Kitāb al-Fihrist - Unlocking the aspects of the 71 Jinn (and then some)

I have worked extensively with Zuhal/her energy the last couple of months. Among the necessary transformational joys and sorrows (really, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. It brought me -and let me stay!- into an interpersonal companionship that I authentically enjoy) I’ve made another discovery.

Plants stopped dying on me like they’ve used to. Its some sort of insider joke by now that plant based life tends to be obliterated by my presence alone, despite meticulous and sincere care.

Zuhal always implied that this natural saturnian tendency from my side isn’t a box or a prison or an illness but that its simply a domain that flourishes best when I don’t ignore it or hide away from it.

I’ve started to accept a certain kind of lot since I’ve aligned myself with Zuhals energy and I think that it was around that time when plants stopped doing whatever happens to them when they are exposed to me. I even reaped my first chili harvest, yesterday. While standing on a fresh green patch of grass that grew back from the more or less dead soil that this garden has turned into, not too long ago :joy: I suppose that Saturns agricultural aspect started to kick in the moment I consciously decided to accept its never waning presence as a gift and not as a taint.

Zuhal also made me be accepting of the responsibility that comes with some other aspects of that alignment. I will probably stay close-ish to the death industry when it comes to generating an income or exercising professional craftsmanship. Its not like I am forcing this stuff onto a next generation with that dying bloodline of mine, so I can comfortably make myself at home inside of this for the decades to come. It could be worse.