Knight Musings


Mantras and meditation. It’s gotten to the point now where the mantras are being done pretty much mechanically. I most often chant them while doing other tasks that don’t require a lot of focus. I’ve sort of accidentally set up a schedule where I try to do something “magical” every two to three hours every day, whether that is chanting, a short GOM ritual or a pathworking, etc. I actually feel some guilt if life happens and i don’t complete all of my daily work.

I had the unusual idea pop into my brain to try a live channelling on the forum. I’m not a medium, but then I’ve never actually tried to be, so who knows? I just assumed my shielding would interfere with it, so i never bothered. It occurred to me, however, that a live Q & A with Raziel could be informative and helpful for people. It would also stretch my powers in a new way.



My usual mantras and meditation.

Decided to work with the Angels of Omnipotence again using the glyphs in Jareth Tempest’s book. I chose to try to manifest an amount of money because, well, why not? My previous results with the book have been middling at best, though, as I find emotional transmutation to be challenging, but I thought I’d give it another shot.

I managed to take some time and create a list of desired material goals and objects to work on manifesting. A few of the things could probably be considered as “unreasonable” in consensual reality, but I think it will be a good test of my limits if I can cross even one of them off the list.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and wealth mantras and binaural meditation.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the accompanying visualization of heaven’s abundance pouring down upon you and being projected out into the world while chanting the wealth mantra is an essential part of creation ex nihlio. I have been chanting the mantra by itself without the visualization for over a month now, and though I feel an energetic build up, no material results have really materialized.

I think I’m going to start experimenting with the astral travel mantra next. I’m curious as to what kind of effect it will have, as no one has reported any experiences with it yet.

I will work with the glyph from Angels of Omnipotence for a month or so and see if I can achieve some physical results. They’ve been quite difficult for me to obtain anything tangible with, so if there is no manifestation, I may to have to start using the direct pathworkings instead whenever i decide to work with the AoO.

I always like to go back and drill my fundamentals every so often, so maybe I’ll also do some work on strengthening my magical imagination. I feel a lot of beginners, and even some intermediate practitioners, neglect them too much, even sometimes skipping over them all together, in favour of the more fantastic claims and false declarations of ability that abound on the internet. I’ve always wondered how anyone can take someone seriously when they start proclaiming themselves a “master” after a mere few months of practice? That’s just ego delusion.

And the adventures continue.


Hi @DarkestKnight ,i chant your mantra with imagination in a deep hypnosis trance for a couple of times and after a week or two i find a way for creating wealth ex nihlio(literally),but in other hand i need a spirit to help with that,now i love a goddesses for a few month but i dont know if she can help or not,I’m a newbie and my claire’s are not opened yet,so i have a long time to get there, so yes your mantra work for me in this way


11/12/22 & 12/12/22

Guess what I did today? It was…more mantras and meditation! Betcha didn’t expect that, didja?

Now that that’s out of the way, there’s not really much of anything else to report in this here journal. Things are just putterin’ along, nothin’ special.







Mantras and meditation. I’ve added the purging mantra to my daily practice. Time to face the ugly of myself.

Changed the glyph I am using from the Angels of Omnipotence. Instead of manifesting money, I’m going to work on my self-doubt. I tend to hold my self back way too much, afraid of my power and what I’m capable of. I’ve been a magician for thirty years, and have been told by several spirits that I alone am responsible for my chains, so I guess it is I alone who is responsible for breaking them.

And the adventures go on.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, purging, and wealth mantras for around twenty minutes each.

Got wrapped up in some issues with work, and forgot to do the ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

I’ve been meditating to several binaural tracks for a while, and now I’ve started experimenting with some subliminal tracks on YouTube. They’re not for anything major like changing my nose shape or eye colour, but for healing.

I’ve also been sleeping to a subliminal for becoming your perfected self. Onward to adventure!



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, purging and wealth mantras. Meditation to a binaural track for an hour, and listening to a healing subliminal for half and hour.

Trying to decide on a path for my life. To be honest, I’ve never really given it all that much thought. I’ve worked dead end jobs that paid the bills but not much else, I’ve been homeless, I’ve been stuck in unhealthy situations, and I’ve just sort of floated along without much to show for my passage through life. Even when I was in college, I had no real goal to work towards. I just studied subjects that seemed interesting, and once I graduated, I wasn’t really set up for any particular career.

It’s the same with magick. I’ve studied a lot of different things, but there are depths I haven’t even attempted to dive into. I’m knowledgeable about a lot, and have practiced many systems, but I feel like I haven’t spent much time really practicing them. I think, sometimes, the need for practical results gets in the way of fully understanding a system or path. There is a majesty and beauty in magick, but there is also horror and fear. The fact is, there is much about this universe of ours that we don’t know. We have explored so very little of it, and humanity’s greatest sin has always been hubris, an arrogance of believing that we are more than we are. However, perhaps that is also our greatest strength for it allows us to push ourselves into those places we were not meant to go, to strive, to seek, to yearn, and to become.

The adventures stride on.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantras for about thirty to forty minutes each. Meditated to a binaural for an hour or so in the evening, and performed a ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Still can’t make up my mind on where to take my life. A reading I got from Keteriya basically told me to just shut up and use my power to make my life however I want it to be, and some personal contemplation on the subject has led me to conclude that it doesn’t actually matter if I have a definite plan for my life or not, what really matters is simply using my power to move forward even if I don’t know exactly where I’m going until I get there. Stasis caused by fear and indecisiveness are the only real obstacles in my way.

Fells asleep to the healing subliminal to end the day’s adventures.



Mantras, mantras, and more mantras! Plus multiple meditations!

Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantras for 40 minutes each. Meditation to a binaural track for an hour, and a subliminal track for half an hour.

Performed the ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

In the evening, I used a pathworking from the inimitable @ReyCuervo to contact Hermes and the Titan Prometheus. I asked Prometheus if I could send my elemental servitor legion to him for training and he said yes, but that in return, he wanted me to learn from him to balance out some conflicting energies inside me.

Finished the day’s adventures with falling asleep to another subliminal track.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantras for about thirty to forty minutes. Meditation to a binaural for an hour.

Ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Listened to the healing subliminal three times throughout the day.

My dreams have been a bit weird lately. It’s hard to describe them as I don’t often remember much upon awakening, but my sleep hasn’t been very restful. I do remember one where I was in what seemed like an RV with two others, one of which was EA Koetting. He held a book in his hands, and was showing me something written in its pages. It kind of felt like he was lecturing me about something.

And the adventures stumble on.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantras. No meditation today.

The day was kind of meh. Was feeling listless, though I did manage to shovel the snow off the drive.

End of the adventures.



A relaxed day. Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantra for about thirty minutes each and meditation to a binaural for an hour.

Performed the ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Realized I had forgotten to send my servitors to Prometheus for training, but I was inebriated and figured it would be best to wait until tomorrow to do so.

Fell asleep to a subliminal to end the adventures.



Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and purging mantra for thirty to forty minutes each.

Ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

More inebriation so productivity went downhill. Fell asleep to a subliminal to finish off the adventures.



Mantras throughout the day and binaural meditation.

Ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Contemplated a ritual to do for my birthday, but couldn’t come to a decision. Too many things on my mind. Also, I keep forgetting to send my legion to Prometheus.

The adventures continue.



My incarnation day. Still did my usual mantras but no meditation.

Got inebriated and watched bad Christmas themed horror movies.

Performed the Prometheus pathworking again and summoned my servitor legion, commanding them to learn from the Titan. Prometheus nodded and reminded me about my agreement to also learn from him in exchange.

Fell asleep to a subliminal track.



A boring Christmas Day. Managed to do the spiritual perfection mantra, the psychic powers mantra, and the purging mantra but that’s about it. Didn’t feel like doing anything else.



Nothing really worth reporting. Chanting the spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and subconscious purging mantras are about all I do, and those are mostly by rote.

I’ve been feeling very annoyed and irritated lately. My other roommate has developed an unpleasant habit of walking back and forth around the living room and kitchen, rattling his Rubik’s Cube, for hours at a time and he doesn’t walk softly so the constant thumping of his feet, along with the creaking of the floor, are really getting on my nerves. One day he did it for six freakin’ hours. Since my room shares a wall with the living room, and I have a type of hyper awareness that makes shutting out extraneous noise difficult, his constant pacing has woken me up very early in the morning the last couple of days (he stays up all night most days so on a few occasions he has started his circuit as early as 6 AM).

I’m just tired of everything, and I am not looking forward to another month of this shit, let alone another year.

Note: Not sure how much of my current feelings are a result of the purging mantra, and how much is just my usual disenchantment with my life.



A bad day. Felt depressed, and couldn’t really muster any enthusiasm for anything. My mantras fell flat and there was no energetic response at all from the psychic powers mantra, which is unusual as I tend to feel it strongly in my temples and across my scalp, so I stopped chanting it after about ten minutes.

I hated everything in existence so I went to bed earlier than usual, but, of course, I couldn’t sleep.