Just a Big Sorry to Everyone

Buck up, the more you think people are ignoring you, the more you’ll notice things that make you think it’s true, the weirder you’ll become to people, and then they actually might start to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Put your big kid pants on and carry on regardless, I can’t think of any reason anyone would ignore you, we all make posts we hope to get nice responses to and for whatever reason no-one replies, happens to me, happens to everyone. :smiley:


Yup. Just keep on doing you… People might love your posts, people might hate 'em (and it’s a fact that try as you might, not everyone is going to like you for whatever reason), but that shouldn’t matter. What’s important, IMO, is staying genuine to your ideas and what you want to express.

And for what it’s worth I enjoy reading your posts, but that shouldn’t matter a damn in the grand scheme of things. Fuck popular opinion & stay true to yourself! :smiley::+1:


It sure is. But I can understand the frustration and questions popping up, when that happens:

…and, yes, some threads in here, whether it’s written by myself or someone else, takes a lot of time and effort to make. But there can be many reasons for not getting a response, and some of it can be as simple as a lack of similar experience to verify it. And if that’s the case, more fucking kudos to you, right?

I might wonder sometimes, but there’s still a lot more to write and share. I just continue sharing, because I love the creative aspect of writing and it’s empowering to share. It’s a part of my ascent.

Don’t be sorry. Don’t apologise. Be yourself and stop giving a damn.


Yeah, I was starting to worrying if it’s just me or what. It happens when it’s a topic that I’m determined about. I get more fired up and therefore moody too… I was, of course, super determined today. :sweat_smile:

“She’s a puppy. She thinks she needs to live off of attention.” - Azazel.

Awh man, Azazel had to chime in with that… Come on… so not true… :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Everyone has their own interests and focus on here. Sometimes people wander into our area of focus, interactions happen, and they wander back out again. It’s normal.



I’ve read several of your responses, and I can’t possibly comprehend how you could’ve offended anyone.

Honestly, I wouldn’t describe you as selfish, inquisitive, sure, but nothing came off (to me) as selfish.

You’re cool with me, anyway. :slight_smile:


the old windbag is probably just messing with you, and everyone knows that puppys are adorable :smiley:



Yeah, I know. He and other entities like teasing me about how I’m a puppy, lol!


@anon9236988 if you feel neglected socially maybe time to do some frienship magic and alter your social circle. might help you feel better later on. i’m looking into the same thing.


Ur awesome. <3 fam

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Aw, thank you! :smile:

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