Just a Big Sorry to Everyone

Don’t know if this is related but I’m picking up on a small insect like thing about a foot tall that keeps lunging and biting. Maybe look into that.


OOF, I forgot how parasites love to feed off of people, who are in this kinda state. :sweat_smile:

I’ll feed off of it in return. Thanks for telling me.


You mentioned panic attacks, @anon9236988? You never mentioned about when it occurs, or what actually causes these attacks. It doesn’t have to be a “parasite” at all, causing this.

By drawing the “parasite”-card everytime there is some discomforting going on, doesn’t solve any problems. You can’t see anything in front of you when covering your face with your hand, right? But if you remove your hand from your face, you might see the solution standing in front of you.

You, obviously, get support from your spirits when this happens, so maybe something else is triggering the panic attacks? Phobias are serious shit, but it’s all in our head. And there’s only one way to defeat phobias, and that’s by systematic desensitization, which is a form of a gradual exposure therapy. Our lovely spirits are very good therapists, and my own spirits are aiding me whenever I get a panic attack in crowdy spaces.

If you are overly sensitive to energies, like I can be sometimes, getting a panic attack is not that unusual, but rather common.


I’ve had the same feeling for awhile it was brought about how I am normally I just cut people off and and tbh am rude on a daily and my mind never let me enjoy being on here cause it’s like you don’t deserve them you asshole

I was typing that then a group of people showed up and wished me well so Idk if it made any since

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You’ve never angered anyone. I adore you :tulip:


You’re fine. I have not seen you do anything wrong and I have 80/80 vision, so I would have seen it.

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Naw, you’re cool.
And a reminder that we are in the midst of Mercury retrograde. These sort of feelings are normal.


@anon9236988, why would you say that. You’ve always posted nice reactions and participated. Please stay yourself and don’t doubt yourself. You are stronger than any parasite.


Hey there @anon9236988 hit me up if you want my shadow work guideline.

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You’re cool with me, man. Peace.

Have a hot dog and a Coke on me. And a bag of chips.

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Alrighty, thanks again, everyone. :sweat_smile:


what’ s up? you never did anything wrong?:thinking:
we love you babe!
don’t worry, Mercury is retrograde until the 15th… take a chill pill :slight_smile:


Perfectly Stated :crown:


I would like 2 say congratulations on graduating 2the next lvl of Divine Goddess. It’s such a Beautiful Initiation Process right!

It’s not easy however, people & spirits can be jealous & they send psychic attacks when we are CLOSE 2reaching tht next lvl.

Embrace the Beautiful Narcissist in U Dear. Love the Good, Bad Ugly… All the Queens, Lady’s, Witches & Sorceresses thru out the ages where Bad Bitches. they never apologized for shit. Cleopatra, Persephone, Innana, Kali Ma, Pomba Gira, Lilith, Naamah~

Own Ur Beauty. from every spectrum of the rainbow. & No Fucks shld be Given as @succupedia eloquently stated … it’s Totally Beneath Us♡


Shadow work is hard, especially when you’re still young and may not have as much experience with the mindset of “Things suck now, but nothing stays the same forever.” I enjoy your posts and your presence on the forum. Your journal is one of my favorite reads. I’m glad you’re getting a gentle touch. I’ve found that a lot of spirits will push you to grow, but not to breaking, especially if there’s love there.


TBH, I don’t have regrets on making this post. Thanks to everyone’s response, I feel a lot better. This helps me ascend. I just know it. :smile:

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Don’t worry I seem to be like that I seem to upset someone or something. But I have been an outsider all my life🙂

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No worries No sorries No sorrowies? Humor aside, it takes reflection of self and character to be sorry anyway, so thank you for that! Ascend to the infinite realms of nothingness and beyound :slight_smile:


That’s what I was seeing. I just sensed something small. That’s why I posted what I did about the tormentor thing. I was not sure it was my imagination or not… So thank you for saying what you saw, unlike me.


I might as well post another sorry here again.

I apologize for how I panicked the other day, because now barely anyone seems to want to have anything to do with me… I mean, people make mistakes, but I guess mine must’ve been pretty bad since I’m being ignored more often. But it’s all whatever…

I’m sorry… I know I should learn to not care… might as well since I’m always on people’s bad side for some reason…