Knight Musings


No dreams remembered.

Whispered the personal words of power nine times upon waking.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

In the afternoon, I performed an Ebuhuel ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Chanted the purging mantra in the early evening.

I’ve come to the end of my 100 Day Challenge. The results were…middling at best, mostly due to my lack of consistency. I couldn’t maintain the lighthearted and playful spirit of “it’s all a game” and wasn’t very diligent with my mental diet, as I hold a lot of resentment and feelings of hopelessness, and old habits die hard. I was able to manifest a few things, though, like the new job, and some quick money.

The adventures continue.



What a total clusterfuck of a day.

Felt absolutely horrible. Angry, hopeless, raging impotently at the pointlessness of existence.

Whispered the words of power upon waking.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes, but there was nothing to it.

Performed the Atuesuel ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Chanted the purging mantra for twenty minutes. It occurred to me that this mantra might be responsible for the shitty day, as it is supposed to dig up all the repressed shit lurking in the subconscious .

I have apparently gotten sick. As the day progressed, I felt worse, and worse. I was coughing so much, I gave myself a tension headache, and my joints ached, My body temperature went up, and I was unable to sleep. The perfect end to the shittiest day.

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Didn’t do anything magical at all. Felt like shit all day. Took an antigen test and found out I have fucking Covid. Yay.

Fuck my life.



A rough day. Was unable to sleep due to the sinus pressure in my head.

I made an attempt to chant the spiritual perfection mantra, but was barely able to squeak out ten minutes before being interrupted by a coughing fit.

Performed a ritual from Sigils of Power and Transformation to “recover rapidly from colds or flu”

Tried some chanting again in the evening, but it was basically pointless.

And the adventures keep puttering on.



Feeling much better. Was unable to sleep due to sinus pressure, but it broke around six in the morning and the headache cleared up rapidly.

Managed to chant the spiritual perfection mantra for about fifteen minutes.

In the afternoon, I performed the second repetition of the ritual from Sigils of Power and Transformation.

In the evening, I meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

Started chanting the purging mantra again, but then decided it probably wasn’t a good ides to dig anything else up out of the deep mind until I was completely over the covid. No sense in potentially making things worse.

Somehow managed to twinge something in my back, making certain movements painful, probably from a coughing fit.

The adventures putter on.

Edit to add: Forgot to mention I chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies instead of the purging mantra.



My symptoms continue to get better.

Whispered the personal words of power upon awakening.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Performed the third repetition of the ritual from Sigils of Power and Transformation.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for fifteen minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

The adventures continue.



“I have love in me the like of which you can scarcely imagine, and rage the like of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”

  • Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


Easy day, as I’m still recovering.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for fifteen minutes in the afternoon.

Meditation to a theta binaural track for an hour.

Accidentally chanted the purging mantra for twenty minutes instead of the one for healing the subtle bodies. Whoops lol

The adventures continue chugging along.


17/9/22 and 18/9/22

Mantras and meditation.

Spiritual perfection mantra and the mantra for healing the subtle bodies, chanted for about twenty minutes each.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour.

And the adventures go on.

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Day was low-key and uneventful.

Whispered the personal words of power upon awakening.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty minutes.

End of the day’s adventures.

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Words of power upon awakening.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditation to a theta binaural track for an hour.

Atuesuel Ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Mantra for the subtle bodies for twenty minutes.

Finished the adventures with falling asleep to an affirmation track.



Words of power upon awakening.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

In the afternoon, chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty-five minutes

In the evening, my asshat roommate threw another temper tantrum, so I performed the Corruption ritual from Universal Magick on him. Hopefully, it will take this time.



Words of power upon awakening.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour.

Mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty-five minutes in the evening.

Fell asleep to a self-hypnosis track.

End of the adventures.



An anxious day. Asshat roommate still being an asshat.

Spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour.

Mantra for the subtle bodies for about fifteen minutes.

Ended the day’s adventures with Damon Brand’s Sword Banishing before bed.



Day was okay, but still walked on eggshells in case the asshat decided to goes off again

Words of Power upon waking, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for 20 minutes.

In the late afternoon, meditated to a theta binaural track for an hour.

Got distracted, so only remembered to chant the spiritual bodies mantra late in the evening, so only got in a rushed ten minutes.

Also forgot to do the Sword Banishing again before sleep.



Words of power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

In the evening, chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for about fifteen minutes or so. Shoulders and neck were pretty tight due to tension, so the energy of the mantra got stuck in my head and gave me a slight headache.

End of the adventures.



Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for fifteen minutes.

Finished the adventures with the Sword Banishing before sleep.



Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

Meditated to a theta binaural track for an hour.

Chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for twenty minutes. I’v been noticing a slight improvement in my physical health as the boost to my energetic system form the mantra filters down.



A busy day of work. Still anxious about the asshat roommate flipping out again, and feeling a bit paranoid about it.

Words of Power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for twenty minutes.

In the late afternoon, i meditated to a theta binaural track for two hours.

In the evening, I chanted the mantra for healing the subtle bodies for about fifteen minutes.

Forgot to do the Sword Banishing before bed.

Note: Had a circle reading from a friend, and was told there is a huge, overwhelming, angel guarding me.



Words of power upon awakening, followed by the Sword Banishing.

Spiritual perfection mantra chanted for twenty minutes.

Performed a ritual from Sigils of Power and Transformation. Had some difficulty with the emotional transmutation though.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

In the evening, chanted the mantra for the subtle bodies for about fifteen minutes.

Was considering contacting Belial about the asshat roommate, and his name seems to be popping up on the forum more lately.

End of the day’s adventures.