or lack of need for sacrifice is a horrible way to define what a demon or deity because they both will accept it or reject it.


Yes, goddess of many faces! That is what I was trying to explain.:+1:

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I agree with the wiki you posted except for the fact that none of the lhp authors who write about the Qliphoth have actually obtained anything beyond union with the source. So they’re in the same boat as their rhp counterparts.

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Thank you velenos! At last we agree…to offer, bow down or offer any being, for material gain…is demeaning! X

RHP! LHP! means nothing… you all willing to sell your soul to the highest bidder…maddness! Everyone always wants something…

Both sides of the coin can hinder a person from growth. One side hinders a person if they believe they can only obtain access to the spiritual through sacrifice while the other side could be held back by their failure to overcome social taboos.


Actually no, I believe if a person wants to worship they should be allowed to and should not be seen as less than someone who doesn’t. I reject the idea that worshipping an entity in return for their help is a bad thing. I do not believe in LHP or RHP.

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