Lessons of the Deck

Damn, I figured it was me. I was talking to Moloch about it and he brought up a good point -

Haures wouldn’t have suggested his course of action if he wouldn’t have agreed to it to begin with. I didn’t have to “fight” him into the triangle either. While thing went quickly. Really quickly. So, he would’ve agreed, but wanted to make a point. And he did.


Lord Moloch bid me draw another. I asked about this, asking if it was too fast. He found it amusing and I was shown that ther are always lessons that can be learned even several times through the whole deck.

I’m actually really starting to like Moloch. Don’t get me wrong, he likes magicians of ability (clearly you don’t have to be ‘elite’) and, honestly, likes his name being out there.

But he does feel like an entity I would call upon and it is in times like these that I see flashes of “past lives” and feel that sort of…knowing…that I was active or “theirs” in a previous incarnation. While I do, honestly, question most of the value from things like that, there ARE times where it is…“almost” fact…


Up next…

I immediately felt he deserved a candle, incense, and some of the honey bourbon sampler I bought. Very unusual. I felt a liking to him and felt him coming quickly. As soon as I wrote that.

M: “My Lord.”

F: “I have a special treat for you.”

M: “I need to read you the agreement”.

(As I stopped at the page with the Satan sigil, he revealed, “You will need that”)

F: “I accept. Your sigil. Not different ((in concept) than these cards). Do both. Work your ass off, as you do already.” (He meant keep doing the lessons pulls and the Helios stuff, where random workings are applied).

F: “Really, you delayed rhe installation of a toilet to start your candle? (Helios Unbound, daily)”

M: “I did. My commitment to keeping my word is more important than replacing a functioning toilet.”

(He liked that).

F: “I will help you within 7 days.”


I was listening to a Youtube video about how ridiculous some of the (mostly black) magicians sound and thee use of word salad/vomit when I saw another video and clicked in it for some reason. It was in different, but similar vein. I agreed and disagreed with certain parts of both, but there was part of the second that caught my attention. The conversation had turned to nondualism.

I found myself sucked into listening to videos about it as I worked for the next three hours. I felt I almost “had” to listen to them, about the different perspectives of it in concept and a little in practice.

I had that nagging feeling when I remembered the quoted phrase. I also saw a flash where I had felt I should stick another video on repeat the other day, which touched on the concept, without using the term. I’ve been contemplating it since.

So, he was right. It was about taking it to the next level, just not in the category I was thinking of.

Hail Zepar and thank you.


Moloch: “Draw another.”

M: “Very well, Lord Moloch”.

Up next :

Eligos came quickly, circled me a few times, nodded, and left. I had to reach back out and get an acceptance of the agreement.

He didn’t come in on a dragon or anything, but he seemed all business. Not in a bad way. He sized me up and was determining how.much effort to put into it, it seemed like to me. I don’t expect to win the Grand Prize Game, but I was worthy of at least a good lesson/experience. I wouldnt heaitate to call on him for his area at this point.


So…an entity tried to lay claim to an an act of mine… Unlikely… For I didnt feel them at all.

So, I called up the entity and asked, “put their card back in the deck”.

Understood. And when I see that card again, it will be bound to a certain area of knowledge.

So I went back through the cards. Surely, I was mistaken? Did I make a mistake?

Satan: “No, put the card back in. And get a concrete area from it when you (me, specifically) ask again”.

I’m confused on several levels. So, I call on Belial.

“Just put the card back in”

I felt like something was going on, but it wasn’t my fight.


Frustrating, but that’s how it goes

Next up

Lord Valac. Seemed to understand what just happened and gave no hints. Accepted the agreement.


I’ve been giving incense offerings to these spirits every couple of days. I do it here and there, just as a “thanks” of sorts to the spirits I work with.I pulled all three current cards and sent the feeler to see which incense they may prefer (because lists suck).

Moloch was good with some cone dragon’s blood. Eligo’s and Valac indicated.they’d prefer disk incense. Uh, all right. It’s Friday. A.little frankincense and myhhr.

I called them all to me, as present as they wanted to be, and fulfilled their requests.

Moloch: “Draw another.”.

Me: “Uh, I have three cards out and three of you here. Are there not enough lessons? Will I be able to properly learn them? And give proper credit?”

Eligos: “Are you afraid of not learning them?”

Valac: “Plenty of room on the incense disk.”

E: “You could call all of those remaining tonight, if you wanted to. (Getting the) Lessons is more important than credit.”

(I guess I got my answer(s))

Next up

M: “My Lord Beleth, please come.” (Repeated with variations)

B: “You didn’t call me. (Wasn’t your idea)”.

M: “It was not my idea. Lord Moloch bid me to draw a card.”

B: “And where is he?”

(Gone at this point)

M: “If you’re answering Moloch’s summons, you’re in the wrong place.”

B: “Am I?”

(Very well…)

(I removed him from my space, cleared the area of any other entities, and forcibly called Beleth forth.)

B: “Very good. I (can) appreciate a spirit like yours. I will help you. With two lessons. Will you accept this?”

M: "I must read the agreement. (He smiled at this, then nodded. I released him from the triangle, into my general ritual space)

(He accepted, but asked for additional time for the second, which I agreed to).

And that was it. He did throw me off with the offer for two, but I’m not going to turn that down.


For some reason, I decided to stay up long enough to eat a Hot Pocket (?), as if they’re the pinnacle of cuisine. I wanted to go to sleep. I spent almost all.
day outside doing yard and Christmas crap all day.

As I have a mouthful of…cuisine…Eligos comes by and sits down in an imaginary chair next to the real one. He detailed that I would be attacked by someone on the forum, but not quite intentionally. When questioned, went something like this, with a few variants.

Person either gets pissed off or just fantasizes about going up.against me. They get a little too involved and shit gets sent. I notice the equivalent to a “thud” going against my wards.

Everything is happily ever after, if it’s accidental.

So, true to his card, he warned me and let me know I would be fine from that single attack.

Hail Eligos!


Ah, unintentional stupidity. Gotta love it lol


I’ll take unintentional stupidity for 100, please?


I really just want to go to bed. But before Eligos had come to me, Moloch was bidding me to draw another card. My argument was that there are already 4 drawn and I wasn’t comfortable with that many.

M: “You’ll be back (here tonight)”


So, up next.

As soon as I read the card, I could feel him watching me. He’s waiting now, patient, calm, a scholar. The neck suggested to me that he may have advantageous vantage points to view things from. No idea why that stuck out.

But, time to do.what I need to for some needed sleep.

B: “I want to show you something new.”

M: “Okay”

(He stabbed me energetically in my back left ribs with his large ass arrow.)

B: “Hurts, doesn’t it?”

M: “Uh, yeah.”

B: “I want to show you something else.”

(This was a repeat of the event, but on my right. He stood directly behind me and raised that fucking arrow at the base of my neck)

M: “(Motherfucker you do some actual damage or paralyze my ass and I will end you. He found this amusing and came back around to my front, arrow gone)”.

B: “I will show you a hidden treasure. You will get it from someone one here. (I thought of a few friends on here). You will get it from HER. Soon”.

He was done. He was quirky, for sure, and spoke much faster than I expected. But he stressed this “hidden treasure” would be from a female practitioner, on this site, if I understood correctly. He didn’t say if they were active or not or whether or not I even knew them, but I felt like I did.

Well, Hail Barbados. May I never be stabbed by your arrows in anger. Or again, really.


Did he not explain why he stabbed you with the arrow?


Nope. Didn’t say a damn thing about it. Almost like he was just curious how I’d react and what it would feel like to do that to me (as if the experience would somehow be different because it’s me). Strange, strange bird, man. Strange encounter. Some of the other spirits were around and vouched for it being him.


So he was like, “Wanna see something?” and then stabbed you?

Sounds like the kind of friend who will say they want to show you something, and then punch you in the gut lol


When Lord Eligos said the person would ping my defenses, I assumed he meant my home defenses. You don’t assume it’s that weird feeling you get, say, standing in the lunch line to pay when you’re at work. Obviously, this is what happened.

I was standing in a long ass line to pay for my sandwich when something felt off. I knew it wasn’t physical, but magical, and to be completely honest, my.first.thought was.that I was so damn bored that I was making shit up to entertain myself while in line. No bullshit. I thought of Eligos and figured I was trying to entertain myself.

Except it got “nearer” and after I shoved it out of my mind and focussed on the people and environment. Grounding lightly, essentially, to see if this was legit. And it was.

Very well. I stood there and watched as it burnt itself up as it entered my energetic sphere. Like a meteor in our atmosphere. And I let it come in.

Was it my first thought to let it come in without mediating it in some way? No. I’m a bit crude and my first thought was to meet it and dissolve/weaken it. But I remembered a claim that some “truly” spiritual people aren’t hurt by negative things and while that was RHP based stuff, I saw this as an opportunity. It wasn’t large enough to hurt me. It wasn’t an entity to follow me home (go ahead and do that…). So, here I was, standing in a line, literally 10 minutes long at that point, outside of my defenses. Screw It Let’s Do It time.

Once it had burnt itself out, there were a few things I noticed that lent towards an unpracticed practitioner. My wards were still around my house at the same strength, for example (not that I was at my house). My personal defenses weren’t stripped (something I would notice). No entity was over watching the operation (this was just one person, likely using only emotion as fuel, which is amateurish).

But the biggest thing was that this was their one freebie. Take your feedback and grow.from it.

BUT, you’ve had your freebie. Look elsewhere. Anyone in my “family”, gets hit and it reeks of your signature…everyone on the forums is allowed to defend themselves.


Well, Lord Beleth came to me yesterday and said he would do the first of the two lessons yesterday and…no idea. He came into my space to let me know and I didn’t notice any changes last night. Wife was grouchy from work and…nothing else noticed. I’m wondering if it was a subtle change, but also don’t feel any different.

Which is why I’m actually making this post. Every couple of days, I send feelers out to the spirits, once it’s been a week or so. Usually sooner, since I’m a bit impatient with my goals. They don’t seem to mind, but I also get the sense that asking for things to happen quicker wouldn’t be a good idea for future relations.

I do review the cards every day or every other and I find it odd that I have two drawn now that involve hidden treasures of sorts (who is SHE?).

That’s about it. I felt I should highlight some of my activities that aren’t talked about earlier in this journal, in case someone else starts their own journey before I’ve completed my first round.


Ah, my Lord Beleth. I thought the earlier conversation was your doing. The kind where you say your partner has twice the free time you have (more than that, actually) and refuse to waste your limited time for things that don’t affect you (me).

Sorry. Submission for nonsense doesn’t work for me. That’s a separate series of workings now…

But a friend of mine that I’ve been working with in Love matters has just been dealt a serious blow. We’ve been playing light and fast, helping, rather than coercion. Well Plan A went their way due to substantial issies that will take a decade to fix.

Unfortunately, Plan B (Playboy B) fell through. Not unexpected, but the manner of it was.

Me being me, shit like that doesn’t go without…counter-action… But, being me, I called on those who would help.

Now this MF is mine.

Why is this in this thread? Because my Lord Beleth came to me. He was quick to tell me that he did NOT cause in any way what happened and he seemed sincere in this. I believe him. This waa the second lesson. Not the same lessona were learned between me and my friend.

Fair enough. Well, unfortunate for Mister Playboy, my good lady Tiamat “just happened” to be hanging around after the other ritual. Very well, my dear…

I drew another. Up next

An interesting entity. Ose didn’t want incense burnt for them (it was a lie). The appearance, a jaguar or panther, seems like a…mirage, an illusion. I don’t want to say “a lie”, as all illusions are. As is misdirection.

But pinning down this entity will illustrate this. It DID offer to make things come true that could happen by misdirection or similar.

No idea how this will play out. BUT, the image or scenario will have no substance behind it, from what I’ve picked up.


Of Course the wrong button chose to get clicked…

I had to literally pin OSE down to get the agreement read and “agreed” to. Now, once completely pinned, Ose stops being quite as shifty. There was an agreement to my standard one.

And I was told I would see it in two days. Hell, better than I expected.


And, in an unlikely twist of fate, my Lord Valac came to me after I explained. something, something I kept close. I had already explained a certain part earlier in the week and a friend had something happen where I felt I should explain the second part. I realize this isn’t helpful to most, but I didn’t plan on explaining any of it to begin with…

I’ve spoken about Inner Divinity in the past, if one uses the search function. Friends can either present a dangerous situation or ask and expect some kind of answer.

The truth is, it is NOT a beginner or intermediate technique. I.could.post some half-ass explanation and get people into a false sense of security. Which is the oppose of what I want to do. You have to be ready and you have to have a similar practice to mine, which is NOT like the Balg books or their procedures.

BUT my Lord Valac came around and I felt I was sharing it for a reason to begin with. “Tells where treasures are hidden”.

Fair enough. This person had a legitimate need and was skilled enough to use it. So, rather than getting a secret, I was giving one. I will do that to help a friend…and stand ready…