Hey Knight, I thought I’d offer some tips on performing the angelic emotional transmutations since I have a good amount of experience with the technique. Thanks for sharing btw, and I would just PM this to you to not hijack your thread any, but others may find it helpful too, if you don’t mind.
Ok, so emotional transmutation. This is something that took me some time to figure out, partially because there is much more to the technique in its entirety than what you may realize at first. More than that, I definitely feel you on the “muted emotions” thing. I put my thoughts about this at the end of the post, after the alchemy tips.
You’ll note that the process is described as a “transmutation,” a transformation of one thing into another. While gazing at the sigil and contemplating your desire, allow all of the (likely) negative feelings you have around the current situation to arise and be amplified by the angels. Really take your time here, as difficult or unpleasant as it may be, to bring forth the entirety of your emotion.
I will often feel these emotions as a constricting feeling in my chest, like I’m being choked almost. One thing I find particularly helpful here is to imagine how I would feel if the magick did not work, and things stayed the same or got worse. At this point I typically am consumed with an overwhelming sense of dismay, anxiety, depression, complete helplessness, or some other gross cocktail of emotion.
When you then transmute the emotional energy, you may find that it feels like it squeezes through a filter of sorts, or is pushed up out of your body. In its place, allow Light to flow into you and fill you with the positive emotions associated with your desire. Feelings such as joy, peace, love, and gratitude will often arise without much effort at this point.
I usually feel these new, purified emotions as an ebbing, glowing shade of Light in my chest/upper body. I also do not typically visualize the end-result much when doing this sort of magick. I do find it helpful in some circumstances, but with practice you’ll get used to working directly with the emotional energy.
Overall I’d say the key is bringing up as much of the negative energy as you can, and then purifying it into something more pure and beneficial. I would say that you need to clear out the negative to allow new positive stuff to come in, but it’s less of a replacing and more of a transmuting from one internal state into another, thus the term emotional alchemy.
Also, one more thing, do not neglect the bit where you shift time. It may seem like a minor detail at first, but it is the doorway to powerful emotions. The author just mentions doing so once, but I’ve often found that, in magick, it is often better to do things three times than two.
Sad ramblings follow, read if you dare 
I generally did not feel much of anything for most of my daily life until I started practicing magick. I still had some emotions, but they were very transient and weak, and mostly I just felt hollow and empty or a vague, unspecific negativity. I had a very poor self-image, with no self-respect or esteem. I let people walk all over me and take advantage of me, and generally did not have a healthy sense of self and other.
Magick has healed so much poison I had repressed within me, has helped me see the true value and beauty of my self, and has empowered me to live the life that my truest self desires, not the life that others have tried to force upon me. While I’m still learning about myself and growing as a person, it is difficult to describe the sheer magnitude of the transformation that has occurred both within me and without in my life.
Wishing you the best