I’ve changed up my morning routine a bit. I’ve started brushing my skin with a stiff brush as instructed in Franz Bardon Initiation into Hermetics to “open the pores” and following it with Jason Miller’s 9 Breaths Purification and meditation. Then I do Donna Eden’s daily energy routine and finish it off with some chi washing.
I’ve completed the 33 day Master Protection Ritual so I’ve decided to start doing the Lwa banishing and empowerments after the morning energy work for the next thirty days.
I’ve also finished forty days of the Lakshmi mantra. It resulted in the manifestation of small amounts of money at irregular intervals. I’m now going to focus on my angelic mantra for wealth ex nihilo for the next 60 days to see if I can create greater amounts of money. I’m also using the anti-aging mantra.
I’ve been avoiding direct entity work for a while, choosing to focus on simple energy work and mantras instead but I’ve been getting the feeling I should touch base with my allies. I sense there is some stuff going on behind the scenes.
My adventures go on.
I am ageing like a fine banana.
I don’t generally talk about my spiritual…um…heritage? baggage? burden? I don’t know which word is appropriate, but it has been on my mind a lot lately. I don’t buy into a lot of the claims made by people in the occult. I don’t believe aliens, fairies, elves, gods, demons, angels and other mythological beings are born into human bodies, I don’t believe humans didn’t naturally evolve and I don’t believe the greatest monuments in the world weren’t built by human hands. I find it so bizarre that so many people who are in the occult to obtain power are so willing to then deny that power by giving the credit for all of humanity’s achievements to some other fantastical race (but, of course, our mistakes are all our own).
I do, however, believe that everyone has their own unique spiritual destiny. There is something greater at play, an overarching plan that we can only catch pieces of, and then only in relation to ourselves and sometimes those closest to us. I don’t believe it has to do with any of the conspiracy nonsense that some people like to spout. This is not a “prison planet,” that’s just a fantasy for those who would rather escape life than embrace it.
A good friend of mine, before she left this forum, gave me some…insights…that she was granted about my own particular destiny. She was told these things because they couldn’t get through to me. I was told that I have a lot of friends on the other side, so much more than I could ever know. And they’re all waiting for me to claim my kingdom. I forgot what I am, regained it, and then lost it again. I was so strong, I didn’t need the gods, but they needed me so they continue to try to get me to remember.
I have no idea what any of that means, but i think i need to find out, and soon.