"Left-Hand Path," "Right-Hand Path," And Definitions

Right, I see what you mean, except RHP very soon goes into “don’t do things in the world because it will create karmic bonds”/“don’t do things in the world because it’s God’s will” so they tend to turn away from active involvement, or soend years in com unities embroiled in the extent to which doing healing work is just selfishness and “attachment”… and what they do permit must come from non-judgemental mercy/grace/compassion.

I’m not really into that approach to changing world events, and I’m not doing it “for the greater good” but because I want to, and find it amusing and pleasing.

It’s the difference of “must change world, must save people” that caused me a fair degree of depression from childhood, versus “I don’t like the way they do that thing they do - they gotta go!”