Look both names up in the search feature on this forum… there are LOTS of posts that give very good details about King Paimon and Bune.
I hope you find info that works for you.
What do you think how we learned it?
Yes, it’s more then just ok.
It actually get’s you to learn it.
Prior to sigils, there had been idol’s used for summoning.
And Enn’s are somewhat similar to Mantra’s or Prayors in a sense.
They tell a specific calling, which result’s in transmition to other planes of existence then our’s.
You may have heard the concept of God / Demons being outside of our reality and yet inside aswell.
An Enn, can also be seen as short form for _E_voki_n_g that _N_ame.
Enn’s therefore can call and cast into reality what normally can’t be here.
Thank you guys for helping me understand that
all the demons love sweets and candy
Hello, do you think King Paimon could help me get my banker to stop asking me money or give me more time to get the money. Also, I am in the hospital right now, so I don’t have any offerings to give him. Do you think I can still call upon him ?
I think he can help you out. Also, you can give him the offerings once you’re out of the hospital. I hope you get well soon!
King Paimon will understand your situation and will understand that you can’t give him any offerings while in the hospital. From my experience working with him, he’s very patient, kind and understanding.
If you have nothing to offer, maybe offer public acknowledgement to let everyone know of his power and how he helped you.
Thank you very much for your answers. I will do it tonight. I was thinking of writing him a poem and then draw his sigil on the back and when meditating on the sigil, His energy would pass through the poem to let him know I wrote it in His Honor.