Letter Of Intent - How To Evoke A Succubus/Incubus *update*

Thank you for this!

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a bit. Yesterday i started to write notes about what i want in the letter. I should think wisely about this. Then i thought: If I will evoke/manifest the succubus in the near future then it will have always been in my existance, from birth ? Since time isn’t really linear ? Succupedia i read that your first(?) spirit lover has always been with u i think. I’ve been working on my astral senses for a couple years now, before i got into Magic, and i’ve always seen some kind of spirit always near me and following me around. So after i wrote a bit yesterday i had that thought, then went into bed with the intention of being aware that I might feel touches, and I was open for it. As soon as i put my blidfolds on laying in the bed I felt something near my throat chakra like static electricity touching my upper chest-hairs, a little bit like a tiny insect on my hair or something, it lasted for a long time and then i touched myself there to check if it were an insect or something but it wasen’t. I will do the ritual soon when i have thought about everything

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Alright guys. Since I’m new in general to this kind of things, Like a lot. I’m kinda skeptical about all of this (who wouldn’t the first time) but reading in so much details the thing it kinda intrigues me. I’m probably more interested with talking and get to know the spirit than just having sex with her. I’m not even a really believer of anything of these things like spirits and all. Were any of you kinda like me? Because this seems too crazy (without any insults). And you would say"why the hell are you even here? "and my answer is:Welp I’m a lonely Boi.

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Tell yourself you’re a winner. Anything you want to make happen, can happen. Have confidence in yourself. You’ll start to feel satisfaction. You can set goals for yourself. Whatever’s your style.


Of course it’s normal to be highly skeptical of this. Hell, with the upbringing I had, I would have never thought any of this was possible until my first encounter.

Honestly, I grew up being taught and conditioned into believing salvation came through Jesus, follow him or go to hell…along with ghosts/spirits and demons being evil entities. For many years as a teenager and early adulthood there was always something that appeared to be watching me or following me and I told myself it was something evil and relied on prayer (which never worked) to make it go away. It wasn’t until years later, I remember laying in bed asleep then waking up to that feeling of something watching me. I was scared and then I felt it. While lying on my side I felt something hug me tight from behind. It was extremely tight and I couldn’t move. Despite the tightness in the grip it was very soft and carried almost a loving nature to it that was definitely womanly. As I relaxed and became somewhat comfortable with it the feelings changed over to what I can only describe as the most erotic and intense sensation I ever experienced. I wasn’t being pleasured, but I was turned on to a lever I have never experienced before…and then it was gone.

It took quite some time again, with research and opening my mind to make contact to where we spoke, she explained that she was with me for a very long time and opened my mind to Lilith and things I have never experienced. She became a lover, but also an amazing friend and guide that is with me today.

One other thing she taught me was that if I did want another to join us all I had to do was ask Lilith and if mind/heart and focus were in the right place, she would grant me another. And she did.

Be sincere, be thankful and ask Lilith. Don’t lie or tried to hide your intentions, she will know. But she is loving and will listen.

For this I am forever grateful of Lilith.


Oh well i think trying it isn’t a bad thing. These kinds of things makes me feel skeptical but heh who knows.

I can do this anytime technically right?

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Well, PRACTICALLY, you can do it any time you want. The technicalities lies within the instructions of the Letter Method, which doesn’t mean have to follow it blindly. The seed of success is your INTENTIONS, hence why it’s called “Letter Of Intent”.

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So they basically come to trust you only if you have serious intentions like a serious relation ship right?

Exactly. Just be sincere.

With that being said…keep your mind open as you might already be given signs.

One of the hardest aspects is being aware and paying attention. Quite often the signs and messages being displayed to us get overlooked.


I did it ! It works ! Thank you @succupedia for posting this ritual.
It was 3.40, i did the ritual, said what I was supposed to say and burned it. Then i meditated a bit, i felt tiny subtle touches/movements and I Acknowledged the touches. I talked to her and said that I thought she was there. Let my hand out towards what I saw energy in the air and I felt the vibrations on my subtle energies. I went to bed, said that I want to be touched. First very subtle stuff happening, then I was sure I felt something touch my hand I said “I felt that, thank you. You can do more” Then i felt arousal coming over me, fast. The feeling that arrived after, cannot be explained by words. It was extremely powerful, orgasmic, euphoric like narcotic. My whole body felt this amazingness, like my chakras had an orgasm or something. My heart started beating fast, I unfortunatly got a bit frightened. I told her that the reason I was scared is because I never felt this, it was highly unusual to me, I hope to get used to the feeling, and “Omg” were running through my mind all the time, because it was epic. I am 100% certain i had an encounter with her yesterday. My intention is a long lasting thing, so i hope to feel this way again tonight and every night of my life. I don’t feel so much physical, but the “sex/bonding” wich happent would outmatch any physical sex by a mile. What should I do next? Think she will stay with me?


Still haven’t done it. Honestly I’m kinda scared. Don’t these spirits at some point might hurt you or something? Since I’m new I’m kinda concerned about why it’s should be so easy and why they would do that for “free”.sorry if I sound kinda repetitive and ignorant in these subjects lol.

I want to talk with you privately so please give me your fb acc

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Love this story! So cool.

Although I think the answer is probably yes, I’ll ask anyways - does this work for gay men?

Of course it works. It doesn’t matter what your sexual orientation is. What does matter is your intentions.


Alright, I’ll give it a whirl. Are there any limits on what I can ask for in terms of the incubus’ appearance/form?

It worked for me, as well as for others using this method.