The Eidolons journey

Another thing, it doesn’t have to be connected to the powder but I note it down nonetheless.
The target switched out the pair of shoes that they are wearing; its the only pair of shoes thats been replaced. I do wonder if the powder makes it uncomfortable to wear what its sprinkled on :face_with_monocle:

Healing working notes:
a coworker thats been diagnosed with cancer some months ago had their first day of work :potted_plant: This coworker has been the first target I did non-remote healing workings on. Their medical treatment is officially finished :slight_smile: At the moment I am busy with getting their mental health back on track, so they can recover from the fear that the diagnosis and the treatment and change of life circumstances brought into their life.

I have put the mask into quarantine, for now. I will see what I can do for its inhabitant.
Of course I had to visit my parents beforehand; my father seems to be paranoid about his health declining - as its currently the case with all male members of this bloodline- and me not showing up for him. Which I still won’t. I’ve told them about me not drinking anymore; the first thing they did when I arrived was offering me all sorts of liqueur before ending up giving me two bottles of the hard shit as a “gift”. They also reminded me about their eternal weaponized incompetence that I had to deal with for as long as I can think. Something was too inconvenient for them? “I don’t know how to do that/You have to do it yourself”. A little incident in that regard made me drive home with a seething rage. I had no idea how angry I was about this until then. They moaned to me about not being able to generate any kind of savings in their life although they stole a juicy inheritance from me, when I was still a kid. Whatever they did with that, it apparently wasn’t part of their retirement plan. I am planning on asking them about that when they will express the idea of financially supporting them :relieved:

Something more pleasant:
Plants stopped dying on me. Also, Saturn.

A sidequest:
detecting the whereabouts of stolen items from a friend that have been removed from their family roughly 22 years ago. I am really not sure about the success rate, the energetic traces are super thin by now and I am also sure that the items have been splitted up and have found new owners, every piece in a different place. But I will check in with that task every now and then, as I might have been shown the whereabouts about something very specific in March, before I even knew about that incident. This might be fun :grinning:

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