Kundalini mixed with the occult

I wanted to know if this is a horrible idea? I have been advised on a subreddit I will keep suffering chronic pain and other kundalini related symptoms if I don’t stop my occult practices.

It is fine. The kundalini is simply an energy practice. “Occult” practices don’t interfere and, in fact, they go well together.

It sounds like religious dogma.


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Not at all. Some entities have helped members here raise their kundalini safely.

You have to remember that most people in the west, even when not technically Christian, have absorbed and are very influenced at a deeply ingrained cultural level that anything they don’t understand is evil and out to get you, and only their special deified pet demon is allowed to be helpful.
That is their dogma, it’s not nothing to do with you.

You have to manage such people by telling them what you need them to know and no more. They will ban you, the modern equivalent of stoning you… This is why the occult is hidden, because of people like this: “no pearls before swine”, so borrow their phrase - don’t share precious knowledge with those who would spit on it.

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Kundalini is just one term for this universal phenomenon/ technique. It’s a thing used worldwide by LHP and RHP practitioners alike (and definitely not bound to any perceived “good” or “evil” practices) . For instance, the Caduceus (the staff of Hermes) is also said to symbolize the kundalini or the ascending serpent force/ energy. I’d say using this in occultism is generally a good idea.

If you are suffering from symptoms you strongly suspect to be linked to awakened kundalini, you might want to look into what possible imbalance might be causing it before proceeding to play around with the kundalini energy. For instance, forcing the kundalini to awaken when your system is not fully ready for it is usually said to have some averse reactions.

So now you know that is absolute BS :wink: Kundalini is one of the leitmotives in ceremonial magick