Side Convo

Just in case if you are referring to the Kundalini subreddit, I personally think that people on that subreddit (particularly the mods) are very dogmatic and are pushing their own views, although I think some of their advices are very helpful, you should learn to descriminate by yourself.

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Hahahaha I just got banned today for being in to demons and the occult. The mod is really horrible but r/KundaliniAwakening which is new, is much more chill. He essentially said am evil for working with demons and that’s not kundalini should be used.

@Shamn and @VoidKing I am sorry that you made bad experiences on a different platform, but please refrain from bashing other communities in postings, you can of course exchange your experiences in private :smiley: We don’t wish to invite any kind of strife or animosities in between different communities and as this site can be looked up on google and co. it is likely that stuff like this ends up in a “No U” piss contest in between its respective members :sweat_smile:

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