Knight Musings

eagerly awaiting you to post this in the peer-testing thread. or anywhere. [grabby hands]



Started the adventures off with some no-mind meditation for 30 minutes in the morning.

In the afternoon, I vibrated the magical potential mantra for 10 minutes, before performing Ritual 40 of Success Magick.

In the early evening, I did some energy work with the Muladhara chakra utilising the Bija mantra and mudra.

Before sleep, meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour. Once I was sufficiently relaxed, I utilised Lady_Eva’s “If I was a living god…” statement toward manifesting a certain outcome in a random draw.

End of the adventures.



Once again, the adventures started with no-mind meditation upon awakening.

A few hours later, I did some soul travel practice along with the preliminary exercises from the mastering soul travel course.

In the early evening, I vibrated the magical potential mantra for 10 minutes, before performing Ritual 40 of Success Magick.

The outcome of the random draw I used the “If I was a living god” statement for manifested exactly as I wanted.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies before bed. Had plans to journey but wound up falling asleep instead.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.



No-mind meditation upon awakening.

The rest of the day was unadventurous.

Vibrated the magical potential mantra for five minutes, before performing Ritual 40 of Success Magick late in the evening.

Then got inebriated and stuffed full of pizza do didn’t go on any other adventures.

Listened to the Solfeggio frequencies while trying to sleep.



I tried to start the day’s adventures with the spiritual perfection mantra, but it fell flat and lifeless from my lips, so I stopped after about ten minutes.

I felt singularly unmotivated to do much of anything. In the early evening, I performed Ritual 40 of Success Magick, but that was the only praxis accomplished this day.

Listened to the Solfeggio frequencies while trying to fall asleep.




'Twas a busy day of adventuring. Started it off with one of the sigils from Tempest’s Angels of Omnipotence. It gave me a headache that lasted a while.

Later, i chanted the magical potential mantra for about ten minutes, and then performed Ritual 40 of Success Magick.

In the evening, I did two pathworkings, with Raziel, Raphael, and Tzadkiel, and asked for and received two more mantras, one for healing the subtle bodies, and one for luck in gambling.

Lastly, I journeyed through the Goblin Key, to the home of the Fae, as described here.

End of the adventures.



Felt a bit blah today.

Started the adventures with the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence. Didn’t really feel anything from it, but got a slight headache again, though it didn’t last more than a few minutes.

Later in the evening, I chanted the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, and then moved on to Ritual 41 of Success Magick.

Have been musing lately about my upcoming work with the LWA. Only 30 days to go before our agreed upon time to begin. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I was a wee bit nervous.

Fell asleep listening to the Concodia Booster.

End of the adventures.



'Twas a light day of adventuring.

Angels of Omnipotence sigil ritual in the early afternoon.

Ritual 41 of Success Magick in the late evening.

Meditation with the Solfeggio frequencies before bed.

Fell asleep listening to the Concordia Booster.

End of the adventuress.



Another light day of adventuring. I spent most of the day just relaxing, and watching some feel-good movies.

Performed the Angels of Omnipotence sigil ritual in the late afternoon. I’m not feeling much from it thus far.

Ritual 41 of Success Magick rounded out my day in the late evening.

Fell asleep listening to the Concordia Booster, and ended the adventures. So far, the booster has not had any sort of impact on me like the various reviews have suggested it would.



I’ve been taking it easy with my adventuring lately.

Performed the sigil ritual for Uiazel from Angels of Omnipotence. Stil not feeling much, and no longer getting a headache afterwards.

Late in the evening, I vibrated the mantra for magical potential for ten minutes, and then followed it with Ritual 41 of Success Magick.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before bed.

End of the adventures.



Didn’t start any adventures until late in the day.

Performed the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence in the early evening. Didn’t feel much of anything.

Several hours later, I performed Ritual 41 of Success Magick, without the usual mantra beforehand.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before bed.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.


I’m a bit behind in updating so I’m going to combine several entries.

11/4/21 and 12/4/21

I’ve been feeling very blah, so haven’t been doing much adventuring beyond just completing the small daily rituals of Success Magick.

I skipped a couple of days of the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence because I’m not feeling anything from it and it just seems like going through the motions.


I took a day off completely from any magick. Had a tension headache that seemed to get worse as the day progressed so it was difficult to gaze at any sigils or seals.

Managed to meditate to the Solgeggio frequencies before bed. It relaxed me enough to ease the headache and let me sleep.

End of the adventures in praxis.



I’ve been experimenting more with @Lady_Eva 's “If I was a living god…” statement for manifestation. So far, i seem to have more success with it for making something happen (winning a random draw, delivering missing post, etc) than for manifesting material objects.

Vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, before beginning Ritual 42 of Success Magick, in the early evening. Hard to believe I have only 7 weeks to go before finishing the book, and completing over a year of daily magick.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before bed.

End of the adventures.



I’ve been taking it easy with the adventuring. Mainly focusing on meditation, and the Success Magick rituals. I’ve dropped the Angels of Omnipotence workings for now.

I vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, followed by Ritual 42 of Success Magick.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies before bed.

End of the adventures.



Another day light on the adventures.

Vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, and followed it with Ritual 42 of Success Magick. I think I might be a bit addicted to the mantra, as I can’t seem to feel anything from the Enochian sigils if I don’t use it beforehand.

I’ve been musing on my upcoming work with the LWA. I still have no idea what they want with me, but from discussions I’ve had with @anon97554939, it seems they mainly like to teach, and mentor in how to use one’s own energy to accomplish goals, so I will assume that’s their plan with me. I do not practice the religion of Voudon, so I’m trying to figure out the best approach for my work with them as a Western ceremonial magician, but, since they came to me rather than the other way around, I figure they will just show up when it’s time, regardless if I “call” them or not. Just under three weeks to go.

I’ve started working with some techniques from Jason Miller’s book Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit. I feel that I need to refine my energy, and build up my subtle bodies more.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies before bed, to end the adventures.



Vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, and followed it with Ritual 42 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

I’ve decided to set up some daily chanting of the angelic mantras I’ve channelled, particularly the one for spiritual perfection. I’ve been musing on the possible effects if kept up for several months, or even a year. I keep rereading Lady Eva’s description of her practices when she was on the RHP, and the way she incorporated Hindu mantras into her daily actions, and I am intrigued with the possibility of doing something similar with the angelic mantas.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before bed.

As I lay in bed, trying to sleep, I was musing on my manifestation work, and my magick, and material success, and I was struck by the sensation of large blocks settling into place, and wheels turning. I got the feeling that the things I have done, and am doing, that are described in this journal, are finally going to pay off. It’s an odd sense of expectancy. Of course, looking back on my entries here, the last time I felt something big was coming my way, we wound up getting hit by a global pandemic, so…

Finally fell asleep at about 8 AM, thus ending the musings.



Today was rather pleasant. Gorgeous weather with plenty of sun, and a light breeze so it didn’t get too hot. Birds were chirping happily. I decided on the spur of the moment to fast for the day, so I only took water.

I started the adventuring off with doing some progressive relaxation, and then chanting the spiritual perfection mantra for about half an hour. It felt like my head was filling up, a rather odd sensation.

About an hour or so later, I vibrated the magical potential mantra for about ten minutes, and followed it with Ritual 42 of Success Magick.

In the early evening, I did some work with my Muladhara chakra. I think i may be out of balance in my lower points.

Later, I did some general energy work, with techniques from Robert Bruce, and then chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for about fifteen minutes.

Meditated for an hour to a Solffegio frequency track before sleep.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.



It was another nice day. It was almost pleasant enough to make me leave my cave lol

The adventures started with chanting the magical potential mantra in the early afternoon. It brought about a small headache but it quickly dissipated.

Several hours later, I vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, before performing Ritual 42 of Success Magick.

I did some more work with my Muladhara, using the Bija mantra and some mudra, in the early evening.

Later, I did some light energy work, and then chanted the mantra to enhance psychic powers for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards, I tried out a new pathworking a friend discovered. It was quite intriguing…and a bit weird.

The adventures ended with meditating to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before sleep.



It was a good day.

The adventures began with chanting of the spiritual perfection mantra for 30 minutes (I just realised I made a mistake in my previous entry. It should also read spiritual perfection mantra, not magical potential, for the first adventure). This mantra made my head feel a bit wobbly.

The adventures continued with the vibrating of the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, before performing Ritual 42 of Success Magick.

Several hours later, I chanted the mantra to heal the subtle bodies for about thirty minutes. When I was done, my body was buzzing with that sensation you get after working with a machine that has a heavy vibration, like a jackhammer.

Late in the evening, I did my Muladhara work, with the mantra and the mudras.

Finished the adventures with meditation to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour before bed.



Started the day with chanting the mantra for spiritual perfection for thirty minutes. I’ve been playing with some nuances of pronunciation.

In the afternoon, I vibrated the magical potential mantra for ten minutes, and then began Ritual 43 of Success Magick.

In the early evening, I did more work with my Muladhara, using the Bija mantra and mudras.

Finished my adventures in praxis with meditation on the Solfeggio frequencies before bed.