Killing vampiric Parasites for once and for all!

Stop eating them unless you have a means of changing that negativity to something good lol.

Any success?

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Try using the technique that J.A. Ragnarson posted on his youtube channel: - YouTube This has worked wonders for me!

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I’ll try that, thank you

None :smiley:

Exactly that’s whats happening
I’m too tired to fight anymore

You are right

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Ask them why are you draining me?
We haven’t had many conversations

Yes. And if they don’t answer, ask to speak to who sent them, and if there is none or they don’t answer, maybe nobody sent them and you’re attracting them for some reason,

Or try a divination to find out the root cause.

For example, if you were leaking energy, and these are astral wildlife coming around like sharks come when they smell blood in the water.


At the moment I don’t remember everything but in the past I’ve read about destroying larvae and such. The metal tip of sword or athame, and the Initiate who is able to “fulminate” them…
It also occurred to me of find online a practice: visualize inside or around you a Sun, basically its fierce rays precisely destroys the parasites.


Is life good otherwise?


I should do that

My magic has been badly affected the past few days. Most things I do don’t work and my abilities have grown very very weak.
It’s very unusual for me


It’s happening like before
Before I joined this site. I used to imagine the worst possible thing happening to me and others and they usually would.
That’s what’s happening…
Anything good I want doesn’t happen

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No no I don’t mean your magick I mean Life Is your life good otherwise or is there a lot of negative stuff going on?


My life is filled with negativity and there is pretty much nothing I can even do


Ah, here is why they keep coming back. If this is too personal to share I suggest:

Take the time everyday to acknowledge what is good.

Do ritual cleansing and banishing

Perform magick for better life scenarios


I will try my best

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Become strong
Grow stronger
You will reach a point where these parasites won’t even dare to lay a hand on you.
Prove to them how Dangerous you are, show them you are not to be fucked with.


This is exactly why I think they will not help her