Learning how to summon a demon - past Christian..Orobas

I want to transition as someone raised Baptist/Christian, educated Catholic school girl, almost married Islamic. A young bride.

I didn’t get far with asking help from god or who they say is God to help me with anything in my life. I struggled a lot and raised myself. I started magic by learning, reading, & trying things alone & I saw things happening to help me. Pesky coworker being a bitch, male or female, Mars helped me & made them back down.

Visions of a fire being with a fire shield & a fire covered sword when I had an altar to Mars. An ancestor altar did nothing for me. Learned how to feel & love energy from the sun & earth. I can steal energy from others, but I don’t like to.

I also had Venus give me a lover & beauty born, but I haven’t developed that relationship. I’m scared and idk why. She’s conflicted with Saturn in my birth chart.

Earthy women have taught me. They were beautiful & full of earth and seductive, but not like religious women I had when growing up who were very strict & abusive. Like physically abusive like my mom in my past. Demons seem so foreign. We’re taught they kill us. We have to protect & they drove some people wild. I want to cross the border & I have called Prince Orobas. I’m sad we’re taught LIES about demons!

Orobas is friendly to beginners I’ve heard. I’m not dead yet haha so yeah. And some forces like Kail are said to be scary powerful. All I see are warnings. Appreciate any help

To summon a demon (all I’ve seen is):

  • Get their herb and sights via preferred incense
  • Get their sigil - draw and activate it…I can’t draw such complicated shapes!! It’s hard…
  • Get their preferred sigil on your phone at least
  • Get 3 candles in their preferred colors or white candles
  • Get into a trance state using breath
  • speak their enn
  • Ask for what you need nicely
  • Say bye

This sounds so lacking


You don’t need both a dick and an enn, they both do the same job. If you have neither just use the name (lots of entities have neither).

I would add, while in trance and asking for what you want, see it in your mind and heart, imagine what it would look like, feel like, smell, sound and taste like if you were living it right then. Feel as if it’s already true and you just have to find out about it. Spend as much time as you can on this until you are too tired or bored to continue, and you have fully expressed your desire until there’s nothing left in you.
Then you’re done.


dick ?? :joy:


Sigil. Typo :joy:


Albeit @Mulberry is correct you don’t need both a dick and an enn. Summoning works equally well with a vagina or neither or both.

But back on topic. Summoning particularly with demons is more about intention than tools. If the tools help you get into the headspace then that’s good but it’s not required unless you need them for you


I did it by casting a circle then placing dragons blood incense on the right, glass of water on left, amethyst on top (north), & a red candle (fire) at the bottom (also called for protection, etc). I thought his name & breathed into my third eye area to enter a calm state then felt something strong. I made sure to ask for only Orobas to appear. I said his enn and played it in the background with a picture of his sigil, but only his name was needed.

What I did wrong in the ritual:

  • I didn’t have wine or coffee as an offering. Just water. Afterwards I promised to get wine today & set an alarm so I won’t forget to!
  • I got distracted midway and kinda scared/nervous when I felt a presence…I need to focus better but my intention was there. I asked for a relationship too
  • I didn’t fully dismiss Orobas (hopefully it was him when I left my circle) as he didn’t feel dangerous, but after coming out the bathroom I felt him/something right at the door. Like whoa…I then banished respectfully
  • I didn’t do it at midnight. I get sleepy
  • I also called to Mars…I like him/his spirits a lot. I should likely stick to one entity or work at a time

Also found this cool video from E.A. I’ve never seen his material since it’s kinda scrubbed from the internet. He has a lot of great stuff that shapes how to think of entities and a higher perspective than what’s lightly taught.

Overall this stuff is real! I was led to free versions of magical books I’ve always wanted. I hope Orobas is nice. I’ll share more if what I asked for or things happen. I want more shields & protection before diving deeper.


I don’t think you need an offering. While lots of beginners do offer offerings it’s not compulsory to do so. You shouldn’t feel compelled to do so

Regarding time of day it doesn’t really matter.

Regarding dismissal until you’ve developed your astral senses you won’t know. It’s safe to presume they have left after you concluded the summoning.

Your fear and doubt may have affected the ritual


I should also add a large proportion of EA’s videos are on Odysee. I believe the link is here:


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It could have, but what I felt was very strong. I’m not used to feeling that. I didn’t know what to do with it naturally so fear crept in. It did not leave after the summoning. I wouldn’t advise anyone to assume that. I was taught/learned to always close, dismiss, or end a work completely & I forgot in haste or bad nerves. Always say goodbye. Never leave a door open (especially for beginners…that’s how bad stuff can sneak in or hang around).

I calmed myself & will see about establishing a relationship. This is the second day of workings. Yesterday I didn’t use any tools or deep concentration. I hope improve in time by practicing. It was strong, but luckily not threatening. I’ll pause and work on shields and reading the free money books I received.

I also need to confirm that who I call is who appears. I forgot to research how to do that.

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Pretty brave going from Babtist to summoning demons ^^. I respect casting the hell and brimstone warnings aside very much. A little fear is natural in the beginning and to be expected with a past upbringing like that. Orobas is a very good example of the misconceptions about demons and a pretty good one start with and learn to overcome that fear.

There are many different systems and techniques for summoning demons. From complex Solomonic rituals getting angels and names of god to protect you to simply calling them and making a connection. I’d argue that the trance state is the most important thing no matter what style you use.

My suggestions on the points you posted:

  • The herbs or incense is an offering (and indeed optional). When you ignite them or lay them out for them. Do so with the intent and feeling of giving a friend a small gift “just because”.
  • the sigil doesn’t have to be perfect when you draw them. You can also trace the lines of a printed or screen version. Either printed, screen or drawn all work fine. I prefer drawing over the others for putting in the extra effort and energy and already working in my connection and intent when I do so, but that is not necessary.
  • Candles are optional, colors do matter a little but unless you do something special with the candle like consecrating and dressing it or set an intent for wax divination or doing a candle spell, they’re just tools to light your space and perhaps burn a petition. I’m guessing you use three candles in order to create a “Triangle of Art”? You can also use crystals for that. I personally prefer smokey quartz or obsidian for infernal/ underworld spirits.
  • Any (meditation) method to get you in a trance state works.
  • The enn is optional. Let’s use Orobas as example… You can also chant something like “Orobas, come” repeatedly or even just the name of the demon. I actually prefer this a lot of the times.
  • Asking for your wish nicely works but will also have a chance to get you in a bit of trouble. Or well… too much groveling will. You don’t need to forcefully demand them to do what you want, but a clear and decisive asking for something is good and is respected.
  • Say thanks and bye is a great ending, make sure you intend to have the spirit leave the ritual space when you say your goodbyes

My additions:

  • Make sure you do a cleansing of your space before and banishing before and after every ritual.
  • Somewhere before, while or after going into the meditative state, you might benefit from some practice to raise your own energy.
  • The ritual you describe in most cases calls forth the energy or the current of the demon. Sometimes they make an appearance as the entity if they are already deeply connected or eager to work with you, but usually it’s the energy (or parts of the legions if you like the Goetic imagery) at least in my case it is. This is perfectly fine or even the better option for sitting with the energy in meditation, petitioning, or as part of a bigger operation in which you use that demon’s aid, For a focused summoning ritual (invocation, evocation or even an attempt to full possession), I usually go a little more all-out for better results. This includes half a day to a day of preparation and meditation in solitude, blessing and empowering all of my ritual tools for the coming ritual, preparing my ritual space physically and energetically for the ritual, a ritual bath and consecrating myself with oil(s), a much more intense raising of energy/ energies before the ritual, using a more “official” magickal circle and triangle of art, calling forth the power and force of the four cardinal directions (sometimes the eight directions if I’m feeling cheeky), a more powerful statement or command of the demon to come forth, formulas and chants for my intention of the ritual.
  • Time of ritual (as well as planetary influences etc) could enhance rituals a lot, but usually doesn’t matter that much especially for the “simpler” petitioning rituals or doing spells. I prefer past sundown for most of my work, but that’s mainly because it sets the scene a little better. Any time of the day should work just fine for most rituals.
  • When calling the demon to you, do make sure you do so with some authority. I recommend even intending to command the demon to come forth. Don’t worry about being rude. You are the operator and the power that makes them come to you. You have that authority. Also remember that you don’t only command the demon to come to you, you also pretty much command reality to bend to your will in order for the demon to do so. Standing proudly in your own power in front of a demon also makes sure you gain a little more respect as magickian/ demonolator and makes sure you have less chance to get into trouble with the more intense entities and the operations that will test you. Orobas doesn’t seem to mind at all when I call him forth with the same commanding tone and authority as I would do with the likes of Andras or Belial.

And most of all, don’t forget to have fun with this ^^. The options are endless.


Thank you very much for such detailed information and advice. I will take time to fully digest and research some things you said. I do have a question about how to raise energy based on what you said below:

Somewhere before, while or after going into the meditative state, you might benefit from some practice to raise your own energy.

How do you raise energy? I grounded & meditated (visualized) to pull energy inside before the ritual. but today my energy is low. I’m not sure if the ritual took a lot but normally I feel fine after work.

I also have a silly question…if a demon’s energy can be very strong and is used to do things, why do people need to physically see them? What is there to gain from summoning their physical form…Demons sound terrifying to see unless asked to change form by the magician.

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You don’t need to physically see them. Summoning them to presence is all you really need for most tasks. However, there is something indescribable about taking something that exists only within your mind and bringing it down into the world and seeing it take form before you. It not only shatters any doubts you may have had but your view of the world as well.


when i summon demons, i use candles, incense, sigil, and enn (if first meeting the spirit, though i also use the enn as a mantra when entering meditative states. however come spirits don’t require the use of enns). i rarely use the herbs that correspond to certain demons if i don’t have it. dragon’s blood is always good, but you can also use incense that corresponds to their rank (Orobas- Prince- Jupiter- Blue- Cedar incense. i reccommend Hem’s or Morning Star’s cedar incense if you’re using stick incense!)

as for Orobas’ nature, the time i’ve worked with him we was straight to the point; no fucking around. he reminded me of a strict, yet awesome art teacher i had in high school; however i’m sure you’ll experience something different from him, no magician’s experience is the same.

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Happy to help! Take from my suggestions what resonates with you, leave the rest ^^

As for raising energy. Just about any method that works for you and you feel comfortable doing, I guess. Raising the kundalini seems to be the most beneficial overall, but it takes time to really develop that skill properly. Chakra work, Chi Gong or Yoga excercises or even a littlIe dancing. I mostly use variants of a guided meditation to raise the black flame that C. Kendall/ The Infernal Obelisk posted on his youtube. I find it a bit of a hassle to dance around or do physical excercises my ritual space at home so I supplement raising the black flame with some prana or qi breath excersizes sometimes along with some mudra’s. If I feel I need a lot, I visualize taking in energy from the sun or several suns/ stars sometimes even black holes while meditating.

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I made it halfway through the black flame guided meditation by Infernal Obelisk just to try. I definitely felt an increase of energy in my Solar plexus. When it got to sending rays from the black sun to my solar plexus & back I struggled to understand/visualize, but it works. My chakra feels electrified now.

For curious people - Explanation of the black flame by Infernal Obelisk:

The meditation:

Chi Gong seems relaxing. Many videos claim health benefits and creating qi gong energy balls. I’ll check it out. I’ve never heard of energy from black holes or multiple stars. That’s creative.

I’m not able to do mudras currently, but others should know about them if curious. Planetary magic, even Buddhist temples in America, public figures & leaders, ancient belief systems and rituals have associated mudras. Example of why & how some use them from Prashantj yoga:

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I think a lot of the Qi Gong and Prana breath exercises are also meant to enhance the flow of energy. I’m not a big believer in the Qi/ Chi energy balls, though. I’ve watched enough McDojoLife vids to be a little skeptical about the Dragonball Z powers attributed to Qi work ^^.

I have gotten some amazing benefits from Qi Gong excercises, both physical and in terms of energy levels.

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Oooh yeah…
I got the idea from a banishing method absorbing the energy of the sun and “exploding” that outward. I forgot what the official name is. The idea of using the energy or anti-energy from black holes came to me in a dream.

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Nice idea! Taking in blinding sun energy then expelling it to banish whatever bad things are around. I don’t follow on the black hole process you mentioned but at least you get ideas from your dreams.

Have you worked with genies? Someone named Nitika or one of the 84 Genies of Power? Or do you primarily work with only demons? I don’t feel like sticking to 1 type of spirit/energy unless it’s a good idea to. I hope they don’t get upset if I do work with others like St.Expedite.

Yeah I like it mainly because it doesn’t involve spirits, jist my own abilities.

I don’t demons care much if you work with other types of spirits. The nature of these entities might be a lot less black and white than most of us think. I work with several types as well. Mainly demons, some greek gods, some hindi gods, some local pre-christian gods.

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I find that adding a dark blue candle helps with summoning demons. :slight_smile:

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