King paimon tortures woman in hell

It sounds like King Paimon, but the problem here isn’t that King Paimon did something, or that someone else was there. It’s that the person here thought that what he did, he did it to harm her, which is false.

King Paimon’s palace isn’t a prison. When a soul gets in there it’s automatically immersed as that woman said, but not because it’s a prison, because of the great energies, the soul feels like it’s back home in the spirit realm. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a good thing, it’s just that this person was scared and didn’t know about King Paimon, so she was scared of things that could harm her.

Also, his palace isn’t an illusion or anything. It’s indeed the most perfect place in the spirit realm. There you can see true beauty, like no other anywhere.

King Paimon knows how to talk, how to make you feel good, what to say, he has great knowledge, but he doesn’t try to tempt you or anything. Well, sometimes he does try to impress you, but that’s it, nothing more. He’s not somone who’s trying to bait you, because he wouldn’t waste his time with that. As I said, this woman was just scared, if she knew better, she would realize that King Paimon wasn’t trying to harm her.

As for that chain he gave her. King Paimon LOVES chains, but not in the way people think. Chains have their own attributes and their own powers if you make them like that. The golden chains, for example, are one of the King’s weapons of choice, they can capture any spirit and it just can’t escape, even with the power of thought. But he doesn’t trap spirits, that’s just not him.

I was given a few years ago such a chain necklace, but not as a trap. That chain necklace was taking power from the cosmos (or so I think) and it was giving that energy to me. It made me so much more effective. I later passed that power to my talisman and it serves me even better! That woman saw chains and thought that something bad was going on. However, a fire can be destructive, but it can also be a power source for whole cities to thrive, always remember that.

As for those feelings of being uneasy, hot, or drained, it’s natural when dealing with such powerful energies. She really needs some energy work.

So, I stopped watching at 24:10 cause I got bored. But here’s what I think:

That woman did meet King Paimon, but also other spirits. I think that she was moving from place to place in the spirit realm and she was tricked by other spirits to see all places as the King’s palace. She sometimes was there and sometimes just thought she was. She sometimes met with King Paimon and sometimes she thought she did.

Even when she met with him, she has this negative view on him and the spirit realm. She thinks that they’re out to get her (they’re not). So, yeah, her beliefs and her fear created some bad experiences. Also, let me tell you, hell DOESN’T exist, however you can CREATE hell with your thoughts if they’re negative and full of fear.

PS: How can she call herself a demonologist and not know about King Paimon? She said she had never heard of him until recently. Like, what?


dont take every magick experience on youtube as fact…


There are many YouTubers (or ”occultists“ in general) that I cannot take seriously, and she has just joined the ranks (I’ve never heard of her before, and don’t care enough to look at her other videos). This is me putting it very nicely. I wish everyone good luck on their journey, but this here…:clown_face:


King Paimon is known to scream to intimidate you in the first encounter. If you show you are strong then he will reveal his good will to help you. If not… well… good luck. That screaming is documented in the Goetia as follows:

“… he hath a great voice, and roareth at his first coming”.


And yes, I know, some people experience an entity that I personally may have a great relationship with, in a negative or even scary way. That’s ok, and I’m not personally affected by that, meaning: I don’t get my panties in a twist if someone screams ”King Paimon baaaaad!“ - because that person’s path or experience is theirs, and has more than likely nothing to do with mine or other people’s. But she’s another one of those shallow would-be occultists who think they know The Truth™® because they took a peek into the astral realm and their fantasies, fears and repressed (daddy) issues got the best of them. Which, btw, King Paimon gets a kick out of exposing. Just saying…


I am only five minutes into it and there is one very big red flag. She mentions the movie Hereditary (which focuses on King Paimon) before approaching him, how she did not like it and you can see the distrusted emotions in her eyes. There is a very big need to drop your expectations before evocation, especially if you are afraid of the spirit, or your own mind is going to eat you alive. I will need to finish the video but that was a very important point to keep in mind.

That being said, @DarkestKnight is right. No spirit is “good” or “evil” and all are capable of doing some serious damage if they choose to (keyword if). Doing things like learning how to protect yourself and meditating on the sigils of spirits you want to work with prior to evocation are important to the point where they can save you a lot of grief. Obviously, not every spirit is going to attack the magician (I’ve only had it happen a couple times, mainly from me starting it) but being able to hold your own can be viewed as a sign of respect.

And yes, it is wise to take every account working with a spirit with a grain of salt


She has made other videos telling other occultist they are wrong for working with demons because she knows the “truth” and saw them in the Astral


Best comment, too many people newbies and some experienced try too hard to sugarcoat Paimon or any goetic demon/Judeo angel to make them sound like they’re perfection or they will write off as “well theyre trying to teach you something” which then imo those people must not have met the legit ones.


Well, there you go. :woman_shrugging:


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I’ve been attacked a few times to make sure this would happen, regardless of who did it. Mainly by Abaddon and Belial. Came in handy last night, but that’s another entry.


Days after I wrote in this forum that no demon had ever growled at me, Azazel gave me a fully clairaudient experience growling right in my left ear.

My impression was that he thought that was hillarious. :joy:


Yeah, I have had to hold my own with Belial during my pathworking with him. He made a point to show where my defenses were weak


King Paimon fucked up an aspect of my life because I wasn’t true to my word. I forgot to do something I had promised as part of our pact. I still work with him. I recognize that I fucked up, and he punished me.

That being said, this woman sounds like she’s full of shit.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I like how high pitched someones voice grows when they are lying or disclosing “memories” which are partly fabricated.


Oh well! She got to write a book and make a video out of it! It wouldn’t be interesting if there isn’t “good vs evil” to the story!


What is one person’s treasure is another’s poison or whatever the saying is

There’s lots of people I don’t like who don’t like me… but that doesn’t mean they can’t be lovely to others they do like and are always the way they are to me… we just don’t mix well and I’ve no doubt they’re perfectly nice to others

Setting aside my personal belief that entities are part of our own subconscious, I can empathise its a bit of a shock when you expect something to be positive and for you it’s negative… I remember as a Christian when the biblical God flipped on me in my perception and being like aren’t you meant to be love???

I do wonder when people have books out if it’s genuine or not, but whatever, it’s possible that is completely her experience… and isn’t this why it’s recommended not to believe something because you are told it but only if your direct experience confirms it to be true?

Personally King Paimon seemed ok to me, not the energy I would choose to work with daily but no expectations of him dragging me down to torture me in hell


Not all beings I’ve worked with are comedians, but I swear the ones that are have a unique way of showing it lol


All you need is doing a little bit of research. Before she was a so called demonologist she had pretty good spiritual development vids. Then she took on the opinion of the church on demons and every demon was bad, in many vids. So King Paimon she saw in a movie and she thought. Let’s make some more money on this.