LGBTQ Magicians’ Working & Networking Thread

Is this a socializing thread?


Im pretty sure socializing counts :upside_down_face:


I see.
200+ replies here, I’m gonna read through this after my chores😆



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All done!
Read about a few group workings, but other than that I’ll introduce myself again here:

I’m bisexual and polyamorous. I never really understood I was polyam because whenever I did like someone romantically, I also liked someone else. It caused me a shit ton of guilt and the feeling that I was “cheating” till I finally came across that the term and that I’m not alone.

Every relationship I had ended terribly :v: but it has helped me understand what I need emotionally vs what I thought I needed superficially so, that’s nice. The lessons however are a different story​:joy: I haven’t been with anyone since 3 years now, and I’ve done a lot of healing. My guides have been hinting towards September regarding love so I’m looking forward to that.

Gender wise I identify as female, but sometimes I’m still confused. I would consider myself fluid but I prefer she/her only.

That’s sort of all. I’ve been practicing for an year now, currently working with Lucifer, Michael and Hades :purple_heart:


Welcome :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart: @Onion

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Lilith is so hot, I got some bi vibes from her…

I‘m also bi, but I prefer women romantically :rainbow:
but I dont mind the gender actually
Men I like sexually a lot I like draining them (oh,hello vampirism again) but I find it difficult to be „soft“ or intimate with them
because on an emotional level they are so weird stubborn and usually a bit narcissistic and childish… no generalizations, generalizations are bad I know…

But yeah, my (I suppose) twinflame is a guy and I fucking hate his guts lol


Lol generalizations are bad but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck :rofl:.
I’ve worked a little with Lilith but for some reason Namaah has really been the one to help me with the whole vampirism draining men thing😱
Their energies are very similar though.

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hey everyone! wanted to reintroduce myself! I used to be a lot more active on here a while ago; decided to return to see how the community’s changed and reconnect with some old friends.

I’m bi and I guess you can say I identify as genderfluid mostly because I’ve always naturally been able to pass as both genders. I work with a lot of dark goddess energy as well as doing crossroads work with the dead.

So if that tickles anyone’s fancy; feel free to shoot me a message!


same… I first thought it was
Lilith … but then I realized its Namaah! her energy is way more primal

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Hail and welcome :smiley:

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Riiiiight!!! I kinda see her in the likeness of Angelina Jolie in that kinda underrated Beowulf film. I know it did poorly but it’s the vibe of her character more than really anything to do with the movie lol


I never watched it but yes its so weird I thought Lilith was the queen of the damned but now it really seems like its Namaah


@Undying.Embers Try watching The 1993 version of Beowulf staring Christopher Lambert. The depiction of Grendels Mother is pretty cool.

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Glad to have found this thread. I’m gay trans/non binary man. I’m more interested androgyny. So I’m looking for ideas on something to use on an employer. Basically I got fired from a phone sex job cause the owner is bitchy. And I thought I signed up for the gay line but they placed me as female cause of the id situation. I was thinking Raum to empty pockets or hellhounds. But I’m not looking to go to hard. She just needs to go down several pegs and learn a hard lesson.


@Hellfire Just a quick reminder not to mention the name of a target for baneful work. It is against forum rules, so I edited the name of the site out of your post.

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@Hellfire If You Want Her To Learn A Lesson I Suggest Trying Aidos Greek Goddess of Shame, Modesty, Respect & Humility. She Might Be Able To Help You Out.

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Hello all,
You may call me Oakley
A non-binary electic magician
(Though not very talented)

I apologize if my formatting is inconvenient to the purpose of this thread. But one of the reasons i decided to give the experience a chance is because I have a goal in mind. A goal to create the ultimate expression of a human being through Magick. A spell that reflects humanity itself in its purest and most artistic form. Whether it be feminine, masculine, or anything in between. I’ve been expressing myself in these ways more often to strengthen my chaos Magick as well. I appreciate the respect of all you revolutionary magicians as I am quite quite young to be summoning demonic entities at 15 years of age and not many would present me such an asset. But that’s enough exposition. Thank you again @Lady_Eva for creating this thread I look forward to posting and replying here


Possibly let me read up on her. Haven’t really been comfortable working with goddess lately. But a few other people cropped up as well that need a lesson stick.

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