Journal: Best way to overcome lust for results [musing on doubt in love magick]

Best way to overcome this is don’t.

As soon as your spell is cast don’t force your mind not to think about it.

Just make sure whenever a doubt creeps in you tell yourself a story line that would imply you didn’t have what you wanted and now u do and keep it moving.

Eventually your subconscious will obey.

The worst thing to tell a new magician is DONT LUST FOR RESULTS.

It’s like telling someone don’t think of a pink elephant!!

You did didn’t ya.

On the contrary let energy flow around you and through you just keep speaking and wording sentences to yourself in ways that sound believable to you.

For example say you did a love spell yesterday and today you catch yourself thinking about it just say aloud or inside

“It’s amazing how Jane joe didn’t care now I’m all she thinks about.
I’m so happy knowing my love for her is being reciprocated”

And keep it moving.

Do this every time lust sets in and watch how easier magic becomes. :slight_smile:


I’ve been doing some baneful magick these last few months.

Since I can’t seem to 100% avoid lusting for results, I decided to offer my wrath as fuel for the spirits to take from me whenever I feel it (which happens often).

Thoughts? Anybody else tried this?

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I mean, wrath is a really strong emotion to offer spirits.

Instead of doing that why not create a servitor a to pick away obsessive anxious thoughts when they enter your mind.

And the food you shall feed it will be your wrath. :wink:

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As soon as I saw the title of the thread, I was prepared to say the same thing!

Lust for results is not mentioned in any traditional text as far as I have seen. When I stopped worrying about lust for results, I have not noticed any worsening in results. Everything is simply better.

Of course, any magician is free to worry about lust for results if they desire, but a more relaxed approach is also valid. We have seen many times magicians on here, especially complete beginners, have had success in their petitions or rituals despite lusting for results. Yet, when a new magician’s ritual fails, often times lust for results is relied on as an explanation for why this happened.


I got the book of servitors by Damon Brand, and I read amazing reviews of it, but I never made one tbh… that’s a good idea.

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Yes, it’s this exact thinking that helps me move my magick along. We’re human, sometimes we lust for results…and when I feel those negative thoughts trying to creep in, I push them out and either think to myself or say, "It feel so nice to have (insert desired manifestation here) happen.


It feels good to be debt free.
I’m glad my relationship with so and so improved.
I’m happy I have the motivation to continue eating healthy and getting in shape.



Or simply say “It’s working”
When I have any thoughts at all about a ritual I’ve done I take it as an indication that the working is in progress.

Because of this retrograde, I got an upgrade on my sexual energy and it is very impressive. SO much so that it is impossible to control. I am writing this to you now, because I got trigged by the word ‘‘lust’’ and I feel many more people on this planet will have the same upgrade like I had. It would be great for members who did has this event, to mention it on this forum. We could compare side effects etc. Better yet why it is like that now.

Most definitely.

Same as me.

For me, when I feel negative thoughts coming through I’ll hold my hand over my heart breath slow and say;

“I AM all that Jane doe desires”
“I AM receiving calls from Jane doe constantly”
“I AM the obsession of Jane doe”
“I AM the first thing thing Jane doe thinks of in the morning and the last thing she thinks of before bed” :wink:

I’ll say them slowly and submerge myself in the feeling. This is why it helps to place your hand over your heart because you connect with the feeling better.

It’s amazing how fast doing slow I AMs shift your entire state.

And remember.

Negative thoughts about the target aren’t going to manifest.

It’ll only manifest if it’s accompanied with the FEELING of lack, paranoia or anxiety.

So as soon as a thought comes nip it in the bud and don’t give life to it.

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So I was pondering love magic and lust for results and I realised that the worst and I mean the WORST emotion to feel while awaiting manifestation is that of dread.

That sinking feeling of dread that hits you like a ton of bricks in the pit of your stomach every time you think negatively about an outcome is the WORST kind of thing to feel while manifesting.

It kills all magic.

It literally exudes lack and loss and that’s the message your sending.

I don’t know if anyone’s ever felt this but if you have you can relate to how sickening it feels.

It only lasts for a split second but boy it’s draining af.

It’s such a strong emotion that it’ll literally knock you out of your flow.

It overpowers all positive feelings.

Especially when you cast an ex return spell and then a day later you get hit with that feeling imagining them doing all the freaky sh** they did with you to them it’s so sickening.

Don’t let this feeling overcome you whatever you do.

I moved your post in here and put in Journals, as you seem to be musing generally on the topic of doubt in love magick. If you keep all your posts together it will be easier for all of us to get the full picture. :slight_smile: