Lilith and Her wolf aspect

Simply put a thing is a thing because it’s defined as a thing. If every spirit was the same thing then there would be one spirit. It’s what these spirits are defined as that makes them separate or different from other spirits. Just because some spirits have similar qualities as other ones it doesn’t make them an aspect of one or the other.


Both sides of the coin are different, but it’s still the same coin. Personally I would just be glad to have the coin! X

I don’t believe in worship. It’s pointless! Lower yourself to ask for things, outcomes…that a person requires…if you carnt, get it yourself… you ain’t trying hard enough.
You call Lilith a demon, the woman has never asked me to bow!

It’s not pointless, it’s honestly in my opinion better than mooching off an entity and giving nothing in return. Worship isnt bowing, it’s showing thanks through praise.

I am direct energy practitioner, I do not rely on entities to get things done so my stance can be the same as yours on worship, if you cannot do it yourself and rely on other entities you are no better than the ones that worship.

However, worship or not they are no better or worse than the other.

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Mooching? Not my style…I do give thanks…in the way I am…not bowing down…I am nature/animal born…it’s what I am…I know you don’t agree with Lilith, but trust me, there are many aspects to her… if you front her with honour, respect, head held high. Asking nothing from her. And talk to her like she is family, The lady will give you the world… and want nothing in return! Flip side you fuck her over, my lady will cause misery…x

I don’t agree with Lilith? Lol

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Lol…not many people do! X she is hard work, I’m use to her tho, conditioned I think…:grinning:

Lol you’re starting to not make sense.

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Velenos explain friend? Xx

You a good heart velenos… stubborn and near sighted! :laughing: But one of the good ones! X

Stubborn yes near sighted no, you literally didn’t make sense o.O

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I meant you, are stubborn, you defend your views principles with out backing down… which is good…X
Near sighted, I mean you only see your point of view…X

Yes and you’re wrong lol I wouldn’t be where I am if I did not learn from other views. I simply don’t feel I can learn from views that are purely UPG or less experienced than prior views


I don’t know what UPG means…lol.

Unverified personal gnosis, but my point on not making sense was me nor agreeing with lilith.

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I’d like to say I care, but I don’t…that doesn’t make me a bad person… which path you say you follow?

Depending on how you look at it there is only one spirit.

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It doesn’t really matter if you care or not it’s just facts. However what path I follow doesn’t matter. I’ve spent nearly two decades building to where I am now.

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I didn’t mean to offend velenos…I apologise…X.

Sorry my friend.x