King paimon tortures woman in hell

Now it’s quite simple. When you go with negative thoughts to a Daemon you will attract negativity. Go with positivity and respect.


I don’t fully watched the video but here is an idea: If a being like King Paimon REALLY wanted to torture and harm her, she is not told this story like she told a simple nightmare. And of course, Demons and other spiritual beings are not Foster’s İmaginary Friends. Sometimes they can be wrathful and malicious. Even some of them look like harmed you, but in fact did this thing for your future good. Their appearance, actions and manners greatly differs one people to another. Suppressed fears and contempt may change negatively their attitude negatively towards the Magician.


People build their own mental cages, and what they get from a shitty mindset is something according to that. Imagination is a tool, but in her case, as with many others, it’s mainly a stumbling block that will keep her trapped inside her own constricting ideas. Mind you, she could also see this hellish little trip of hers as a way to question her beliefs and confront some of her own issues, but I doubt she will, because it’s not comfortable, and it doesn’t sell as much as click-baity sensationalism. So she got the “hell” she imagined and created for herself. It’s quite sad for her if she actually takes all this seriously. If she doesn’t believe her own words, then she’s even more pathetic for putting on this cringeworthy show.

One way that I know King Paimon can “torture” you is by putting a mirror in front of your face and making you see what you’re really made of. Which can be anything but pretty sometimes, and which some people cannot handle. But those who have the guts to take a good look will ultimately learn and grow from it. And then they might be able to understand their own potential for true beauty and power more than ever before, they will literally see the world with different eyes. If you’re dealing with Him, that is, and not some ludicrious horror fantasy you’ve concocted from watching Hereditary and 50 Shades of Bullshit. Unless that’s all you can wrap your mind around.


So, correct me if I’m wrong so we’re going to normalize demons being abusive as teaching you for your own good now and not just cause they want to be abusive in the moment…or am I misunderstanding this?


im stealing that demon and angel dabbing image


No, I just told what I read from some peoples experiences. Some Demons and other entities chooses harsh ways to strip your weaknesses and show your faults. That is what I trying to tell.


i think the question is where is the line between test and abuse? when the experience serves no purpose to your personal well being afterwards and during the experience, imo, though i could be wrong


Ah okay gotcha, just checking because a few on here like to think abusive demon=oh theyre just trying to help, and that seems to be something that needs to not be normalized, demon or not no entity should be given a pass to treat you like shit (unless you consent and are into that kind of thing :laughing: )


this i think is the line between abuse and test, imo, but i could be wrong


It very much would be but anyone can lie and tell you that it’s for your own good and still beat the crap out of you for their own agenda. However, it’s up to you to see how much you’ll allow any entity to treat you and for how long.


That is certainly what I talk about :+1:t2:

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Sometimes, they do this to test you to see if you’ll stand up to them and/or tell them to piss off. I’ve ended rituals from their behavior before.


thats why its up to you to determine if its a test as well, your inner voice and all that, and usually i believe when its a test, they would never go beyond what you can handle.
, expanding upon what you said here

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Sadly not everyone has that inner voice because it’s muffled by the intense ass kissing sound lol, I have no problem standing up to a demon, an angel, or any other entity. I learned the hard way when Baal tried to screw me over lol.


I’ve walked away from beings suggesting they take operatorship over my operation lol. I do think that least some of the spirits will ask you to do things, or even tell you to, to see if they own you or you are the operator.

Tough times that take away the things holding you back, and abuse are not the same thing imop. I’ve seen beings turn lives upside-down, because that was the only way to get it right again, but abuse? eh wouldn’t work for me. (And I wonder why I can’t get on the demon dick trolley. I swear it’s me and not them)


I’ve never had one try to test me mid ritual however.


I have. The first time, I figured I did something wrong. They just kept pushing and nothing was good enough, so I had to tell them where to go. They did it a few more times to make sure I learned the lesson. Hasn’t really been a problem since, but they do sometimes to things to see if I remember the lesson or not. Hasn’t happened in a good while from Belial or Abaddon. Legion tried it and that ended up in the Shadownomicon journal. Those lessons were why I closed the portal I had open.


If it is not private, can you tell what Ball tried to did?

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I saw that, I found it interesting tbh. I was like hmm, something out of my realm of experience but that could happen in the future if I am not clear on where I stand. I actually think I’ve never had it happen in ritual because… I am very firm in what my position is on things. I mean I can always learn more and grow and all that, but as far as what I will and will not do… I know the answer and will not budge. I think they sense that or something.

I lied to you. I had Samedi test me before going into ritual when I was doing the Balg projects. Lol someone will probably remember seeing my notes and call me out on it :frowning: He was questioning who I was not about to summon and tried telling me it was upsetting to that spirit. I told him- that if the spirit in question had issues, he could come up and let me know himself, otherwise I would continue as planned.


During an etheric expedition Baal triggered a group of angels(not the typical angels vs demons stuff) but I trusted him for that moment lol and it was a group of 3 angels (we were in their ‘territory’ while I was in the projection and he thought it would be funny to watch me have to deal with their pissed off attitudes but in the end it didnt go as planned and ended without hostility, he also at one point attracted a lot of these ghoul entities to me and left me to deal with it, while by themselves ghouls are very easy to deal with but in groups it’s annoying and hard.


I came to this side from the demonolatry route. So, that affected my point of view on where I stood in comparison to them. Those lessons (and similar ones) are why I say “honor”, instead of worship with regards to them (now). It’s also why they continue to press me to command as much as follow. That’s also why they’re shifting it more and more towards using authority. I’m much better, but still have a way to go.