LGBTQ Magicians’ Working & Networking Thread

I think this is a good a place as any but after a rough year and all my work directing me back to confront years of self denial, im a transwoman, just started hrt and live in an area that’s not very welcoming so I cant present unless I go out of town.
I actually feel really happy about myself and like i have a future, I feel more confident in invocation and evocation like it removed so many blockages in accepting myself.

Also I think that’s the first selfie ive taken… Ever, im 29 haha


Same, I dont go to the trans support groups or LGBTQ stuff in my area, tried, just not for me. Not with the oddly aggressive sexual talks between members during the mid meeting coffee breaks, coffee was okay though :slight_smile:


@aBetterHuman You transitioned well, congratulations.

I already made a post on here ages ago, but since this thread is getting attention again I’ll say: Hi, am a 26-year-old gay guy in Australia. I think a chat friend buddy would be nice.


Oh dear :rofl: I wasn’t expecting a comment like that one either but I let my guard down x/

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yo, so I am another queer in da house XD


Yaaaas, power in numbers :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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you look beautiful! do you date guys?


Glad I found my community inside my community.


Hello Hello, Fellow Fairy Fuckers,

New to the forum, and would like to introduce myself to this particular group of individuals. I’ve been an occult practitioner for about 8 years now, which is longer than I have been out of my sequined lined closet. I have always felt a very deep connection to all things considered obscure, odd or taboo.
I’ve been walking the path of the occult for sometime now during this lifetime and will continue to traverse this crooked road to the blissfully, bitter end. Currently, I feel very fortunate that my journey has brought me here, to this moment in my life. To find that, not only are there like minded people out there, but, people who like me, love to be free to express their spiritual and romantic endeavors without fear of judgment and persecution, however, where ever and with whoever we please. I look forward to the opportunity and the privilege of getting to know my fellow brother’s and sister’s of the craft.

I’m an open book of mystery, if you have questions or want to know anything, by all means - ask away!

Apologies for this winded post (or if you take offense to anything that has been said). If you took the time to read this, thank you!

Blessings to You and Yours,


@MaskOfManyFaces Welcome to the thread.


New one here xD

Hello to everyone!


@Howyoulikethat Hiya welcome to the lgbtq+ thread. If you have anything to post about queer magick ect this is the thread lol.



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Thank you very much

Unfortunaly still I don’t have them eheh

I’m relatively new around these parts, glad I saw this thread to stop in and say hi. I’m at least mostly gay, sometimes I get a little straight-curious but I still have my platinum star.


@pirosintecken Welcome to the thread :slight_smile:

“platinum star” luv this lol had me rolling.

Girls from highschool always ask me if I’m still gay :rofl::rofl: I always respond with
“uhhh no my subscription expired and now I’m forced to be with myself untill the council gets it figured out” :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My favourite is when people are surprised to find out I’m gay because I don’t conform to a decades-old stereotype. It’s kinda funny to see the lightbulb go on as they realize they probably interact with several gay men on a regular basis and never knew it, and it’s not like I’m trying to hide it. I swear everyone thinks I have my tongue pierced for eating pussy


Hey sorry for the late reply, thank you for the compliment, I date whoever i find attractive but im currently enjoying just being single (recently ended a five year relationship and need more time to myself)



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