Lessons of the Deck

My Lord Ose…

When I hear 48 hours amd 36 have passed, I get a bit skeptical. The spirits know. I don’t hide it from them.

But, my Lord Ose came through. Judging from the card, well, you don’t know what you’ll get. He Was a bit shifty. If I were using Life info (and I was), I wrote him off as someone that would present something that was FALSE.

Nearly true. Don’t get me wrong, he is shifty…
BUT the opposite of what I was expecting.

Am answer within 48 hours…

Verified. He exposed a situation to me. It was a “false” promise. Now, the promise was meant by the person. Promise is too harsh, but group plans and promise is close.

Now, I realized it for what it was as it unfolded. I wish I could l say I did it in “real time”. Regardless, I lit some incense.


Apparently, the next up was Lord Cimeies

He gave me a lesson before I could ask for it.

He essentially told me that he couldn’t make me “appear” like a soldier. “You already are (have been) one”.

So, he offered to help with the rest, which I could use.

I consider his card closed, given that several other “open” cards said he would. I consider it closed, given the whole.


Up next

I drew this card last night, but got sidetracked and forgot to post it.

And I can tell he’s already doing his thing, reconciling me and a spirit friend that owes me. Forgiving is one thing. Forgeting isn’t likely to happen. The trust isn’t there.

Hail Gusion.


Apparently, I put Foras’ ard back in the big deck and drew it as the next. Got a good chuckle from that before putting it in the proper pile.

Up next:

I have worked with Azazel in the past, but always at the request of others. I never felt drawn to him and I’m not a bandwagon type of person.

As I called to him, I could feel him somewhere in the Aetheric distance. He didn’t feel like coming closer and I’m not going to force the issue and then ask for a lesson.

As I was reading the agreement, I stopped, looked to my right into the backyard and a bird was flying around inside of the trampoline. Back and forth, again and again. It has no top and the zipper door was mostly open, yet, the bird couldnt see the openings.

Azazel: “You are like that bird.”


I finished the agreement and waited for his response, “Did the bird not give my answer?” I waited patiently for his answer and he eventually agreed.


Things moved rapid-fire today. I’ll be breaking it up into several entries to keep them straight in my head and if I have to come back to them later (like when I pulled the Foras card again and found the entry for it).

Azazel returned while I was taking a break from unpacking moving boxes (still!) and cleaning things in it.

He gave me a summarized ritual for, say, converting existing emotions in others to those we want. I want to practice and polish it first and, to be clear, it is subversive and deals with the love/lust category. Which is why I want to test it first. It’s a direct spell and doesn’t rely on entities, but that can raise the bar and I want to see how much. He didn’t ask me to keep it quiet and was fine with sharing. I need to test it.

So, Azazel’s card went into the Completed pile.

He did say I should call on him again. “Call on me more. We could work together.” Ive called on him about a half dozen times, at different points in my evocation experience level. He’s never said that, nor suggested it. Noted.

Hail Azazel.


Next up

I called him forth.

H: “I am here.” (The agreement was read)

H: “I accept. Here is your lesson. You have many things you wish to change into another. Put them into the cup, and pull them out as you want them.”

M: “Thank you, y Lord Haagenti”

This is the second usable working in a day. Let me give some insight.

The “cup” was a chalice in my head. You put the situation/undesirable thing into the chalice and empower the chalice with changing it into what you want. Tell the chalice, give it thoughts, emotion, whatever conveys the end result.

Continue to empower it until it is “done”. Then pull out your desired result and send it into the world.

Untested and I expect it will have slight variations per practitioner, but, seems really usable.

Thank you and Hail Lord Haagenti


My Lord Barbatos said SHE would reveal a hidden treasure to me. And she did. No, not in the immature way I joked of and deleted. It wasn’t far off, but not a good thing for her at the time.

I was touched that I was trusted with it and exceptionally grateful I intervened to help her. I’m not willing to say much more, due to confidentiality and, more important, trust.

I got that feeling and confirmed with Barbatos that this was what it was about.

Hail Lord Barbatos.

(Never heard about those sticks though and he isn’t saying…)


Next up

I had called on Decarabia for a friend earlier this week.

I felt him come from behind me, dressed as a Vizier (this is the word that came to mind. As I wondered if this was from seeing ‘Arabia’ n the name, he actually chuckled from this).

M: “Thank you for coming.”

D: “(he nodded) Read me your agreement. (I read it)”

“I humbly accept” (I did ask if that was the exact wording, which he confirmed and was amused at my asking).

“I will help you. Likely with stone. I haven’t decided yet.”

He turned.and left.


Up next:

I have an existing relationship with King Paimon. We’ve worked together in the past, usually for others. So, instead of the typical incense, I let him come inside for some wine.

(I started abbreciating it as P, but he wanted KP for King Paimon)

KP: “I will help you.”

M: " I muat read the agreement."

KP: “I know the agreement.”

M: “Well, then make sure I don’t make any mistakes.” (He laughed at this)

KP: “Well done. I accept and let me give you some advice. That language you’re considering, don’t bother. There will be another. I will give you a sign and help you learn it (over time). Wait for my sign.”

M: “Thank you, King Paimon.”

He knew I was confused about waiting for the sign. Did he not already know? He smiled and said nothing, but I could tell some shifts had been made since “forgiving” that spirit friend. I’d had one of those deja vu moments I had already seen earlier…


Up next:

It was a matter of time. I purposefully hadn’t read much about him. Glasya Labolas is the other. I simply knew it would happen in time.

Raum came almost immediately, feeling adjacent to a crow or raven (? What does rhis mean?) There was a commonality going on. Not as many words were needed. “Kinship” was too familiar, but a similar vein waa going on

M: “Welcome”

R: “and Im supposed to walk away?”

M: " Or assist within the agreement."

R: “Could I do both?”

(I read the agreement)

R: “I wish to assist with the agreement and without it.”

He and I talked for a bit. He agreed to stick to the 2 week agreement for this working. Since he wanted to work on longer-term issues, we discussed the safety of people I care about before I agrees to that.

Truth is, he reminds me a lot of when I was younger and an Infantryman in Iraq…except he doesn’t feel the affects of age, yet gets the Wisdom of.it. Good for you, mt Lord Raum.


There was one more thing that happened today, but it requires some backstory.

I have had pleurisy as a teen. I was born without my lungs fully formed, but outside of the pleurisy, there were no complications. Even when I ran sub 6 minute miles in Infantry School.

Until after Iraq. Lots of problems. Literally hurt to breath for over 10 years, the stabbing sort. Took me those ten years to be able to function normally, but my youth was gone by then.

Lord Moloch had told me, when I drew his card, that someone would attack me, that it would barely make it through my wards, but that it wouldn’t go much further. I guess that was a difference of opinion.

My right lung cavity seized up, would work, but I knew that feeling where the lung grates against the surrounding area. My first thought was that I was having a setback of some sort, but this one was different and I knew it. It was like there was something in it that was causing it. So, I pulled it out, cut the cord, and it left in a minute, instead.of the several week(s) recovery.

I’d had that happen enough to know it wasn’t natural. Moloch was there, watching.

I wasn’t going to post it, and as I was reflecting on it, he asked me if he couldn’t “stay on”. I didn’t find a good idol for him when I drew his card and felt that…draw… He may have to settle for a bull statue until I can find something better.

Hail Moloch.

I’ll draw a new card tomorrow. I’m already in bed.


Up next:

I’ve spoken with Beelzebub in the past, but for some reason, he was gruff and seemed almost put out that I was calling. He accepted the agreement and promptly left. Fine.


A bird was flying around my enclosed porch when I got home. It had crawled through the open window barely big enough to fit through. I opened thw window wider and another to let it free.

I also knew it was a sign. A little later, Decarabia came.

D: “Watch, my Lord.”

(He opened his hand and a small stone was in it. Energy began swirling around the outside of it. This was the intention he wanted to program into the stone.

As he melded his consciousness with the stone, the intention moved into it, to “reprogram” whatever was in it by default. Once it, too, became part of the stone, he was finished.

He handed me me this energetic stone and suggested I place it inside of me. Unsure and a bit wary, I called Hecate, who confirmed it was beneficial. I placed it within my energy body and he left.

Hail Decarabia.


Up next:

(He came immediate and without warning, we began sparring)

A: “Well fought.”

M: "Thank you. (He accepted the agreement.)

A: “He didn’t call me (against you). I was looking forward to that.”

M: “I was interested in seeing it play out.”

A: “Call on me if you need something. Otherwise, I have worked to do”


In the midst of workings, I hear a voice “I want to help.”

The truth is that I hadn’t asked him. It is in reference to this He came so…gently…

My Lord, please do help, and work with the others…
I wanted to consider it “done”, but he wants his n card left as it is.

Of course, my lord. Take whatever disease you will.


Philosophers Stone?


Even if similar, the PS has so much baggage, I wouldn’t equate the two.

I am one of the apparent few that does NOT want to live forever. Why wish that curse on myself?


Thats still cool, to program and reprogram the stone at will. Stones seem to be all the rage lately :slight_smile:


Well, I can’t speak to that. I can only relate that lesson with reprogramming the stone.


That could mean you could override other peoples stones at will? Lol, thats cool.