Knight Musings

16/6/23 & 17/6/23

Busy days. My only practice was the spiritual perfection mantra, and then I spent the majority of my day at a work event. I managed to fit in some light breathwork here and there though.

Not much happening on the spiritual front at the moment. I no longer feel any movement or hear a buzzing in the air. There’s no sense of expectation.

No dreams remembered.

End of the adventures.



A nice relaxed day after the chaotic energy of the work events of the last few days. It was pretty low-key, with no dreams remembered from the night before.

Spiritual perfection mantra for forty minutes upon waking.

Started Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

Meditation to a binaural for half an hour.

End of the day’s simple adventures.



A good day. Mood was elevated, but again no dreams were remembered.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes, followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

Had some cold beer and conversation with a good friend down at a local pub. It was an enjoyable time and reminded me about the magick inherent in the mundane.

In the evening, I chanted the psychic powers mantra again for about twenty minutes. Not sure why, I guess I just felt like it. My brain has started pulling up the mantras that I have used the most from memory for some reason and nudging me to chant them.

Fell asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural to end the adventures.



No dreams remembered, and I spent the day focused on mainly just enjoying life.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Chanted the psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes before performing Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

After some calisthenics, I went out to a good lunch. As I was eating and enjoying the food, I got a download of…something. I had to wait to write it down until I got home though. I’m not sure what the force behind what I got was, and will have to spend some time meditating on it to see if I can unravel some glimmer of understanding.

A few hours later, I meditated on the symbol I had received from my Fae guide for fifteen minutes.

In the evening, I chanted the psychic powers mantra again while watching a movie. The desire to chant just randomly popped into my head again.

Finished the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural track.


21/6/23 & 22/6/23

Simple, easy days. No success with lucid dreaming to report.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Psychic powers mantra for twenty minutes followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

Energy work and meditation in the evening.

End of the adventures.



Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes, followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

In the evening, I did an hour of energy work before a shamanic journey to see my Fae guide, as described here.

Finished off the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural.



A nice, relaxed day.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes upon waking.

Psychic powers mantra for thirty minutes and followed by Ritual 7 of Success Magick.

A fifteen minute no-mind meditation in the afternoon.

Has some unexpected money manifest in my account.

Ended the adventures with lucid dreaming practice.



A good day, just enjoying myself.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes an hour after waking.

It was a day off in between the rituals from Success Magick so I mainly just focused on meditation and some energy work. I’m still working on getting quicker results via pure assertion of will but so far it’s taking several hours to a few days to bring something into my reality.

I’ve been trying to determine what kind of large scale changes I want to bring into my life. I’m tired of thinking small and only limiting myself to a little boost here and there. I feel that it’s really time to test the limits of my magick. I’ve never really had a reason to fully exert myself and see just what I can accomplish. What do I have to lose?

End of the adventures.



Started with the usual spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and the psychic powers mantra for twenty before beginning Ritual 8 of Success Magick.

In the evening, I decided to change things up a bit and chanted the Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu mantra for twenty minutes. It has a resonance quite distinct from the angelic mantras I channeled and it felt a bit awkward rolling off the tongue since I’ve been using only the angelic mantras for several years now.

Belial has been on my mind lately. I have a lot of anger simmering about several things going on in my life and I think my rage is calling to him. His name has also been popping up on the forum in a way that kind of feels like he wants me to notice him. Maybe it’s time for a call.

End of the day’s adventures.



I started the day’s adventures with the alash mantra instead of the spiritual perfection mantra. It felt a bit weird and seemed out of harmony with my general routine. It was jarring and lacked the flow of my usual mantra.

In the afternoon I performed Ritual 8 of Success Magick. I’m thinking I might also start Brand’s Wealth Magick book to go along with the Enochian rituals. I’ve had the book for years but have never actually worked through it.

In the evening, I chanted Belial’s song for about twenty minutes. It was done rather informally while watching a movie. After using the angelic mantras for almost three years, the song felt awkward, like the alash mantra did. It’s vibrations clashed with what is already set in my energy field.

Later, I did an exercise to try and communicate with a friend’s cat. I managed to pick up some vague telepathic impressions but it was difficult to separate them from the shadows of my own mind. More practice is required.

Ended the adventures with some lucid dreaming practice. Still having difficulty remembering my dreams upon waking.



A simple day. Started with the alash mantra for thirty minutes after waking. It still feels a bit awkward but the resonance is beginning to smooth out and flow better.

Performed Ritual 8 of Success Magick in the afternoon.

In the evening, I again chanted Belial’s song informally for about forty minutes. It flows really well for me and I can chant it absentmindedly while performing other tasks. I can feel its pulse within my Ajna.

The day’s adventures ended with meditation to a binaural before sleep.



Not much to journal about as the month comes to an end. My daily practices remain pretty much the same as ever with a little variation. I do mantra in the morning, Succes Magick ritual in the afternoon, and meditation in the evening. Occasionally I’ll throw in an evocation or pathworking.

I’m going to make the alash mantra my daily practice for a while and wean myself away from the angelic mantras. They’ve completely permeated my energy field so the energies of the alash mantra and Belial’s song still feel a little uncomfortable.

I chanted Belial’s song in the evening while gazing at his seal but I was disrupted by my roommate so only spent about ten minutes doing so. Later, I connected with Belial via Corwin’s Goetia Pathworking method for help with an issue I’m having at work.

End of the daily adventures.



Nothing to report beyond my daily practices of mantra and meditation, with the alash mantra after waking and meditation to a binaural in the evening. In between I did Ritual 8 of Success Magick and informally chanted Belial’s song.

End of the adventures.



My daily practices continue as usual. Alash mantra in the morning, Success Magick in the afternoon, and meditation in the evening. i also chanted Belial’s song randomly when the urge struck me.

I’ve started experimenting with so called “subliminals” to see whether or not they are just a placebo or if they actually do work and might be useful for enhancing my magick.

The adventures continue.


2/7/23 & 3/7/23

Daily practices of mantra and meditation and thinking about ways to smooth out events in my reality. It’s feels like trying to play chess with a toddler on Red Bull. I think my universal interface could use some good ol’ percussive maintenance.

End of the adventures.



Mantra and meditation daily practices. Started Ritual 9 of Success Magick. Too many things on my mind and too many things to do that I’m procrastinating on everything badly. Unsure of the next step to take. Perhaps I should change the title of this journal to More Adventures in Analysis Paralysis.


Knight Musings sounds more calming, lol.

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5/7/23 & 6/7/23

The usual mantras and meditation. Put the Success Magick rituals on hold for the time being as I haven’t really been feeling the Enochian lately.

Have successfully manifested some extra monies. Still working on making it more of a steady stream though. Right now, it’s just an extra few hundred dollars coming in here and there.

Still looking at several things for my next major operation, but am currently leaning towards undertaking the “Chymical Wedding” aka the balancing of the Solar and Lunar forces within the microcosm. It’s a purely energetic operation, with no spirits necessary.

The adventures continue.


If I remember right, either you or someone else said that they had a successful dropshipping business. Was that you?

No, that was not me. I do not have a business. I work in the arts.