Kundalini Awakening - Seeking help

If all else fails, turn your back on magic for a while and get your life/health under control in normal ways and then get back into it.


May I ask, what specifically do you mean by “suffering”.

This journey has been ongoing for a few months now, and I’m hanging in there. Some days are worse than others, some days aren’t too bad. By that, I mean that the kundalini has halted to some extent, yet I feel energy moving and chakras pulsing at times, making me feel nervous and scared of whats to come.

I am more scared of how long this process will take for me. Days, weeks, months, years?!

I’ve seeked help from @C.Kendall to bring kundalini dormant, which did absolute wonders, but I am beginning to feel things kick back up again slowly… some days stronger than others.

I spend most days studying and learning, trying to prepare myself, but the moment I “feel” something, I freak out. I am still not prepared, just as most of those who go through this…

I don’t know if I can handle what you mentioned as “suffering”. Especially while trying to work a regular day job and support myself to make ends meet and survive a day-to-day living.


Do you ever get anxious or psychotic-like symptoms? I think this is what most mean by suffering, it’s all mental. But sometimes can also be physical pain.

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Hey do you have an update on this issue?

Have you gotten any better?

If so, What’s been working so far?

Do you think that healing/strengthening the chakras would help to handle the load of the kundalini? Maybe the chakras are too weak at the moment?

I ask this because I didn’t see you mention that your chakras were healed or restored at all before them being opened. If that is the case I hope that maybe this healing meditation can help you.

I don’t know though it’s my own theory so please check with the experts. :pray:t6:

Hey, sure I can share an update.

As I mentioned in a post up above recently, I hired Connor Kendall. He performed a rite on me which ultimately brought kundalini back down to the root to lay dormant again.

I have been back to “normal” for a little while now. I do however feel residual effects lingering like twitching throughout my body, pressure and pulsing in and around my chakra areas. Connor mentioned that those are normal symptoms after such a drastic change in my energy system. They will, as he mentions, in due time pass.

I haven’t messed with anything chakra related, no meditation, no magick, no nothing since then.


I’m glad to hear that! That experience going on for that long sounds like hell. It’s really good that you found a solution and didn’t loose yourself. Thanks for the reference on who you worked with as well.
Are you quitting magic forever after that or do you just need a long break?


About no meditation and no magick, indeed… personally I’m noticing how, at a certain point, not only working on the chakras but also prayer, visualization, “evoking” and keeping a positive emotion etc., they make the body jolt.

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Absolutely. I’d definitely recommend him if anybody else ever has a similar situation like mine; accidentally/unintentionally awakening kundalini, and looking to bring it back down again.

I won’t say I am going to quit forever, I just need a verrryyy long break from anything related to spiritual/magickal practices :sweat_smile:

I think given the fact that I was able to awaken kundalini so easily without it even being my intention, that may be my next step in the future. PLENTY of research, and possibly awakening it properly, when I feel I am mentally, physically, and financially prepared to endure the process and undergo changes. I know that’s not quite how it works though… but hey, that’s just a thought. I’ll see what the future holds after my long break

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It is like mental breakdown. You can’t trust anything you have learned or believed. All the narratives you have told dies. Hope dies. All the meanings dies. You don’t know anymore who you are. At all. Usually you lose also relationships because you can’t pretend a human who you have been any more. If there are traumatic history, everything comes surface from nervous system and body. Losing control is the deepest suffering here.

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May you succeed come that day.

I am also glad to still be hearing from you, and that C Kendall’s magick worked.

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Thank you. And again, thanks for all your help and long-detailed messages of invaluable information that you shared with me during a time of need. Very much appreciated


Who is Conner Kendall?

He is a member here, an occult author egos books are on anazon, he used to offer t Royal for hire through the main BALG website, but he stopped doing that.