Is it possible to summon legions of spirits to work on clairaudience or to force you out of body?
Why would you summon legions of entities for something that silly? What are they going to do? Come to you and start screaming at you until you can hear them?
empower your energy body
Dude…no…just no.
How many times are you going to ask this question?
You’ve already been told by numerous people that your fantasy about leaving your body and living happy ever after in the astral plane is just that, fantasy.
No spirit is going to do it for you, because the whole idea of it is anti-Ascension. It serves no purpose other than your delusion that the astral is better than the physical.
Once again, you’re right.
Great words by @DarkestKnight as always.
My advice for you is to man up, to grow up and Change the shit that you don’t like that makes you want to escape the physical world and stop with the escapist mind set and actually put work and dedication.
Dont look for fast solutions, watch for real truly powerful solutions but not for that astral escapist shit.
Empowering your energy body isn’t the same as actually putting the work into your clairaudience. Abilities have to be maintained not do it once and it’s there forever.
Still a boost
A boost can’t boost nothing. To boost nothing is to gain nothing.
I don’t think they are boosting nothing. I think that clairaudience in the physical body must be interpreted by the brain. That is why people cannot hear spirits. because the brain has not practiced interpreting the spirits energy.
So it is not nothing.
You look for Easy way out if you had something to boost you wouldn’t be incapable of feeling, hearing, seeing energy but you stated you cannot meaning there’s nothing to boost for one reason or another.
But still boost the energy body itself. I never said it would boost the senses. I said it would boost the energy body.
You’ve gotten reiki stuff done, you’ve made deals with entities and see how far that’s gotten you? A boost won’t do much if all this has not.
Bigger boost
You’re grasping for straws now. This now is an honest question. Are you sure you’re cut out for energy work/ritual work? If all you’re doing is looking for handouts and boosts? It seems this might not be a path for you.
I am just trying to get the initial senses first, So i can dedicate myself to empower it more.
I have done many exercises for clairaudience, but I never hear any voices from any beings.
It takes dedication to get the initial senses not entities and other people throwing energy at you in hopes of a boost.
I am doing other things besides that too like exercises.
The boosts are just me hoping that it would be faster.