Knight Musings

Ah. I see.

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A very warm day. Warm enough that just getting out of bed was enough activity to build up a sweat :sweat_smile:

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty-five minutes to begin.

In the afternoon, I began Ritual 6 of Success Magick.

The evening brought some meditation to a binaural track for a couple of hours.

Finished up the day’s adventures with some lucid dreaming practice.



No dreams remembered upon waking.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Ritual 6 of Success Magick.

Meditation to a binaural for an hour in the early evening.

Breathwork and energy circulation before bed.

Ended the adventures with more lucid dreaming practice.



Was able to remember some vague details of my dreams. It involved…teaching. This seems to be a recurring theme that comes up for whatever reason. Well, teaching and being chased by something lol

Meridian tapping and spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Ritual 6 of Success Magick.

Meditation for an hour in the evening.

Lucid dreaming practice to end the day’s adventures.



Came into full consciousness too quickly to remember any remnant of my dreams.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Did breathwork and chi circulation after some calisthenics in the afternoon.

Ritual 6 of Success Magick after lunch.

More breathwork and chi circulation several hours later.

Mediation to a binaural track in the late evening.

Energy work with Jazzy for forty-five minutes before bed. I then tasked Jazzy with opening up my energy while I slept to help with lucid dreaming.

End of the adventures.


If you don’t mind me asking, what sort of work are you planning to do with lucid dreaming?

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A good, relaxed day. I think I’m getting a better handle on my inner conversations.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes after waking.

Breathwork for twenty minutes after calisthenics.

Ritual 6 of Success Magick.

More breathwork and chi circulation a few in the early evening.

Meditation for an hour to a theta binaural track.

Ended the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming track

I want to experiment with performing my rituals in the dream state. Shinri had some interesting posts about his Enochian dream work that intrigued me.



An easy day. No dreams remembered.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for forty minutes before performing Ritual 6 of Success Magick.

Meditation for an hour to a binaural track.

End of the adventures.



A wonky day. Felt off all day.

Awoke from an odd dream of being on a bus and sitting beside a woman who was telling me about her miscarriage.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes shortly after waking.

Breathwork and chi circulation for twenty minutes in the afternoon.

Ritual 6 of Success Magick in the early evening.

More breathwork and chi circulation before bed.

Finished off the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural.


Imagine if you became immortal and we would be reading these posts for the rest of eternity, lol.


No dreams upon waking.

A busy day so I didn’t get much in the way of my practice done. Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and Ritual 6 of Success Magick before I had to run off to work. Got home late and barely had time to eat something before falling asleep to end the day’s adventures.


16/6/23 & 17/6/23

Busy days. My only practice was the spiritual perfection mantra, and then I spent the majority of my day at a work event. I managed to fit in some light breathwork here and there though.

Not much happening on the spiritual front at the moment. I no longer feel any movement or hear a buzzing in the air. There’s no sense of expectation.

No dreams remembered.

End of the adventures.



A nice relaxed day after the chaotic energy of the work events of the last few days. It was pretty low-key, with no dreams remembered from the night before.

Spiritual perfection mantra for forty minutes upon waking.

Started Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

Meditation to a binaural for half an hour.

End of the day’s simple adventures.



A good day. Mood was elevated, but again no dreams were remembered.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes, followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

Had some cold beer and conversation with a good friend down at a local pub. It was an enjoyable time and reminded me about the magick inherent in the mundane.

In the evening, I chanted the psychic powers mantra again for about twenty minutes. Not sure why, I guess I just felt like it. My brain has started pulling up the mantras that I have used the most from memory for some reason and nudging me to chant them.

Fell asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural to end the adventures.



No dreams remembered, and I spent the day focused on mainly just enjoying life.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Chanted the psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes before performing Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

After some calisthenics, I went out to a good lunch. As I was eating and enjoying the food, I got a download of…something. I had to wait to write it down until I got home though. I’m not sure what the force behind what I got was, and will have to spend some time meditating on it to see if I can unravel some glimmer of understanding.

A few hours later, I meditated on the symbol I had received from my Fae guide for fifteen minutes.

In the evening, I chanted the psychic powers mantra again while watching a movie. The desire to chant just randomly popped into my head again.

Finished the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural track.


21/6/23 & 22/6/23

Simple, easy days. No success with lucid dreaming to report.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Psychic powers mantra for twenty minutes followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

Energy work and meditation in the evening.

End of the adventures.



Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes, followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

In the evening, I did an hour of energy work before a shamanic journey to see my Fae guide, as described here.

Finished off the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural.



A nice, relaxed day.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes and followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

A fifteen minute no-mind meditation in the afternoon.

Has some unexpected money manifest in my account.

Ended the adventures with lucid dreaming practice.



A good day, just enjoying myself.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes an hour after waking.

It was a day off in between the rituals from Success Magick so I mainly just focused on meditation and some energy work. I’m still working on getting quicker results via pure assertion of will but so far it’s taking several hours to a few days to bring something into my reality.

I’ve been trying to determine what kind of large scale changes I want to bring into my life. I’m tired of thinking small and only limiting myself to a little boost here and there. I feel that it’s really time to test the limits of my magick. I’ve never really had a reason to fully exert myself and see just what I can accomplish. What do I have to lose?

End of the adventures.



Started with the usual spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and the psychic powers mantra for twenty before beginning Ritual 8 of Success Magick.

In the evening, I decided to change things up a bit and chanted the Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu mantra for twenty minutes. It has a resonance quite distinct from the angelic mantras I channeled and it felt a bit awkward rolling off the tongue since I’ve been using only the angelic mantras for several years now.

Belial has been on my mind lately. I have a lot of anger simmering about several things going on in my life and I think my rage is calling to him. His name has also been popping up on the forum in a way that kind of feels like he wants me to notice him. Maybe it’s time for a call.

End of the day’s adventures.