KING Paimon

So I will go ahead and try to make contact with King Paimon as I’ ve heard that he is easy going and patient with beginners and newbies. All I have to my disposal are about 5 blue candles and a small whiteboard to draw his sigil on.
I have little money to invest in an offering but I dont know what he likes. Do you guys know. Some kind of food, maybe?
And Im thinking about trying to contact Lucifer aswell but due to my strict penacostal upbringing just the very thought of him makes my subconcouis mind tremble. So I have to gather some more ballz for that one.

PS. If you got som practical info on Buné, please hit me up. Im not giving up on this magick stuff, hehe :stuck_out_tongue:


King paimon loves sweets so any kind of sweet candy should work

For drinks wine, tea,(ecspecially green) and iv heard that he likes mtn dew can’t confirm tho


Thanks man! Should by cryons and make a circle as well or is it unnescessery?

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Me iv never done circles but it’s a good thing to get into he’s a creative spirit so you could draw a picture with the intent as an offering you could do the same with music if your a musician he loves music more then about anything.


Oh Good. I am a musician in fact. :grin:


If you need any help let me know iv become his spokesman it’s seems :joy:


Haha Allright. Is there any chants to make him come or do I just say: King Paimon come, come?

I will buy him sweets and tea. And as payment write him a song and poem and a drawing. Is that fair?


He’ll probably like anything you do. From my experience they’ll come anytime you call them but he has an end

Linan tasa jedan paimon


Let me find it to make sure that’s correct…

Paimon – Linan tasa jedan Paimon


King Paimon is a true king and likes to be addressed as such. He is about influence and manipulation so he is very good at helping people navigate the corporate and political ecosystem.

He appeared to me in a dream as a well-dressed businessman or politician. And I’ve seen him in his more common form wearing a turban. Note that he has two attendants that are also considered kings, but they’re actually more like high ranking nobles or knights.


I usually give him an offering of milk and honey and whatever sweets i can find. Probably not the best offering ever but I think it works.


I got my reasons to think King Paimon assisted, and still assisting, me during certain events.
Do you think it will be ok if I meditate on his sigil? Even if I’m not able enough to open sigils


Try? Why not??

I can add my 2 cents if you like. When I prepare offerings for him sometimes what I have really high end stuff and sometimes I have more common fare. It is not so much about WHAT you are offering to him, but more about the RELEVANCE of that offering in relation to you. If the best thing to eat in your house at the time is honey and a donut and you offer it to him instead of eating it yourself, then even a King could not hold you to a higher standard. It is about respect and effort. If you ever ask him to teach you he is fair, but he absolutely will hold you to that standard.

My first successful interaction with him was after chanting “Lord Paimon, King Paimon” over and over until I did not know if I was saying it with my voice or my mind. I did not know what an Enn was at the time.

100% correct. I liked this one when I learned it. King Paimon seems to like it too, but I still do it the old way sometimes, especially when giving Him offerings outside of an evocation. One note on the annunciation of “jedan”. The “j” in “jedan” is spoken as a “y” sound, phonetically “yay-den”.

This is a great idea. I do it often.


King Paimon as mentioned before wants to be addressed not only as a king, but also with the greatest respect. Wine would be good as an offering or something sweet. He is a really good teacher and he can teach you many thing including secrets of the universe. Though he is not into helping you with love matters because he believes that there are more important things to do first. Also, his sigil and a candle and a circle too, are more than enough to summon him. Good luck :slight_smile:


I have offered a bowl of donuts and a glass of sweet wine to King Paimon. Along with Frankincense and Myrrh incense.


So I have a question, I’m rather new also. What’s an “enn”?


It’s a way of calling a spirit in the demonic tounge


It’s a phrase (it could be a single word as well), that has the energy of the spirit and by saying it, you summon it or to say it better, you get its energy and somehow, connect with it. I believe that’s why you can summon it by saying it. Everything is because of energy works.


Red wine