I hope the following information I provide may be of some assistance to you.
To begin, I will say this:
I have had success in stopping kundalini, even after it gave me insomnia for months, and had caused me considerable discomfort and pain. So that I had no symptoms and no pain and rest-full sleep. Since that time I have reengaged with it and actively work with it daily.
If you follow through with kundalini, learn to control it and eventually master it, you WILL be benefited in your magickal practice. For example, you may come to be able to control weather, storms, lighting.
My awakening was unintentional and due to seemingly unrelated magickal practice. The negative symptoms I experienced were blackening of my big toenails (I thought they were going to fall off!) and months of insomnia.
I have also had major kundalini spikes (to borrow a term from Robert Bruce) that feel as heavy and solid as stone. They hurt much, and as I worked with these surges of kundalini the physical and energy bodies got used to them, with pain gradually lessening from excruciating to bad to uncomfortable until suddenly a shift occurred and it feels blissful, pleasant.
I share the above to emphasize that even if you fail to ‘put away’ or ‘forsake’ kundalini that you will eventually adapt and adjust to its power.
Remember: you will not be tortured forever, the discomfort and pain are temporary.
Methods for putting away or forsaking kundalini:
- Grounding Methods explained
You have mentioned that grounding methods dont work, but dont mention specifically the ones you have used. For the sake of being thorough I will discuss the ones I know, and if you havn’t used one you can try it out. Sex (be careful though, you dont want kundalini surging into your sexual organs with force beyond your ability to handle), heavy food (like eating steak to fullness) covering oneself in dirt (cleanliness is related to rousing kundalini) , walking barefoot, but by FAR very heavy exercise to exhaustion is the best method.
All these activities are related to the root muladhara chakra, which is the chakra of the earth element. The idea is that since kundalini comes forth from the root chakra, that it can be made to ‘identify’ (like send its energy) to the root chakra, thus not rising up the body.
Kundalini uses your energy (like energy used in energy work- called prana by the vedic and tantric practitioners) to rise. Kundalini is also a very physiological energy, for example it can move (not a lot though) internal organs when rising. You may have experienced this first-hand with your headaches. Thus heavy exercise is effective because it burns up excess energy in the body, and tires the body.
- Treating kundalini as an entity ‘forsaking kundalini’
Tantric practitioners personify kundalini, and call her Kundalini Shakti. They typically depict kundalini as either a snake or a fierce godess dancing upon the body of the practitioner, among many many other depictions. One aspect of this symbolism is the danger and discomfort of working with the goddess.
I have had success in treating kundalini like any other entity, talking to it (her), and making requests. You can try addressing her like a mother, explaining your predicament and pain, and asking for relief.
I have also had success in ‘forsaking’ kundalini, something I have not found written on anywhere (though I have not read all writings). I told kundalini: “I am done with you, I forsake you, you don’t exist to me”. I had unwavering intention to have no more kundalini, and no more kundalini symptoms. It worked and I had great sleep thereafter.
- Ganesha
I wont go over Hindu mythology here, simply know that Ganesha is extremely good at getting kundalini to activate/raise/spike if properly contacted or petitioned. He is the deity of obstacles, and can remove them.
I have had this entity come to me in vision a few times with utterly staggering results. While in these interactions I was working to increase kundalini, the opposite is just as possible to Ganesha. I dont have any rituals or even a mantra to share, due to the spontaneous nature of my interactions, but you can find methods online. Until then, you can petition him with prayer and absolutely yes absolutely have natural sweets out he absolutely loves and adores sweets.
- Meditations and energy work designed to stop kundalini
Kundalini does not have to travel through the body, it can be directed anywhere. The following methods are what grounding methods are trying to emulate, but they are very very weak in comparison.
A. Direct energy from the crown to the root.
Take energy and bring it into the body from the top of the head, and direct it down the body then out the perineum (between anus and genitals) or further down the legs and out the bottom of the feet. Make sure the energy goes out of your body into the ground, do not bring any energy up the body at all, only direct energy down and out.
You may or may not have noticed kundalini ‘recede’ back into the root chakra after a spike (when it surges up the body) this practice is designed to encourage that. Bear in mind that kundalini is a very dense subtle and refined energy so the denser the energy you can control the better (but dont fret too much about this, just focus on downward and outward flow of energy!) For best results (if you can feel the kundalini current) follow the path kundalini takes when rising up the body, but of course make sure all the energy goes down.
B. Roots and Branches
This is a grounding technique from a book called “Miracle Mastery by Dave Debold”. Sit on the ground, and visualize a silver root growing down from your perineum (space between anus and genitals). Visualize this root branch divide into two roots, then four, then eight, then sixteen and so forth as it grows downward into the earth. Visualize it grow as many root tips as you can accurately visualize and hold steady in your mind, the importance is steady and accurate visualization rather than getting many root tips. So to start you can pick a lower number and go from there. Finally, send energy into the earth through these roots, like silver shining liquid, and send it out of the root tips into the earth.
C. Control of Kundalini
This is fairly advanced but by far most effective bar none. Kundalini itself can be controlled, like any energy, force, entity, object, or power. You can learn to control kundalini directly. This takes practice, but you can then direct it down and out into the earth rather than up the body. I recommend against directing it from the root chakra down the leg and out the foot, as if your system is not used to that much power going down a leg you can ‘injure’ the leg, or the pelvis or groin area (though in my experience the injury disappears as soon as kundalini is removed from the ‘injured’ region).
This method can also be used to direct kundalini back into its place of origin at the root chakra, literally ‘putting away’ the kundalini like putting an item in a backpack.
- If interested in further study
A. Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzak Bentov
In the last section of this book the author discusses negative kundalini symptoms, how they cannot be treated by conventional medicine ( think headache medication) and discusses possible options.
B. Aghora at the Left Hand of God by Robert Svoboda
C. Aghora 2 Kundalini by Robert Svoboda
In these books the author shares teachings from The Aghori Vimalananda relating to tantra, kundalini goddesses, and kundalini itself
D. Miracle Mastery by Dave Debold
The author discusses practices and meditations designed to bring about psychic abilities such as telekinesis, invisibility, teleportation, ect.
E. Living with Kundalini by Gopi Krishna
The author lived through and survived two very nasty and life threatening kundalini spikes, his experience and how he coped with it. (I need to note here that he does not give much good practical advice for actually living with kundalini, much to my dismay at the time of reading it.)
If you have any questions or need clarification reach out, though due to my schedule it may take up to a week for me to respond.