Knight Musings


Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Performed the second repetition of the ritual from Sigils of Power and Transformation. I was in public, waiting for a bus. and had a bit of difficulty sinking into the sigil properly. Also, I wasn’t sure if it was necessary, as the first ritual seemed to have had an immediate effect.

In the evening, I chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty minutes.

Finished the adventures with the Sword Banishing before bed.



Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Performed the healing ritual from Universal Magick. Results were almost immediate.

Meditated to a theta binaural track for an hour.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for fifteen minutes in the evening.

Ended the day’s adventures with the Sword Banishing and an affirmation track before sleep.



Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Then mantras and meditation as usual.

I’ve decided to undertake another little experiment. If the outer world is just an illusion, or simulation, or matrix, or whatever you want to call it, and consciousness is the only true reality, then I might as well play around with it. Through divination, the universe has been telling me for years to have some fun with my magick, to recapture the awe and wonder of it, so I might as well try and see what happens. My previous 100 day experiment did not produce much in the way of results, but I also wasn’t very consistent with its protocols. This time around, I’m only going to do 30 days, and the entire point will be to NOT seek outer results, only to let things unfold as they will.

Being a ceremonial magician, I’m a bit of a control freak, so this experiment will be going against my natural inclination to try and control the outcome. Letting go does not come easy for me so this game will definitely be a challenge. Honestly, though, where would the adventure be if it wasn’t?

Ended the day with the Sword Banishing before bed.


3/10/22 and 4/10/22

My mantras seem to have reached the point where they’re becoming mere rote. I find myself chanting them while doing other things, like watching a movie, so my focus isn’t really where it should be when doing them.

i’m meditating to binaural tracks pretty much every day. They seem to be the only thing that relaxes me these days. Work and the roommate have me pretty stressed.

I’m not sure where my spiritual development is headed anymore. I haven’t been feeling very "magical, and to be completely honest, I’ve been seriously considering just dropping the whole occult thing.



I have a lot of work on my plate at the moment so I’ve been preoccupied. Nothing really to report on the magical front. I’m continuing with the mantras, and meditation to binaural tracks, but no rituals. Don’t really know what to do magically, to be honest. I look at the magick books I have on Kindle, and think, “I could do this,” or “I could use that,” but I don’t really feel any of them would be useful.



Had a bitchfest with the landlady about the asshat roommate over a burger and beer, and, not gonna lie, it felt kind of cathartic. It even helped to remove some of the stress. She, of course, isn’t going to do anything about him, but at least she does understand what is going on, seeing as she herself has been on the receiving end of his tantrums.

Spent the rest of the day buried in work so I didn’t even remember to do my mantras. I did manage to get a few repetitions of the mantra for healing the subtle bodies in before bed though.

End of the adventures.



A busy day. I am constantly fighting my inclination to procrastinate on my work, which, of course, always leads to me having to do everything all at once, instead of on a reasonable schedule.

Managed to get in some mantras and meditation. The spiritual perfection mantra and the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty minutes each, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

The adventures putter on.



A lackadaisical day.

Personal words of power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour in the afternoon.

In the evening, I chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for thirty five minutes. I was chanting it while watching a movie and wasn’t paying attention to exactly how long I was chanting, so I wound up giving myself a headache from the energy lol

Finished up the adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural.



A busy, busy, day.

Words of power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Mantra for healing the subtle bodies for fifteen minutes in the late afternoon.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour in the evening.

Fell asleep to another binaural to end the adventures.


10/10/22 & 11/10/22

I’ve been busy with mundane work and have not been doing anything new magically. I’ve been fitting in my angelic mantras and binaural meditation wherever I can, usually when engaged in other tasks. As a friend pointed out, though, even chanting the mantras absentmindedly leàds to progress.

I’ve been feeling the sense of something building. I don’t know what, exactly, but I don’t have any feeling of doom about it, so that is a plus. I’ve been trying to get out of my own way, and allow the forces working behind my life to set things up and shower me with blessings, but it’s hard. I can’t let go of the need to control.

The adventures continue.


12/10/122, 13/10/22 and 14/10/22

Didn’t realize I was three days behind in updating this journal. Work has me pretty busy at the moment, but I’m managing to keep up with my mantras and meditation.

A while back, I had a reading from my friend, A_Pariah, and one thing that really stuck out for me was:

I have been told by the universe, and the Powers That Be, that things having been lining up for my greater good for years, but I still haven’t seen any sign of it. I, however, have a bad tendency to hold on to situations that no longer serve me, and that death grip on my comfort zone makes the idea of change of any kind, even an improvement of my circumstances, a frightening prospect, and I’m sure that makes the universe’s job a hell of a lot harder. It’s like trying to move something that’s chained to the ground.

Belial seems to be all over the forum these days. His name is popping up everywhere, and has actually been on my mind for quite a while. I don’t tend to give any significance to such things, because I’ve been around long enough to know that the popularity of spirits comes and goes in cycles. I do kind of feel like I owe Belial something, though. I’ve been promising to work with him for years now, but have never followed through, mainly because I tend to get distracted by the next shiny thing to come along. I also know there is still a lot left for me to explore in my current work with the angels, so I’ve been holding off on moving back into the demonic. However, I do feel that Belial is calling to me.

And the adventures go on.



Still keeping up with my mantras and meditation.

The usual Raziel’s spiritual perfection mantra, and Rapahel’s mantra for healing the subtle bodies, but, to get my brain ready for work related activities, I added in Metatron’s mental prowess mantra. I managed to fit in each for about twenty minutes.

I’ve been experimenting with a variety of different binaural and subliminal tracks for the last month and a half, meditating for an hour each day to a theta frequency, and falling asleep to a looping affirmation. Not really anything to report from them, though.

And the adventures stumble on.



Very busy day.

Managed the spiritual perfection mantra, the mental prowess mantra, and the healing the subtle bodies mantra for 20-25 minutes each.

Got in some meditation to a binaural track in the evening.

Things at work are not going as expected, so I’m left scrambling, trying to get things done, while also looking for alternative solutions to certain problems.

The adventures continue.


17/10/22, 18/10/22 & 19/10/22

I’ve been too busy to do much of anything. Even my mantras have kind of fallen by the wayside. I manged to get in a couple of reps, and some meditation, but not at my usual level.

Smoke from wild fires in Washington state, and on the mainland, have made the air quality where I live so bad, I can’t stop coughing. My throat is scratchy, my eyes burn, and I have a constant headache. I coughed so hard, I almost vomited. It makes chanting anything a challenge.

Oh, the adventures never stop.



Resumed my usual schedule of mantra and meditation.

Words of power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

In the afternoon, I chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty five minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour in the evening.

End of the adventures.



Words of power upon awakening. I’m not sure if repeating these are accomplishing anything. It’s been a while since I started using them, and there doesn’t seem to be any result. I guess part of that is probably related to not knowing what, exactly, the words are supposed to do, so I don’t know what to look for.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty-five minutes a couple of hours after leaving my nice, warm bed.

In the afternoon, I’ve started chanting the physical vitality mantra for twenty minutes. I’m going to experiment with this to see if it will help wean me off of my addiction to energy drinks.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour in the early evening.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies before bed. The asshat roommate has decided to smoke while he’s doing work for the landlady in the suite downstairs, and it’s coming up into my room, irritating my throat and eyes, making me cough, and giving me a headache. It seems that I now have to either put up with the cancerous second hand stench that makes me nauseous, or tell him to knock it off, and have to endure another one of his screaming tantrums. I just can’t fucking win with this dick.

The adventures continue to stumble on drunkenly.



Words of power upon awakening.

Spiritual perfection mantra for 30 minutes.

Physical vitality mantra for 25 minutes in the afternoon.

Meditation to a binaural track for two hours in the early evening.

The mantra for healing the subtle bodies for 40 minutes before bed.

I’ve been looking through my grimoires for some magick to do, but I can’t make up my mind. There is just so much in my life that requires attention that is causing some analysis paralysis. What do I work on first? Prosperity? Healing? Personal charisma? The asshat roommate? So many choices…

End of the day’s adventures.


I usually just wait and suddenly the proper thing to do will come to mind and as I snatch ahold of it I will become aware of more details and more of what it is I should do.

Trust your self to make you aware of what you need to do. It usually will if you just drop it and it not worry on it.



The house has been feeling kind of weird lately, like something’s off. I can’t put my finger on what, exactly, but the atmosphere feels awkward and strained, even though I’ve had no real interactions with the asshat for the last week. May have to start using the Sword Banishing again.

Words of power whispered upon awakening.

Spiritual perfection mantra for 30 minutes.

Mantra for healing the subtle bodies for 35 minutes.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour and half.

Physical vitality mantra in the evening.

I’ve falling asleep to a subliminal called “avatar;reborn” for the last week or so. It’s supposed to help shift your reality and increase the manifestation of desires, but there has been no noticeable effect as of yet. I had trouble sleeping this night, though, so I switched it out for some soft meditation music instead.



Whispered personal words of power upon awakening.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

In the afternoon, I chanted the physical vitality mantra for thirty-five minutes.

In the early evening, I meditated to a binaural track for two hours.

Before bed, I did a pathworking with Raziel and Raphael, and received a mantra for physical healing, and two to help with astral projection. I also had a personal conversation with Raziel about some issues I’m dealing with.

Fell asleep to another binaural track.

End of the adventures.